Happy times are here again. My friends are being friendly, prospects prospectful, and all my sport teams are winning! I even feel like I'm one step ahead of the crowd once again. My intuition is working full steam and I love it.
I went downstairs yesterday morning at ten to find the group of Beaty residences who were going tubing as advertised. Nick had mentioned a couple of days earlier that there would be a tubing trip down the Ichetucknee River. I found them and walked up to and said hello to Eric. I had been washing my clothes last Sunday at the same time as he and we had talked for a while to reboost our acquaintance. That helped me out this morning for Eric offered to let me ride with him. He was organizing the signing of the release forms and was passing out directions. Holly was there which cheered me up and fortunately Leigh Anne wasn't. I had figured she wouldn't be there because it required waking up before noon and that's not in her blood.
Eric's other two guests were these two girls who were on the more attractive side. Ashley and Laura walked by on their way to a sorority function and they both yelled out hi to me. Ashley was first and I greeted them back nice and loudly, beaming with pride to know two such fine ladies. On the walk to Eric's car, he introduced me to Eva and Stephanie and we collectively said hi to each other. I then asked the probing question of which is which and they introduced themselves. The drive out was cool and we all got along and joked around rather well.
Eva is from Bloomingdale, Bloomingdale Estates to be exact which is just West of Shar¡'s dad's development. She seemed happy that I knew all about her dinky little town. It turns out that Eric will be living in Brandon over the summer because he has a job with TECO. I of course bragged about working at Busch Gardens and all of that. Stephanie is from Miami.
We stopped on the way and rented tubes. I played tube God because of my previous tubing experience and helped the ladies pick out suitable tubes of good quality. It was fun feeling useful (boy, being useful seems to be a reoccurring theme in my happiness). We then tied them up and headed to the park (we tied up the tubes, not the ladies!). We then prepared ourselves while everybody else showed up. I had brought tennis shoes, shorts, and a tank top because I didn't know to what extent people normally dress when tubing on this river. I ended up stripping to my bathing suit as did the ladies, which surprised me because I thought they would at least leave their shorts on. That was cool!
Stephanie went behind the car and I laughed and asked why she was hiding. Eva said that they are embarrassed about their fat. Stephanie had nothing to complain about except that she is really white. In fact, Stephanie is one of those girls who looks plain in normal clothes but looks fucking gorgeous in a bathing suit. I was in love! Eva looked good, too, because of her tan from spring break and those awesome freckles. Holly's increasing fat little self was hanging out (way out) of her bathing suit. This included her gut which is kind of gross.
We waited for the tram to come and take us upstream. You then had to walk along this trail into the forest which was full of rocks, sticks and acorns and we were all barefoot. It was funny watching all the little pussies try to walk without hurting themselves. It was inevitable and I just walked alone taking the pain which actually made it much more bearable. I also am much more surefooted it such terrain because of my Georgia experience. I walked along with Eva and we talked the entire way. It was cool how much we were joking around. I still have the touch and hope to use it full blast over the summer at Busch! We came to this awesome descending deck walkway that led down to the river's edge over the swampland. It was beautiful.
I was excited to find out that the river comes directly out of huge springs and the water is crystal clear and there's a lot of it! It's awesome compared to my expectations of an ugly muddy river overused by college kids. Instead it is a beautiful nature preserve with banks that extend far into the cypress forest. It seemed even better than the Alafia. I asked Eva once if she has ever been and she said yes, her dad takes them and their boat there all of the time.
Stephanie was a little scared to get in and almost wouldn't. She was afraid of alligators mostly and I did a little bit of reassuring and she finally hopped in. I jumped in after her and was the last person in the water. I wanted her to go before me because I was afraid she wouldn't go if we left her on the dock alone. I quickly taught them how to hook their feet under the edge of the other tube to keep together and we formed a train. Later on we made a triangle and I paddled for the three of us. A lot of people, including Stephanie, got arm burn from the sides of the tube. But even though I did far more paddling than anybody else, three times as much, I came out unscathed because I know to keep the rubber wet and to keep my arms off of it whenever I can.
They wanted to be in the front of the group so I paddled us up there. One time we were cruising along rather quickly and they laughed and said "Weeeee!" Eva then said that I am so strong but then they decided that all guys are supposed to be strong. I still took the compliment. Eva also asked me once along the trip why I am so tan. That was cool and after she accused me of skipping classes and not doing my homework I explained how I lay out between classes. It was cute.
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