Wednesday, January 13, 1993

January 13, 1993 - Wednesday - Jennifer, Emily from Lab

Call me nuts, but my first chemistry lab was a hell of a lot of fun! Of course it had a lot to do with the women in there, and not the lab. It was great!

Well, first things first. I got up early enough this morning to make me a big brunch of French toast. It was delicious and was the best batch I had ever cooked. I had a pretty big stack and ate the entire thing, drowning in butter and syrup. Yummmmmm!!! I then left pretty early and walked over to German class. I dressed up pretty nice today in a long sleeve shirt. I was under the impression that it was going to be cold. Silly me to believe a weatherman! But at least I looked good. The really cute blonde sorority girl arrived when the room opened. We knew that we'd end up making a circle anyway so we sat close to the wall and turned our chairs sideways. She sat right next to me. I noticed a guy's class ring on her finger, and then she was talking about them working on an engagement so I guess she's pretty much off limits. Pretty much...(a bit of optimism!!!)

I saved the seat to my right for Jennifer, which proved to be awkward. There was actually space for both her and Derek, and Pong decided that he and David were going to come sit by me. I felt a bit bad because I had to essentially tell him to go away. Oh well. I was also flirting with Elaine somewhat. She brought out index cards for us to write our names on and then fold and stand up on our desks. That way she can get to know our names quicker. She tried to recite the people's names as she walked around the room handing out the cards. It was funny when she came to me and laughed and said my name with ease. I think she was glad that she could finally get somebody's name right, and she knew that I was laughing at the whole thing myself.

I ended up asking for and getting Jennifer's phone number. It's 334-8229. Earlier we were looking in my new Sierra Club day planner with all of it's pretty nature pictures, and she saw that January 25 was circled. She asked why, and I said it was a friend's birthday. She said something like, 'Well I have a birthday, too.' and I agreed that most people do have birthdays. I then asked her when her's is, and circled June 5th for her. When she gave me her number, she wrote it down in my Cambridge organizer but then looked at me and said sarcastically, 'But you can't use it.' Bitch. We then later decided that we'd study together and I told her that we could, but I'm not allowed to use her number, so she changed her mind and said that I could. We walked to the bookstore before she headed home. I had to run in and buy some safety glasses and a lab apron for chemistry. unfortunately I missed calculus. Jennifer was yelling at me to go, to no avail.

During the time before lab, I went and sat out by the rock in front of Turlington Hall. I saw Kara, Tama's old roommate, so i sat and talked with her for a little while. She's taking physics next semester and I told her that she could photocopy some of our labs later on if she'd like. She wrote down my phone number in her little book. She told me that her whole life was in there and we were talking about that and some other stuff. There were a hell of a lot of really hot girls! Some of them are gorgeous!!! It's an awesome place to pass time, or even read a book. I did that before sociology class yesterday.

As eighth period came around, I headed over to lab. There were a lot of good looking girls in there. There was one with brown hair and gorgeous blue eyes. I suddenly realized how girl's feel when they look at my eyes. I talked to her for a second, only to find out that the lab is split into two classes, 2045 and 2046, and she is in the latter. It was pretty easy to pick out all of the people in the second class because they were all older and more mature looking. Being tall, I was flirting with all of the girls from across the room while we were still standing waiting to be assigned to a lab space. I picked out this one tall, rather attractive girl from across the room. She looked older and I figured she wouldn't be in my class. Not only was she in my class, but her station is right behind mine to the left. Our class is broken up into three groups, each with it's own little graduate teacher. Our's is a nice and cuter black woman. She's pretty helpful and I like her so far. It would be better is he were white, though.

Anyway, as I meandered through my lab, I tried to figure out how I was going to meet the tall girl. Chris and I were talking about girls last night, and we said that most often the best girls are the 'plain' ones who are really beautiful but just are quite sure of themselves. I definitely agree. She pretty much made me think of that as soon as I saw her. After a little while, she made a frustrated face towards me, and I laughed and asked her what's the matter. She then went off about how the lab is a complete pain in the ass and really inefficient. I agreed and we talked for a little while. Her name is Emily. I kept going over and talking to her at her table. When I would saw something funny, she would laugh and nudge me or touch me in some way. I found her to be quite physical. I finished my lab slow enough that I only finished twice as early as everybody else. Not really, but I was close. If she hadn't of had too much error in one of her results, I would have walked out with her.

I asked her earlier if she is in Pedro's class and she said yes and we talked about that for a few minutes. She said that everybody on this side is in 2045, and I disagreed. Both chemistry 2045 and 2041 take the 2045 lab. Jana, the the black girl from next door in Beaty was also in there. She's the only girl in that room that I talk to semi-regularly. We had already said hi to each other earlier. She was just ahead of us and I called her name and asked her which chemistry she is in. I didn't take her to be too smart, so when she said 2041, I was happy that she had proven my point to Emily. It made me look good. I also walked by and talked to Jana every once in a while. I brought up the fact that Pedro always trips on the steps as he paces around the lecture hall when he talks during class. She laughed and said that she had noticed that, too. I also realized that she was the cute girl that I had seen behind me twice as I left class and was impressed by. I was glad to have found a friend already to sit with in class. When I left, we said farewell and said that we'd see each other in lecture tomorrow.

I was so happy when I left! I ran into Ed on the way home and talked to him for a little while. Oh yeah, I also saw that girl from King High School that I met in the English drop/add line last semester in lab. I didn't say anything to her today, though. I keep seeing people all over the place that I recognize from meeting somewhere just once. It's weird yet funny.

Later on I gave Jennifer a call. Ed and I were watching Ren and Stimpy when I did. She though I was nuts for never watching them before. We talked and had a good time for almost an hour. She kept telling me how her roommate, Marcie, is a real bitch and is moving out soon. I liked how she said the word bitch, with a slight accent. It was cute.

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