It's amazing to me how one girl over the course of two weeks has caused me to completely forget the heartache of losing Melissa! Of course it is still there, but it has been severely lessened. Now I'm going to have to go through the pain of losing Kimmeth again. It seems like we did more over Christmas break than we did the entire summer, and it wasn't that long ago that I got over that! What can I say? She's beautiful in every way. She has a beautiful face and figure, and a wonderful personality, but I've always said that. It's funny though how it seems like she is all of the sudden in love with me. Ever since I turned eighteen, I joke that it's because I'm not jailbait any more. I did understand her position that seven years did seem like too much of a difference when the younger person is only seventeen.
Anyway, she told me that Teresa would be leaving sometime on Friday, and essentially she would be all mine from that point on. I had mentioned that maybe we could go to Busch Gardens again on Saturday, but I ended up going with father and Chrissy on New Year's Day. I decided to wait until Saturday to call her instead. I called at about one o'clock. We started talking for a little while before she figured that she'd better call Teresa real quick to say goodbye before she left. She did call back pretty soon after that.
It turned out that they all partied at the Yukatan Liquor Stand and at Gator's on the beach in St. Pete. I constantly made references to the fact that I like her and she seemed to be taking them with great pleasure. She said that Teresa and Gina both talked to her on the side and tried to convince her to take Gene back. Teresa told her that she had a heart to heart talk with him, and she's the first girl he's ever had such regrets about breaking up with. They tried to at least talk her in to kissing him at midnight. Teresa also told her to look around at all of the ho's that Gene will go after if she doesn't take him back, and asked her to do it for Jake. She said that she went and sat alone for a few minutes to think about it, and returned with a definite no!!! She said that Jake will just have to live with it. I told her what a good decision she made. Thank you!!!
She said that she ended up dancing with a Jamaican named Martin most of the night. She said that Gene's father is very prejudice and Gene seemed a little taken back by them. She was glad. Later that night, Kim was driving Teresa back to St. Pete from Kim's house and Kim made a wrong turn near the construction on Eisenhower Blvd. It was about four in the morning and she turned down a dirt road to turn around. Her tires ended up getting stuck in the soft dirt and no matter what they tried, they couldn't get it out! She also said that she was still a little out of it from all of the Bourgandy she had drunken earlier. They ended up walking through a ditch and across the highway over to the Hyatt on the Causeway. I was surprised when I realized where they really were. I told her that she was right around the corner from my house and she said that she could have called me.
Anyway, they called Gene, who was already home and asked him to please come get them. He first complained that he was tired, but then said that he would. Eventually they found out that he decided that he couldn't find the Hyatt, and went back home. Teresa's dad later became very pissed when he found out what Gene had done. They ended up calling Kim's older brother, David, and he came to get them. But not before his car overheated on the way. He even took Teresa all the way back to her house as well. Kim said that the one good thing that came out of this is that everybody will realize what a major asshole Gene is and will stop trying to pressure her into going back out with him. Good. When they went back to get her car the next day, a construction worker named Dino pulled her car out of the dirt with a tractor. He called her earlier and when she asked him how he knew it was her car, he said that he was going through it and found her checkbook in the glove compartment. It turns out that Teresa had left her door unlocked. Kim said that her new Calvin and Hobbes T-shirt, her bikini, and a necklace were all gone. She was pretty upset about that.
It was about two when we finally decided to go to a movie. I told her to give me a hour and a half. She thought that was a bit much until she realized that I still had to shower, get ready, and drive all of the way there. I had told her that I don't have my car any more before she even mentioned us doing anything. She later asked if that meant she had to come and pick me up. I was happy that she wants to be with me enough to drive forty-five minutes just to get me. I told her that I would go ahead and beat my mom until she gave me the keys. She told me not to be too hard on her, and I agreed that yes, she is the one that writes the checks for my college. I told mother that I'd probably be home by eight since the movie would probably start quite a bit later than when I'd get there. She gave me money to buy her gas and Pepsi on the way home. I was going to buy a paper this morning for the movie section, but I knew that we wouldn't go if I did. Kim agreed that it might be a jinx and I'm now glad that I didn't. She said that she'd go and cash her check while I worked my way over. I ended up getting there exactly on time!!! To the minute!!! I was surprised, what timing!
She was on the couch when I got there and I went in for a second. We decided to take my car, which is good, because I didn't want to leave it in that neighborhood. She didn't want to take hers because it was still covered with dirt. We were joking around as well. It sure does seem like I can get her to laugh a lot nowadays. She seems to take me so much more seriously now than before. I'm loving the attention, and unlike Melissa, Kim loves to talk! Now. Anyway, she told me that she didn't get a newspaper at the store because she figured that I might on the way, but I didn't. We decided to go ahead and drive by the mall. We picked up a paper at Circle K. While we were sitting there, Whitney Houston's new song, 'I Will Always Love You,' came on the radio. I never really liked the song before and turned down the radio. I guess I just needed a situation to apply it to. She turned it back up a bit and as I moved to turn it up a bit more she grabbed my hand and we wrestled for a second. I told her that I wasn't turning it back down and she let go. When I hear the song now, I think of Kim, and actually am starting to like it!
We had talked about seeing A Leap of Faith with Steve Martin before, and it didn't start until 5:45. We decided to go walking around in the mall for a while. We had a pretty cool time in there. She's looking for a dress to wear to Jim's wedding in a couple of months and we looked around. She tried on two, and let me see one of them. We looked at a lot of clothes, and I gave my opinion on them. I didn't joke around like I did with Audrey though. Kim and I seem to have a lot of the same tastes. I wouldn't mind tasting her to make sure, though! She wanted something with a flower print. The print on one was really small, and I told her that it was too small. I told her that every five years, the flowers on a woman's dress get one size larger. I pointed to one with fist sized flowers and said that it would belong to about a thirty-five year old. I then found one with a medium print and said that this is a twenty-five year old's dress. She loved that little analogy and we laughed about that for a long time! It's true though, old women always have these humongous gawdy flowers on their clothes! Sometimes, when I stop to think about it, I wonder where the hell my mind comes up with some of the shit it does. We really laughed a lot about that.
We went into Burdines and sprayed tester cologne on our arms. She sprayed Obsession on me, a bit much though. We kept walking around the store, holding and smelling each other's arms. It was funny. We also went into a record store and a book store. We stood in Waldenbooks for a long time doing the Where's Waldo book. I found a lot of them, quite often pretty quickly. I guess my brain is good for something. I can find Waldo. Just kidding! We also read Life in Hell for a little bit. We started joking after a while that she couldn't go into any more clothing shops. When she would see a new one, I would laugh and put my hands over her eyes. We also kept trying to keep each other from flirting with other people. It was funny. We didn't realize what time it was until almost 5:40. We rushed back to the car and took off around the corner to the theater.
There was a pretty long line outside, but it didn't take too long. Our movie had only been playing for five minutes. Kim asked me if I had my Student ID. With that discount, and the matinee discount, the ticket's were only $2.75 a piece! That's less than half of the ones to see Toys! I paid both of our ways and bought some popcorn and a drink. I had planned to pay for this one the entire time. She asked if she should grab two straws and I said yes. I think she might have done it on purpose, but once we got to our seat, she suddenly couldn't find the other one, so we had to use the same one. We kept laughing and joking to one another throughout the movie. It was a roller coaster movie with lots of really funny highs and depressing lows that had the entire theater quiet. It ended up being very good and reminded me quite a bit of the play that we saw up here at UF.
Kim's shirt said Insex and had pictures of all kinds of bugs having sex. That was interesting. It gave me a good excuse to hang all over her as I was trying to look at her shirt. I'm sure that anybody who would have looked at us back at the mall would have thought we were going out. During the movie, this guy takes a girl to a field behind his house and claps. Suddenly thousands of butterflies fly up into the air. It was really neat and Kim liked it. It was one of the many parts of the movie that gave you goose bumps. She said later that one of her relatives made her a little butterfly collection and she has it in her room. I asked her how does that go again, and I looked down at her shirt and we laughed. It was raining at the end of the movie and she suddenly remembered and asked me where do the butterflies go when it rains. We laughed, for that was a question we pondered over on the Flume during a storm back when we first were getting to know each other. I had almost forgotten. I surely didn't think she would have remembered. There was also a part in the movie where a couple that thought they liked each other, were going to soon be split apart when one of them left in a few days. It seemed to ideally parallel the two of us and I think she saw that, too. It was interesting.
We kept talking throughout the movie. Afterwards, we stopped at Wendy's. It was already eight, but this is my last day in Tampa for quite some time, so I didn't really care. I figured what could mother do, not let me use her car for the next for months?!? I thought that was funny and told her that when I got home. The first thing I told her is that even though I was late, I knew that she'd rather me drive slow and be late, than try to get home earlier and possibly get in an accident. She really liked that. I never did tell Kim that my mom might be worried, I didn't want to rush anything. I didn't get home that night until about ten. At Wendy's I ordered Frosty's and French fries. We talked and joked around some more. We read some of the comics in there as well. We had really good horoscopes. Her's said that a recent problem with an automobile will not be repeated. She really liked that. Mine had to do with physical attraction and swirling hormones. I really liked that!
On the way to her home, I was driving pretty fast. For some reason, I always drive the Mustang slow when I have other people in it. Mom's car just didn't pick up like the Mustang does, though. Surprise, surprise. The turn onto 40th Street is right next to Wendy's and I almost missed it. She asked me where I was going. The only thing I could think about out that way was big flea market. She then said that she thinks she'll go to a flea market on Sunday. I told her how much I hate flea markets, and she told me that they aren't really that bad. She then said that I must really hate it when she talks about thrift shops all of the time. I told her that I didn't, I just didn't favor them that much when I was little. She agreed that they aren't much fun for a younger person. I then said that I just don't really like talking about them. They aren't the ideal conversation piece. I then explained that I didn't find it appropriate out at Christmas Eve for that group to be talking so much about flea markets. We laughed and laughed about that. She thought it was really funny and we both kept haing a stream of good jokes about that. It was hilarious.
When we got back to her house we went inside. She was going to show me some pictures of her when she was in seventh grade and they called her 'fro.' She still doesn't believe that my room could possibly be messier than hers, and I kept teasing her that I was going to come in and look. I did get a couple of glances when she would let me. We sat on the couch and she came out with a little wooden box with all of her pictures inside. I remembered doing this at Granny's the other day. She skipped through a lot of her family's pictures and got to the more recent ones of her. She was a slight bit plump for a while, and I dare say she was stacked! Looking through her shirt that she wore that night, I realized that she still is. She also has nice legs, I was feeling them again at one point.
We started getting back to her younger pictures. She was a very cute little girl. She was even good looking in her seventh grade pictures. She almost looked like the way I remember Jana, but her hair actually wasn't that bad. I liked it. There was one older one of her and she looked really good in it. I asked her when it was taken because she looked half cute. She said something to the effect of telling me to stop lying. I then said OK, you look entirely cute in this one, and asked her again. It was only three years ago. She did go through one ugly stage when she was about twenty. Sorry, Kim. She was also a very pretty baby! When she realized that I was truly interested, she started showing me more and more of them, and was actually telling me stories behind them. By that time I was leaning way over, as was she, and we were practically leaning on each other's shoulder with our heads very close. Her mom walked in and I think she thought Kim was alone watching TV because she jumped when she saw me. She did leave us alone from then on.
One picture was of a guy she knew in the Islands named Andy. He was well built and she said she was going to pin up his picture again. I tried taking it from her and putting it in the middle of the pile so she wouldn't. I think she realized my point. We then got to the older pictures of her parents when they were younger. She finally was talking about her father. He was in the Marines and she kept saying how good looking he was. I think he died a while back. She also said that the house they are living in now, belonged to her grandparents, and has been in the family for sixty years. Her Aunt used to live across the street as well. Although it was getting pretty late, I let her take her time. I was so glad she was sharing such an intimate part of her life with me.
When it was time for me to go, we walked out on the porch and talked for a few more minutes. We ended up just feet apart looking at one another. I said, 'Well?' and she asked the same. I was thinking about kissing her and she had to have been thinking the same, she's been in far too many relationships not to be. She got a fiery look in her eyes, they were open a bit wider than usual with a questioning look, and had an almost excited tone as we talked. I matched her expressions and feelings myself. It was pretty intense. I was so scared that if I did something like kiss her there, I might lose her trust and friendship that we have built up, but I really think I should have at least moved to kiss her... I don't know. I know that I should have hugged her.
She did ask me when I'll be down next. I told her that since I don't have a car any more, I can answer that about as well as when she is coming up. Maybe she will pretty soon, she does mention it every once in a while. She asked me to write soon, and I said I'll call as well. I think she liked that. I love talking to her so much now and enjoy being with her, near her, and enjoy touching her. What a mess!?!
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