Thursday, June 10, 1993

June 10, 1993 - Thursday - Nicole!, Patrica, Laura

I just got a little phone call from someone whom I thought that I would never have the chance to make up with. It was late and I figured that the only person calling me now would be Kimmeth. It sounded like Emily for a moment, until she told me otherwise. Well, Nicole and I then went through all of the basic formalities of getting to know each other again rather quickly. She's taking six hours at USF over the summer and is living on campus. She gave me her number at the dorm, 974-8177. She said that her mother just moved to Virginia on Monday and she's really going to miss her. She told me that she figured that I still work at Busch because she saw me once `flying by' on Busch Boulevard and she couldn't get my attention because her horn didn't work. She was in a rental car because she and Ali were in an accident in the other.

She caught me up on the whereabouts of a few of her fiends from highschool. I then asked her about her trip to Europe last summer. She seemed really glad that I asked and proceeded to tell me all about it.They traveled throughout Germany, Austria, Italy, France and the Netherlands. She told me of all of the things that she and her father encountered, both good and bad. She said that they went to the red light district where the whores stand naked in the windows. She also said that they went into a porno shop where they had to videos running and she learned some new things. I bet. She was talking very girlishly through this part, as she described some of the pictures she saw. It was quite funny. Her father then called and cut our call off at half an hour, but she wants me to give her a call sometime soon.

I worked today with Clint and Paul, the lifeguard from Flume, on the python today. We had a grand old time flirting with the ladies today! My friend, Patrica, had the relief shift so I got to talk to her a lot as well. She was telling me what she's been up to and what her plans are for the rest of the week. She went on a boating excursion with her boyfriends parents yesterday and had lots of fun. I kept making these twisted little jokes that would make her laugh. She's working on Python at the night function on Saturday. She told me, and then I said that I am, too. She said that's good, because then she won't be bored! I was happy to hear that!

I was kissing some serious butt today in terms of supervisors. Steve worked with us this morning as we prepped bumper cars. He had Clint, Martin, and I squeegee the queue after he pressure washed it. After we had thoroughly dried it, he told us that we did a very good job. I then smiled and thanked him, telling him that we really appreciate it. That made him laugh. He then walked with Clint and I as we put everything back in the storage cabinet. He lit up a cigarette. I went up to him and said, just like I would to a guest, `Sir, there is no smoking under any roof here at Busch Gardens!' He laughed and agreed that I was indeed right. It was funny.

He and I were in the lounge later, and he was just putting up the new schedule. Sean was in there, and a group of mechanics were eating lunch. There were some open shifts and I asked him how I could get one. he misunderstood me and started saying to get a day off, I had to be really nice to him and have a good excuse like my parents are dragging me off to China. He was trying to be funny in front of the mechanics. I then corrected him, and they all laughed. One poked at him by saying that I made Steve feel this small and held his fingers about an inch apart. We all laughed and Steve came over and patted my back saying that I do that to him all of the time. It was funny.

We have a new assistant supervisor from Timbuktu grounds named Lewanda. I talk to her all of the time about meaningless things. She came to work on Python for a few minutes and I kept jokingly criticizing the way she was doing the spiel. Ron is also being really nice to me now. We sat at lunch today and talked for a a little while which was pretty cool. As Clint and I were walking out through the lounge at the end of the day, A lot of people were in there. Rebecca was sitting there, but I didn't say anything to her. Ronnie said hi and then Stephanie said hi in an I-haven't-seen-you-in-a-while, -where-have-you-been tone. I greeted them all back and then headed on my merry way.

I was hitting on all kinds of girls on Wednesday over at the Kumba. these two kept coming back, and one would wave to me each time. It made me smile really big once, which she really liked. When I went to height stick in the front, I kept talking to them every time. It was pretty fun. I was hitting on the gorgeous ones, too, and they seemed to like it. I was having a grand time out there. These two cute girls weren't riding, and I started our conversation by asking them why not. We then chatted for a little while. they walked up the exit a little ways when their friends were actually on the ride. They sat up on the rail, so I had to go get them off. They obliged, but then asked if they were doing anything else wrong. I said yes, that they have to come back out to the front. When they asked why, I told them that I miss them, and they thought that was really sweet. I was walking with someone later and they called out my name and waved to me from across the boardwalk and I felt special.

Ron J. came up to me a few minutes before we were scheduled off, to say hello. Suddenly about six of the girls that I have been talking to throughout the day walk up within a group of ten people. they all said hello really loudly and were calling me by name. It was funny, and maybe it impressed him. I also talked a lot to Laura throughout the day. that's really good because I want her to want to talk to me a lot when we get to Gainesville.

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