Saturday, June 4, 1994

June 4, 1994 - Saturday - Nini meets my family....

I opened early this morning with Erin 2, Kristen, and Steve who
was already doing a track run but I helped him out anyway and only
found one lousy quarter. Mike O'Grady had come in early to see if
anybody would call in to try and put in some hours, but luck was
against him today. Kristen was complaining to Erin and me about why
the girls always get sent to wash the coaster while guys always get
to park patrol. I then said that girls are made to clean and they got
upset. I later started helping them clean the rails without them
having to ask to make up for my comment. We were talking about how
the guests never realize how much work it takes to keep the place in
order. I then said that women are the same way because they will
never notice when you do nice things for them, but do one little
thing bad and they won't shut up! It was funny.

I went on to make sure that I opened the door for the ladies and
also carried the ice chest for Kristen. Erin and I were talking to
Mario later at lunch and he said he was talking with some people who
said that men shouldn't automatically assume when getting into a car
that a woman wants the front seat just because it's easier for her to
get in. I said that I offer it to her to make her happy because it's
the best seat and they all agreed. Erin said that there's nothing
wrong with a little chivalry once in a while. I then said that I
wasn't opening the door for them this morning because I didn't think
they could get it, but because I was trying to kiss ass and they

I started out working with Kristen on the unloading side and had
fun with her as usual. I still love how physical she will get when
you are messing with her. It's fun. We were talking about chest size
and so forth. I later sent Julie up to where Kristen was so she could
say hi and when she came back she talked and walked with me down to
the bumper cars. As we parted I suddenly looked up and saw Chrissy
and father laughing at me. They then walked around with me for a
little while. Chris came up once in plain clothes and handed me a
flier for his party and I felt special.

They told me that they had seen Nini in the Moroccan Palace and
asked her if she's seen Dan lately. She asked who, and then realized
they were talking about me and they said she got all excited and said
I had better come and see her. The fools told her that I had been
talking about her but wouldn't tell her what so she's probably
paranoid. They then had her call Kumba to see if I was working. I
wonder what she'll think of all this since I left a message with
someone to say hi to her just yesterday. Fools.

When Erin Wilcox first saw me today she gave me a big smile and
said hello. She asked if I had said hi to her while Melissa was on
the phone and I said yes. We joked around a little bit throughout the
day which was cool.

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