Tuesday, June 21, 1994

June 21, 1994 - Tuesday - Erin can make ME happy!

     All kinds of things went wrong with our little coaster at work
today. It was actually quite a bit of fun and a nice change of pace.
First of all the mechanics told us that it would be "impossible" to
run more than one coaster today because they have found small cracks
in the bases of the seats on the coaster that need to be welded back
together. Thus an extremely long and slow moving line formed. I was
allowed to run the panel after spending my first two hours at the
height stick. As soon as I started we shut down for weather. As soon
as the storm had passed the real problems began.

     We dispatched the coaster for a test run and it stopped at the
top of the lift and we noticed that the lights indicated that the
block breaks were occupied. that was impossible with only one coaster
so we figured the rain had fucked up the sensors and called the
mechanics. They had a hell of a time finally coaxing the thing down
and one kept mumbling something about clearing the ghost train out of
the breaks. the lights suddenly just disappeared and everything
started working again until they tried to bring the coaster into the
queue house. I joked that they had to dispatch the ghost train first
and it turns out that the computer actually did think there was a
coaster in there. The mechanic couldn't explain why since the sensors
are magnetic and metal must be touching them for the computer to
receive a signal. I did find out that if we stuck a small piece of
magnet on one of the sensors, it would shut down the ride for a long
time before the mechanics would ever figure out what the hell was
going on!!!

     They finally got the thing running. I was later sent out to the
queue houses to do a time study and to explain to any irate guests
why the line takes so long and to generally keep everybody happy.
Erin and Erin came back and it was my time for break so I was told to
take Wilcox out to do what I was supposed to. I told her she has to
keep everybody happy and she complained that she doesn't know how. I
told her that I can tell her some ways to keep them happy and that
was pretty funny. I ended up taking her place when I came back and
she did boardwalk so we just hung out a lot and talked and horsed
around. I told her later when she left that she needs to call me and
she said that she knows.

     I was pleasantly surprised this morning when Shannon who was
doing boardwalk hung out with me and talked to me for quite a while.
For some reason that always cheers me up. It started sprinkling when
we were out there and I discovered a new turn on for me. The rain was
making small dots all over Shannon's shirt and they contoured her
chest perfectly and I loved it! I was later talking to Lisa who had
brought in some pictures of her wedding in a little album. I joked
with Steve that I wanted to see the pictures of the honeymoon and he
strongly agreed. I went down and asked her where those pictures were
and she laughed and told me that she has something better, video!!!
That was funny and I asked her how soon we get to see it but she
laughed and said not any time soon!

     I also said hello to Kerry and Lisa in the Roar Store and got my
big excited hello from Yvette. I got to do a little ass kissing in a
way because as I walked into the panel once, Ryan asked me if I could
stay any later. Both Jimmy and Jan were in there and I answered
quickly that I would and he seemed surprised that I wanted to so
readily. He then asked how late I could stay and I told him whenever
he wants. He laughed and said that's the kind of thing he likes to
hear! and this was right in front of Jan! Cool.

     What sucks is that I was there all day long and have no real
exciting stories about any female guests. Of course I saw a lot of
good looking ones, but no one special. What a wasted day...

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