Monday, March 15, 1993

March 15, 1993 - Monday - Emily, Fran‡oice, Kim

March 15, 1993 - Monday, Montag
I talked about everything to do about Spring Break today with Jennifer and Fran‡oise before German class began today. Fran‡oise was almost as dark as me. We were also talking about the test that we took before the break. David was also there. Jennifer said that she could feel the flames all around her while she took that test, referring to how hard it was. I told her to stop making fun of David!, that he's not a flamer. It was funny, and he luckily didn't hear me. Jennifer is a real homophobic, good girl. Fran‡oise was later talking about how she stayed at the beaches during the daytime, and then went clubbing in Tampa at night. I was about ready to jokingly ask her if they went to Tracks, the gay bar that Kimmeth has been to. I thought it might be inappropriate, so I didn't say anything, and I also figured she wouldn't know what I was talking about and I didn't want to explain it. It turns out that she did go to Tracks!!! She claims that they went to straight night, but still! David, Pong, and I all caught on instantly and started ragging on her. It was pretty funny.

She mentioned that this Sunday is her birthday, again. I agreed, and said that it's on the twenty-first. She was saying that we should all sing and talk about her birthday all day next Monday like we did mine last semester. I walked with her and Pong after class. Jennifer had something else to do, and Christina didn't show up today. Steve looked like a fool because he moved across the room, and saved a seat for her. He ended up all by himself and I silently laughed.

I ended up doing a little worse on my test than I had hoped, because I only studied that morning due to my Chemistry test the night before. Actually, it was because I was playing pool with Emily afterwards. I got an 86%, which is still pretty good compared to some of my tests last semester and I still made an A. I'm doing very good in there this time around. I really thought that Noel and I fucked up on the orals. I was really scared when Derek only got an 86.5%, because I thought that he and Jennifer had done a pretty damn good job. I ended up with a 91.5%!!! I was pretty happy to get an A, my highest oral grade so far! It's funny how things work, and how a little personal conversation can seemingly help one's grade out a bit. I later found out that I only got an 82% on the Chemistry test, compared to Emily's 70%. I'm so very happy to have that one hundred to fall back on!

Emily came over at about 8:30. She always walks in with a bag of food from Burger King. She bought me a little hamburger, and I graciously thanked her. I had a Pepsi along with it, and gave her some lemonade. We had planned on studying Calculus, but we ended up watching TV and fooling around instead. Stacy called me right after she came over, but we got off of the phone pretty quick. He said that he'd call me back tomorrow. Emily kept saying that I really do look black! Ed had compared Chris and I earlier, and although Chris came back pretty dark, Ed said that I still edged him out!!! Emily kept playfully beating on me, and ended up finding out that I am ticklish. Instead of hitting her back, like I would my lovely sisters, I would wrestle with her leg until I could untie her shoes, or something silly like that.

Somebody on TV was talking about not having his own doctor. I looked at Emily and said that she does, referring to her daddy, and she smiled proudly and agreed. I then muttered that it's a shame he's not a plastic surgeon! It was mean and she really beat me for that one, but I told her that's why I said it in the first place, to get back at her for hitting me. She was talking about wanting to have some red highlights put in her hair. She has really nice light brown hair with blonde highlights already. I complimented her on it, and on the fact that it's gotten much longer since the beginning of the semester. I told her that I really like it and she shouldn't change it. She said that she saw a show where some women were getting it done, and also had a dream about it. I also pulled the little saying that she has something really nice about her, and she wants to go and change it. It was pretty much the same argument I used to talk Kim ut of cutting her hair way back at Busch Gardens. It worked, she said that she wouldn't get it done now, just for me...

We kept joking around about a lot of stuff we say on TV. I expressed my liking of Niki Taylor who was in this commercial. She hit me and said that I'm not aloud to be so open about it. I told her that she does the same thing with guys, and we `argued' about it for a few minutes. I also had her looking at my new pictures. We also were comparing tans. She went to Crescent Beach one day, and got the tiniest bit darker. She didn't even want to compare our arms, but we did anyway. We were talking about her tummy being burnt again, but she said that it's better. We kept joking that we really should be studying, but we never got around to it. She still has no electricity or water in her home, so she had to be at the place where she is spending the night be eleven. It's the family's house that she babysits for. I walked her down to her newer station wagon, and we said goodbye. It was a fun little relaxing evening.

Speaking of dreams, Kim and I have been joking a lot about rejection lately. She said that she had a dream after we were first talking about it on Sunday. She was back working at the florist shop, and was flirting with some guys that came into the shop. They came out and told her that they were more interested in this other girl, and she told them to fuck off. It was pretty funny. She said that as soon as she woke up, she thought of me. We talked a lot about that, and found a lot of ways to joke about people's fear of rejection over Spring Break. It was an interesting topic. She was also talking about wanting to get a dog, because they are loyal...

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