Tuesday, April 12, 1994

April 12, 1994 - Tuesday - Chemistry is working out

April 12, 1994 - Tuesday
I've been in a good mood but it just seems like I have to force myself to write in my journal for the past few days. It's mostly because I've just been too busy doing things like studying to just sit down and organize my thoughts.

I took my big chemistry exam last night that determined whether or not I have a chance to save my ass in that class. I felt somewhat confident about it after I finished and came home and talked about some of the problems with Chris. I went to class today and sat up front again next to these two really cute girls, one with the awesome dolphin tattoo that I fell in love with last Thursday. I then went and checked my test score and found that I had missed only four and two of them had been from the easier ones. The problems that I had actually gone through and logically reasoned out, I got right! Cool. That put me in a good mood and I was looking at the total scores needed for each grade with the girl sitting next to me.

I then went to lab and prepared for my unknowns. Our teacher put up a correct scheme on the board which was awesome and then handed us back our schemes. Mine was essentially correct and I was the first to be on my way. The guy behind the cabinet told me that I'm going to miss all of mine and I looked at him funny and he laughed. I figured I got the hardest ones and he said that the colors can be confusing. Well fuck him because I ended up getting mine entirely right except I substituted HSO4(-) for SO4(2-) incorrectly which was a very minor mistake. My teacher said I did a really good job and helped me figure out my grade and I am reasonably close to having an A for the semester.

Considering one of my unknowns looked like soft mint gel Crest, I was very pleased with myself. I also went through an extremely unsystematic way of determining my unknowns that only a brain as logical and able to construct truth tables accurately could do. I probably couldn't explain what I had done if I tried. All I know is that all of my personal tests wove together and gave me the right answers in the end, and that's all that matters! I even spoke at the gorgeous girl who looks like Shar¡! I was very happy on my trip home!

Ashley just called me a little while ago and we caught up since we haven't talked since Saturday when we studied. She's been at her house a lot because of initiations and her studying for her physics exam today. She said that she's maybe been home for two hours in the past three days. When she got home tonight she said that she called her mommy and daddy and then called me, which is cool because that gives me a feeling of importance. I really like her.

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