The world seems to be falling apart for many of the people around me. I've spent so much time trying to comfort both Emily and now Jennifer in the past few days. Their confusion and misery is causing me to be in a very mellow mood. I've been listening to music from the late seventies and early eighties a lot lately. In fact, I'm listening to it right now. It helps to keep you calm.
I left the room late with Chris today. His bike got stolen so he has to walk nowadays. He went to the library and I went to the language lab in Dauer Hall to take the second half of the practice placement exam. The German department is testing it on us to rate how they should use it when placing students that take it for real. I arrived just in time. Everybody else was already there and seated. It was funny how a bunch of people were all trying to say hi to me at once. To avoid confusion I tried to avoid contact with a lot of them. I said hi directly to Fran‡oise. I then heard something and turned around to see Jennifer looking back, and we said hello. Christina also tried to say hello. I talked to Elaine as I came in and she said that I could come up to her office afterwards to find out my test grade from last week.
The test only took half an hour, and then I had the chance to talk to everybody. I coaxed Jennifer, rather easily, to come find out her test grade with me. Brad went, too. We also talked with Fran‡oise and Dianne for a few minutes. On the way upstairs, I looked into a room and saw a really cute girl and made a comment about her being so. Jennifer freaked out and said that I'm not allowed to look at other girls when I'm with her. That surprised me. She's also the kind of girl who will let the guy open every single fucking door for her, not that I'm complaining.
Jennifer was being really hyper, and I kept trying to control her. I was trying to hold her still by the shoulders, but eventually had to sit her down in a chair in the hallway. Elaine had yet to come upstairs to her office. We started talking about her and her boyfriend. She was saying how they are allowed to date other people, and touch, too, but if he sleeps with any other girl, she'll cut his dick off! I was surprised again, and an immediate interest was formed when she said that she'd mess around with other guys. Brad made a rude comment, and she wanted to hit him, but I wrestled with her to keep her under control. It was fun.
Elaine finally showed up, and gave us our tests. She said that she'd take us one at a time because her office is so small. Jennifer started whining that she needed me to be there for moral support. Elaine sort of laughed and we moved into the next office. She was asking if Veronica was in her office, and I said no, that she just left. They all thought that I was bullshitting and didn't know who Veronica is, but I really did. It was funny. I asked Elaine about the picture of Melissa from last semester. She was glad that I remembered about it, because she was going to let me have it and kept meaning to bring it to me in class. She then gave us out tests. It was a pretty hard section, but I did pretty damn good, an 87%. Jennifer was really pissed off and hurt because she only got a 75% and she felt like she had done much better. Elaine gave me the picture a we left.
The picture is beautiful!!! Except that Melissa has her eyes shut. We are centered in the picture, and Cindy and Fran‡oise are to our sides. It's practically every girl that I cared about last semester in that class. I'm so happy to finally have a real picture of Melissa, especially since I'm in it, too! What memories that picture will bring back...
Jennifer was really mad, and I decided to walk her home and talk. She asked me to come upstairs with her so that she can cry and complain to me. I decided to skip Calculus and hang out with her. We talked, and she asked me what's she going to do. I tried to help as best I could, and say he right things. I told her that I wish I knew what to say to make her feel better, but I don't. I was using all the lines that I thought of after I was talking to Emily on Monday. I was trying to help as best I could. She told me a story from her biology class. They were discussing ecology and environmental problems. The teacher told them to break up into smaller groups and discuss methods that might help solve some of these problems. She was called upon as a spokesperson for her group. Her response, `kill the people.' I agree fully!!! I think I came up with that idea in high school once. There are so many useless, sick, and unhappy people in the world that only lead to worse and worse conditions. Kill them.
I had to leave just before three to go to chemistry lab. I walked in right after Emily. Today was the day that we needed a partner, and we worked together. Like there was ever a doubt. I asked her how she was feeling, and she said good somewhat enthusiastically. I'm not sure that was good. She's in the mood to make some pretty rash decisions right now, and I'm hoping to help change that. She was a little mean today, and she said that I was acting as if I was in a pissed off mood. I was pouting when she was mean, and actually went far enough to make her feel guilty. I need to do some serious making up tomorrow in class!!! I didn't mean to carry it so far, but she did upset me a little. I think we both were just getting really frustrated with the lab which we had to do entirely because the answers were all data, not written out questions which can be copied, not that I'd do such a thing.
We were hanging on each other again, a lot. We would stand together, pressed against each other, and would gently rock back and forth gently pushing each other. She has been putting her arms around me to emphasize a point just as much as I do her lately. I think the other guys in lab got the point. We also will rest on each other, which can be a little interesting. We kept playing with each other hands, too. She laughed once and told me that we'll have to wait until after lab to hold hands! We then talked about amusement parks for a little while, and she told me some stuff about her childhood again, about going once to Coney Island and riding the roller coasters. She also says that she was scared of the big slides that you rode down on potato sacks. So was I!, and I told her.
I then had the honor to teach her what a 69 is!!! She knew it was sexual, and had a sexual reference when I said it, but she then asked exactly what it means. I drew a 69 on a paper and said that the balls represent each head. She asked what the stick parts were, the arms. I corrected her, saying that it's the rest of the body. She thought about it for a second and aid that it's not really sex then. I laughed and said that it definitely is, except you use your mouths instead, both at the same time rather than taking turns! Everything suddenly clicked and she freaked out wanting to know where I learned about it from. I said that it's common knowledge from high school, not really knowing what else to say. It was really funny!
I had mentioned halfway through lab about wanting to go to this record shop across the street after lab, and said that she could come with me. I didn't really say anything afterwards,. She actually asked if I still wanted to go, and then we did. They didn't have anything that great, though. They had a used copy of the new Garth Brooks CD a couple of weeks ago and I wish that I would have bought it. It's really smart to buy used CD's because the recordings don't age because a laser is used. Only a bad scratch can ever downgrade the quality of the music. It's also about half the price of a new CD.
We then walked to a pizza place called Leonardo's and had dinner. There was a cuter blonde alternative girl there with her friends who kept flirting with me. One thing that I like, and she knows this, is when a guy and a girl sit together on one side of a four seated table. I sat across from Melissa at Cafe Gardens that time, which might have been a major mistake. A very major mistake!!! I might have once or twice at the beginning with Kimmeth but never anymore. I chose the table, and when she arrived, she sat next to me on the one side, thankfully. I complained when the waiter at Bono's put us across from each other at a table for two, asking what if I had wanted to sit next to her? Of course, I did...
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