Yesterday contained a pretty interesting chain of events that ended in a serious ego boost, and a humongous letdown.
I left in the morning to go see Pedro Bernal about my chemistry grade. Jennifer kept telling me not to go because it would ruin my determination for the rest of my exams if I did bad. Well, I did bad. I needed a 92% to get an A in the class, which was almost beyond reach in the first place because of the nature of the course. I'm still pretty happy with a B+ overall because all I have to think about is the large majority of people that fail out of the class from the start, not to mention that very few people qualify for the class in the first place.
Jenn (two n's as she has corrected me many times until I finally got it right) came over yesterday at four after she had finished her communications exam. We had an hour and a half to `prepare' ourselves for the German exam. We had decided the previous night to find out what the effects of a little beer, German of course!, would have on our exams. I have read literature stating that a little is actually better for you. We each had a beer and shared a big plate of French fries. Jon came in once and just laughed at us.
Before I go any further, I think it's important that I mention goo! We decided to go on a little studying spree for German over the course of the weekend. We met up Saturday afternoon and found us an empty room, the comfortable one no less!, in GPA and studied for a couple of hours. We were looking at an old test of mine. I had drawn in an umlaut where one shouldn't have been. Elaine made a little note saying that it was only a little bit of goo on the paper! From the start, we instantly translated it to mean semen. We are always joking about how we give sexual favors to Elaine for better grades. We also were writing shit all over the blackboards making fun of Elaine and all. Our entire conversation started to turn to goo, which turned into sexual juice in general. We would talk about eating goo, drinking goo, how we planned on getting each others goo, and so on. We eventually dubbed each other Goo (Jenn), and GooĆ½!
As Goo would put it; goo is something you can caulk your bathtub with! She used to watch Bob Vila's show and was commenting on how ridiculous it is. She just happens to remember the bathroom edition. We went to Burger King for `dinner.' I wasn't sure how little Miss Rich Boca Raton Bitch would enjoy Burger King, but we weren't dressed for, and I didn't have the money to eat anywhere else. It turns out that she eats there occasionally,a nd it can't be worse than how she eats in the dorm in their community kitchen. I decided to treat, only under the conditions that she gets an A in the class. She really liked that. We had a hell of a time playing around through dinner. We both like a lot of ketchup, and ended up getting it all over the place.
When Goo called on Sunday, I knew it was her, so I had Ed answer. He said that it was for me, and I asked who it was. She told him that it was Goo calling! Ed started laughing and wouldn't give me the phone. It was funny. We ended up studying for a while in a room in Little Hall. It was the only empty place being so close to exams. It's amazing how full the libraries become. We wrote all kinds of perverted shit all over the boards again. We looked up once to see a cute girl looking in the window laughing at us! It was funny.
Monday night we met at the rock and were very surprised to find an empty room in GPA! We did some pretty serious studying, and had some pretty deep conversations. She was happy that she has been actually getting stuff done, and still playing around while studying with me. I told her that it all depended on the company she keeps, sort of cutting down Derek and Noel. She told me all about Chris, her little dorky boyfriend from Dartmouth. She's flying up there Thursday morning. She said that they talk almost every night on the phone for at least a few minutes. She said that they talked Sunday night for two hours because he is continuing to run around a lot with this `slutty hoar' named Margerie up at Dartmouth, and is then stupid enough to tell her. She essentially gave him an ultimatum that he needs to start putting their relationship before his and his friends, and said that she essentially broke up with him.
We walked to McDonalds this time to eat. We had to both stop at the ATM outside of Burger King. I joked that I was going to look inside for cute girls, and she whined at me. I then said that if there were, I wouldn't want to go, because I'm already with her. It worked rather well. This time was more fun I think, than Burger King, but not by much. I wrote, `Quiet!, do not disturb!' on the door to our room, and it was still empty when we got there!!! We studied some more for a while and had a pretty fun time.
I walked her home, as usual. She really likes the fact that I'll go so far out of my way for her. It then takes us forever to finally leave each other. Just the way that we act around each other when we're leaving, it really seems like I should kiss her!!! I would have a long time ago if it weren't for her boyfriend. It's really confusing. I had a talk with Chris last night for quite a while about that. He strongly agreed that it's always hard to tell with a girl who you've become friends with, because you could ruin everything, but then again you might be missing everything! Every once in a while, we'll be studying and she stop and say that she'd bored. Then she'll ask me in a whiny voice, `Why don't you do something about it?' practically the only thing I could do when she says that would be something sexual, and we do joke about these things enough. She is a little bit immature, or at least she acts that way because she's admitted that she dose so, and maybe she is just looking for someone to mess around with, but doesn't quite know how to start it herself. She might have been brought up thinking that it's not right for the woman to start anything sexual. She is good enough to let me open every door for her. I like that. I don't know!
We were talking about religion the other night on the walk to McDonalds. I wanted to know what her's is. I know that her father is German, and I wondered what her feelings about racism in general are. She told me that she is Jewish! Whoops! I never expected that! She then said that she doesn't really believe that there is a God, which brought about a very interesting conversation. She then said that she doesn't look down upon anybody though for believing, making sure that she didn't hurt me, until I told her that my views are essentially the same as hers.
Anyway, back to last night. She did tell me that she talked to Chris for a little while, and he was the one who called. When we left for German, we ran into Steve, this cool guy from the other Tower. I was then amazed when we ran into Christina on the walk there. the four of us are the only guy girl combinations in the class, and the four of us are pretty good friends. It was cool that we all walked up together at the same time. It almost seemed like we had planned it. Well it seemed that the exam only took me twenty minutes! I then spent an hour correcting it over and over. I walked her home, and Brad decided to tag along. It turns out that a guy jumped off of the stadium today and killed himself!
When Brad finally left, Goo and I stood outside of her dorm and talked for quite a long time. It always takes us forever to say goodbye. We kept trying to figure out what we were going to do later on tonight. I had to go home for a little while because jon was cooking us a chicken dinner. We decided that i'd call her `as soon as I got bored' so that we could do something. She figured that would be in about an hour.
Jon's food was actually pretty good, and I told him so. The chicken was very tender and I jokingly told him that he should have a talk with my mom. I then planned on calling home to find out on what time Friday they are picking me up, and then calling up Jennifer. Instead, I got a call from Emily. That was really good, because if she hadn't of called back, I would have feared that she might have been using me just to help her in chemistry, which I didn't really do that much. I was lad to hear from her. She didn't like the fact that I drank before my German exam, but oh well. The second line then rang, and it was Kimmeth!!! I told her to hold on while I got rid of Emily! I then got to brag about all of the girls I've been talking to.
It turns out that Kimmeth might be leaving for Ft. Lauderdale pretty soon for good. That really sucks and I told her that my summer just went down the drain. I told her that she should wait until the end of summer. She said that she really wants me to come and visit her down there, though. We then talked forever about things we had never discussed before. The hot topics were religion and racism. It turns out that she's half Protestant (hurrah!) and half Baptist, on her father's side. Her mother is from Maine. She said that she's only been to Church about twice in her lifetime, although she does believe somewhat in God. She just believes very strongly that it is a personal matter and should be dealt with individually. Exactly! We had a lot to say on the matter, and I've finally found somebody who feels the way I do about religion, that organized religion is bullshit!
She then told me why she and Chris broke their engagement back in highschool. He became a born again Christian, and that's all he would ever talk about, and would then try to impose all of his beliefs onto her. After many arguments and so on, they just fell apart.
Then we discussed racism. She and I both were saying how extremely prejudice Tampa is. She said that she is not very racist, but there are certain things that piss her off. I had some really strong arguments about racism that she agreed with beautifully. One was hat a lot of times racism has a lot to do with an individual seeing say the actions of a few blacks, and translating it to all of them. It has a lot to do with ones personal experiences with them. We had an extremely interesting conversation. She said that not many racist jokes make her laugh, but some stood out.
She told me one that Mark told her: there was a man driving down a road in Georgia when he suddenly spotted two blacks walking on the side of the road, so he decided to run them over. One hit the windshield and broke it, and the other hit the bumper. A policeman sitting nearby saw the entire incident and pulled the man over. He asked the man if he had just hit the two black men. The driver replied that he had, and asked him what he was going to do about it. The policeman said that he was going to charge the first one with breaking and entering, and the second with damaging public property!
I thought that was hilarious, and later told Chris, who really liked it, too.
Kim then told me that her British boyfriend would joke about them every once in a while. She then said that in England they call blacks coons. My eyes lit up, because I have this little joke that she would love!: What do you call a cocoon? A n-n.....! It takes most people a few seconds to get it, but I knew that she'd catch on right away. She loved it!!! It was really funny!!! I was proud to make her laugh as hard as she did.
She also told me how this guy once turned around to her in high school and said that he has a pretty large family, and sleeps in the same bed with two of his brothers. He then said that every once in a while he'll dream that he's skiing.
She said that she really didn't appreciate that joke, and it usually takes a little while for somebody to get the joke without the hand signal that the teller usually does.
Chris later told me a hilarious joke: One day a Chinese man walks up to a black man behind the counter in a restaurant and says, `I want some dinner n......' The black man got pissed saying that he's tired of people calling him n....., and said that the Chinese m,an would feel differently if the roles were reversed. The Chinese man agreed and they switched places. The black man said, `Give me a drink chink!' to which the man replied, `I'm sorry, but we don't serve n...... here!'
I really liked that one!!!
Kimmeth was telling me that the one guy, Gary, completely ditched her and Dan got a girlfriend. She called gary one last time and left a multiple choice question asking him why he never called her back. She then brought up rejection, and I made up a little question for her. I said asked her why she was calling him, `A:she thought she was being rejected, B:she knew she was being rejected, C:she ...' and then Chris blurted out, `D:I want to fuck you!' and I said, 'D: I want to,' and stopped. I'm not sure if she had heard what Chris said, but I'm kind of sure she had!!! because she seemed to get pretty perky and a little more excited (or maybe appalled, but hopefully not) for about a minute. It was funny.
Kimmeth and I continued to talk for almost two hours!!! Goo called a couple of times and kept saying that she wanted to do something and was bored. I just would tell her to think up something and I'll call her back. I didn't answer the second line three or four times. I complained that Kim would never get to come and see me in Gainesville if she moves now, and she said that she'd come and get me on Saturday if I'd like. I said hat there wouldn't be much for us to do, because nobody is here... wait, what he hell was I saying!!!!... we'd be alone!!!!... Aggghhhhh!!! I don't know. I told her that I'd call her possibly Friday night when I get home. She didn't realize that I was coming home now at first and was really glad to here so.
I never did get to call my parents. I called Goo as soon as I got off the phone. We decided on maybe a movie, we both wanted to see Indecent Proposal. I called the theaters but we had missed all of the shows. We were wondering what to do, and Chris said, `Have her suck your dick!' quite loudly and she said that she already had, and she wasn't going to it twice in the same day. She brought that up again later, and I asked her how come I didn't remember it happening. Next time she should wake me up! She seemed desperate for company, although it was almost midnight, so we decided to play pool downstairs. She had claimed that she plays every once in a while, and now I know how Emily felt when she played me the first time, because Goo really sucks. And you can't whip their butts because they'll feel like shit and hate you. It was interesting, though.
Afterwards, I walked her across the street to her beautiful four door teal Saturn! Once again that overwhelming urge to kiss her was there, just by the way we both act, and how we get so close. She blushed and admitted that we always have the hardest time saying goodbye and I agreed. We finally did, and I walked back home. Goo did forgive me since I said that Kim was moving away to Ft. Lauderdale, which is why I had to talk to her. She got happy when I said that, saying that I could come and visit her! I think she was serious!
Her number for next year in her apartment right up the road from Beaty is: 372-4533. Her birthdate was June 5th 1974. I told her that I want to send her a card at least:
Jennifer Erica Hirsch
1300 Parkside Circle S.
Boca Raton, FL 33486.
My father came up on Monday to carry home most of my stuff. We went to the bank first and changed my mailing address to the one in Tampa. We then got a temporary parking decal for his car, and packed. Ed helped. Afterwards he and I went to Albertson's and bought Turkey and chocolate milk for lunch. When we went back out of the car, he discovered a hole in the top radiator hose! We drove to a little auto parts store that I had gone into when I was looking for a radio fuse, and then replaced it. I actually knew a little bit more about fixing it than he did because I've had to mess with mine so many times. He tried to take the hose off the first time without opening the cap and it remained full of hot liquid. When I did it at the auto store, I opened the cap while he was buying it and all of the coolant sucked out of the hose making it much easier to work with. Then we were all greasy. He left at three, and I went to study with Goo.
Speaking of car trouble, Kimmeth told me that her car broke down twenty miles outside of Tampa on the interstate. Her regulator blew. She had to hitchhike home with this family, and get her car later. The mechanic said that it was the original regulator, and had lasted over sixteen years!!! At least she made it back safe. She said that she had a really good time down there, and I really missed out in Daytona. She said that there were seven seventeen and eighteen year olds there in the room with her, and a couple of them, including Bill's sister were good to go!!! I wonder if one of them would have been her...
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