Yesterday was one of the most sensuous, hopeful days that I've had in a long time. It was wonderful. It was mainly because of Kimmeth. Anyways, I worked yesterday and it was hot as hell. I just sat up in Spillway eating cupfuls of ice to keep cool. Then I got to work with Agnes down on the platform for the first time in a long while. She's the Polish girl who trained me. She has since dyed her hair dark brown and looked pretty cute except for the fact that she's married. But we talked about a couple of things and it was nice. I could not believe some of the girls there at Busch. I mean the young gorgeous girls in tiny bathing suits. I saw full tits at least four times today and these girls are in no way gross sluts. Their more like high-class rich snobs and I love it. I love my job! I think this is one of the best jobs for a teenage guy, except for possibly Adventure Island, but I still love it. And to think this is nothing compared to the way that it will be in deep summer when I work full time. Yum. Ha Ha! And then there's the fact that I'm paid to talk to every single one of them and that makes it that much better.
I got sent up to Lift 2, the forty foot box in the sky, at 4:15. As I'm standing there I can see the entire park and beyond. Suddenly I witnessed a HUGE bolt of lighting strike right over near the slides at Adventure Island! I have never seen one actually hitting the ground before. There was a bright orange glow and sparks where it did and smoke for a long time afterwards. It was literally AWESOME! I was impressed and worried since I was so high. Then I get a call from Kim down at Spillway telling me to make sure I stand nice and tall. I thanked her alot and then we hung up.
A short time later they shut the ride down and then the rain came. This was the first real thunderstorm we've had in Tampa in a hell of a long time. It got really nasty with the wind whipping the trees all around and making my little box sway. The doors kept swinging open and the window doesn't cover the entire opening so the inside of my box got soaking wet. I had my shoes off and was loving it. I found a People magazine hidden near the roof so I read it for a while. Then I started thinking about Kimmeth down at Spillway. I debated over whether I was just going to sit here and sulk like normal until the storm was over, or if I was going to call Kim and hopefully get to know her better, or just plain get to know her. I was scared that if I called we might just talk for a few minutes and hang up, and then everything would be screwed up. Then I asked myself if I've learned nothing from Cindy and Nicole about being forward and not holding back. So I called. It was thundering at the moment so I started by telling her that I'd trade places with her. She said sure and to get ready and we'd make a run for it. Then I asked her if we were having fun yet and she said of course. Then we started really talking about everything.
One thing we wondered, which I made fun of her about, was where do the butterflies go when it rains? It was funny. I told her about how I gave my speech in front of all two thousand people. She said that she was never really that good at talking or reading in front of lots of people and then we started talking about what we did in high school. She told me about how she and her ex-boyfriend used to skip Psychology class and go to more than one lunch. Her ex that she used to live with used to smoke and she was telling me how she has vowed never to kiss anyone again who smokes. I laughingly told her that she would end up getting married to a heavy smoker and have to live with it for the rest of her life. She said that she wouldn't because it was a serious vow that she had made. She asked me at first if I smoked. I told her that I guess then that I would have to take up smoking. She then told me not to worry about it because she has also vowed never to kiss a man named Dan. I then go 'Hi, my name is Brett.' It was funny and she liked it alot.
She mentioned that she wanted to cut her hair. I told her not to, it was better long, and that she actually has something nice about her and she wants to get rid of it. She said she just doesn't like all the attention she gets sometimes with people telling her how pretty her hair is. I told her just to put it up when she's in that mood but she said that doesn't always work. She then told me it would be like people always telling me how pretty my eyes are. I was like wow, I wonder if she seriously has looked at and liked my eyes. I said that actually they do all the time and I love the attention. I think and hope that I talked her out of it. I mentioned about how as soon as I leave I got to go on vacation up to Georgia. We talked about things up there, she really likes animals so I told her about the ones up there. She said that once she and her girlfriend rented a cabin in the mountains in Tennessee. They were close to Cherokee and went there and went hiking and she liked it.
She then told me about her family. She has a younger brother whose 22, one that's 26, and one that's 31. I told her at first when I hear of someone's younger brother I think of a kid about 10. I guess that's because I'm younger. She's 24. She told me that once, and I liked this part, she was in the shower scrubbing down when she thought about and couldn't figure out if she was 22 or 23. She had to go back and remember what she did on each of her birthdays. I told her that maybe she shouldn't have skipped her Psychology class. We also talked about drinking and partying and how a friend of her's dad used to sell RV's and if the kids were too drunk after a big party, they could stay in an RV until morning. She said how they used to joke about who woke up with who. I told her she had it made. I told her about my graduation party at Jana's at the Downtown Hyatt and how they served us drinks.
A couple of times people would pick up the phone down on the platform and say something. I don't think they thought that we'd be talking away for an hour and a half. Rebecca asked us if we were all right and Kim said yeah, we're having a party up here. She told me to make sure I was careful when I came down because the metal was really slippery. Frank picked up once too. Alan also called us and tells me that I'm on dinner and that Kim was on break. Meanwhile it is still pouring down rain. We talked about it for a while but then decided that we'd stay and talk some more. She told me that if I came down, that she'd go with me, but otherwise she'd just stay. We kept on for a while. We kept trying to outdo each other by how wet our boxes were. I also would, every once in a while, just say 'It's still raining' and that was funny. She told me about how she went to Adventure Island not that long ago and was being 'one of those people that don't listen to directions just for the fuck of it'. She was being a really naughty girl, I bet. I go 'Miss, put your top back on' and we laughed.
After a while I looked outside and realized that the rain had practically stopped. We decided to go down. I came down barefoot to keep from slipping. She ran to the bathroom and I went up into the back room. Alan was sitting there doing paperwork, Amanda was reading, and Marcella was just sitting there. They were too depressing, and still barefoot, I walked out front where Frank, Rebecca, and the other black guy were, I can't remember his name. They were talking away. I told them that the people in the back were just too much fun, and Rebecca agreed. We ended up talking about drinking again. Frank said 'I haven't had a drink in...' and I go 'two days!'. It got me a laugh but then he changed it to two years. I was impressed. After a while I was about ready to run out to the front of the line to talk to Agnes, but Kim came back. I was standing up on the stairs/walkway over the water and they were down on the platform right under me. I'm looking at Kim's head and I found a couple gray hairs and I made the fact known. I shouldn't have been mean but it was funny. I wasn't really mean to Kim, I just hope she didn't mind me bringing up a flaw of hers.
Then they started the Flume back up. Kim and I went back up to the lifts and got wetter going up than coming down. It could have been due to the fact that we were shaking trees to get water on each other. Some rain had gotten on the sensor eyes so we had to wait for a mechanic to wipe them off. I talked to Kim for a few seconds on the phone. After people were back on the ride, something happened and the whole ride shut down. I turned and looked and saw a full and really bright rainbow, and the entire second rainbow! It was beautiful from way up on the lift. I told the people in the boat that we had to stop the ride so they could look at the rainbow. They thought it was funny, but then we had to evacuate. I kept telling them to be very careful and walk slowly because it is slippery. At the bottom as we were leaving Kim bent over to tie her shoe, so not daring to miss such a beautiful opportunity, I nudged her in the butt. Then we got to walk all the way back up to the lifts again. I stood outside looking at the rainbows where Kim could easily see me from Spillway.
Once people were back on the ride I sat outside in the drizzle on my stool. It was really comfortable and relaxing. We had about an hour to go. We talked once again for a second but the last thing I said was kinda rude. She was cutback and I thought they would send her home soon and I wouldn't get a chance to redeem myself. Kim is the type of person who does everything right, she always tells everybody who does the smallest thing wrong to stop. 'No splashing,' and so on. I think it's funny, but at about 7:20 I get a call from her and she wasn't telling me to nag someone for her. We ended up talking until closing, with people on the ride, and I didn't think she'd do it. Wow. We started making fun of the people going by. While they were waving and smiling at me, I was waving, smiling, and calling them ugly, obese, or cute over the phone to Kim. She was doing the same and it reminded me of Cindy and I at graduation. Agnes got on the phone for a while too. I found out that she is pregnant! I told her that I wondered why she was wearing her shorts half way down her ass.
Eight o'clock finally came and Kim and I walked down for one last time today. She still had to work the GTE night function until midnight. I was again barefoot and Marcella walks by and goes 'Put your shoes back on!' with a really big smile on her face and louder than I've ever heard her talk before. Kim goes 'What?' but I just smiled and didn't answer her. Then we said our goodbyes and she said that today was a real experience. Fuck yes! I wonder if this will lead to anything. I hope so. I love life!
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