Saturday, August 1, 1992

August 1, 1992 - Saturday - Kim, Sharlene

Oh, where to begin, I haven't a clue. So much has happened in the past few days. I went to the beach and got a really good burn on Tuesday. I then was scheduled to work for the following three days before getting a four day weekend, which starts this morning.

Kim closed on Wednesday, and I was cutback, so I planned on trading with somebody so that I could stay and take Kim home. I asked Rebecca when she came in and she said sure, but didn't know if the supervisors would let us. I told her that they would let me, because I always get what I want. I did, too. I asked Frank later on and he said that we could but then he asked why? I told him that I only have two more weeks to save up for college and wanted to make as much money as possible. He laughed and said that was a good reason. I'm pretty sure that he wasn't expecting me to come up with that good of an excuse as fast as I did. I love how a guy who never could talk in front of people before is learning to manipulate things so well verbally. It's funny.

I talked my way around one of the toughest restrictions at Busch Gardens on Thursday. When I came in that morning Andy told me that I had to go to Wardrobe because somebody complained that my hair was too long. I knew that it was probably the top hanging over my eyes that they were talking about so I planned my defense right down to showing them the pictures of me from Leto. I was going to ask them how they let me work an entire month after those pictures were taken if my hair was so long then. Now it is much shorter but I didn't have to resort to that. Alan let me go on work time instead of during one of my breaks or lunch, for which I was grateful. He told me that it was probably my wave and just to comb it to the side. I went to the bathroom and did. When I got to Wardrobe the cute girl was there and I told her that I needed my hair checked. She went and got her supervisor who came out and looked at my hair and then says, 'I don't see anything wrong with it.' She even looked at my nametag and then at the paper, and asked me if I was Daniel Skinner. I said yes. We were talking the whole time and I said that it could have been a day that it was raining since my raincoat never had a hood. I was worried that they might think I had lost it and make me pay for it when I leave on August 13th. She smiled and told me that I should have come in sooner and she went and got me one. She then took me upstairs into the warehouse to see the other supervisor, Melissa, just to make sure. She asked if there was any reason why I couldn't get the one side cut like the other. I said no, but I was leaving in two weeks up to Gainesville, and would make an extra effort to keep it combed to the side. She agreed that they would let it slide and said that maybe the girl saw my long eyelashes, and not my hair. I sarcastically said, 'You mean that I have to get my eyelashes cut, too!' She quickly said no and we laughed. She then told me that I had to keep my hair out of my eyes so that I could keep eye contact with the guests. I told her that I do keep eye contact, since I just received a Service Olympic card, for which she congratulated me for. It all worked out exquisitely and then I got to rub it in to Andy and the couple of others who hoped I had to cut my hair. Ha ha. I have found that when you are in trouble, to always interject personal talk into the conversation, and to brag about yourself alot. I did and it worked. Yesterday in the lounge I saw the first supervisor and was telling her how I was valedictorian at Leto and had a 5.3 GPA. She thought that was wonderful and loves me now. It's good to have the people that can hurt you the most as your allies.

On Wednesday, I was relieving Agnes at Spillway. We were talking and as she was climbing down the stairs, she fell. She had a cup of water that it looked like she was going to pour on me so I grabbed it from her hand. As she was trying to get it back she slipped. I called platform so they could get her a nurse and she walked over. After she left I was really mad at myself for not thinking quicker and going with her. I was pretty upset but Kim talked me out of it, and later Agnes called me. She told me that she didn't tell them that we were horseplaying, and if I had to fill out an accident report, not to say anything either. She didn't want us to get in trouble. I asked her how she was and she said fine. I saw her Thursday morning and she was much better and I jokingly promised her that she could push me down the stairs later. We ended up working together on the unloading brakes later and talked the whole time. She said that when she came down, two black girls helped her and were telling her all kinds of stuff like she shouldn't be standing and all. She said that they scared her more than the fall. She said that later that night when she felt her baby kick again, that she felt much better. I never did have to fill out an accident report, and the whole thing was overshadowed by all of the other mishaps that went on that day.

One was the fact that a ten year old boy drowned over at Adventure Island in the Wave Pool. It was supposedly really crowded and the boy couldn't swim. There are four lifeguards at the pool and they said that one from the other side had to whistle to alert the one where the boy was. We heard that he is going through hell about that. What I don't understand is why none of the other people in the pool tried to the help the boy when he was screaming that he couldn't swim. Andy also fucked up really big. One of the jobs of the person at the panel is to make sure the boats don't get stuck at the bottom of Lift 1. He didn't notice until a woman was screaming and twelve boats were stuck! I was like how the hell could you let twelve boats back up and not notice it. He really got yelled at for that and kept having to answer questions about it to the other supervisors and to Shirley for a while. It was funny. The waster in the trough had nowhere to go so it was pouring over the edge out into the grass. It was like a flood. I haven't seen that much clean water flowing like that since our neighbors' above-ground pool broke and gushed into our backyard. This happened right before Agnes fell.

Anyway, Kim went up to Lift 2 son after I went to Spillway and called me. We talked for a while before she wanted to hang up for a bit but I was telling her she couldn't. I called her later and asked her what I did and she said that I was annoying her. I told her fine and hung up. I called again later and asked if I was allowed to talk to her yet, and she said sure. I asked her why I had annoyed her and she was teasing me asking why I wanted to know. I told her that really bothers me and I want to make sure that I don't do whatever I did to annoy her again. She told me not to worry about it, she was only talking about when I wouldn't let her hang up. We then talked and had fun until closing. Neither one of us had a watch and it would have been hell sitting by myself doing nothing. We were being really funny. She complained about someone splashing, so I tell her that I think that the way people act on the ride tells alot about their personality. Actually I was coming up with most of the diagnoses. The people that splash until they see us up in the box are cheaters who pretend they are wonderful but do bad things when you're not looking. I said that they are likely to have affairs on their husbands or wives. One group of people were either responsible or illiterate. She really liked my explanation and we laughed about that one for a long time. She asked about those guys that grab their girls on the boobs (her word). I told her that they are either aggressive or possessive, wanting all of the other guys to know that she is his and not to flirt with her. He could also be insecure thinking that if he doesn't put her in an awkward situation, she might flirt with the other guys. That was funny, too. She then tells me once how she saw a guy holding the girl right by the nipples the entire way up Lift 2. She then says, 'Ouch!' I though that was funny.

We talked until the last boat passed me by and we said bye. I went down to the screen and found, along with all of the hats, a dollar bill. I waited for Kim and we walked to the back. Alan told us all goodbye and then Kim sticks up her thumb asking me for a ride. I knew she would which is why I hadn't asked earlier. I told her that since I had a dollar now, we could stop somewhere for fries. She laughed and we left. We walked out and sat with Paul to wait for the tram to take us to Treetops. The guy driving the tram was the one that had told me jokes before, and he was trying to get a sing along going. We ended up singing Old MacDonald. Kim and I went to Wendy's. I guess some other people from Busch Gardens had already been in because they asked us why we were so late. We ordered fries, a Frosty, and a Coke for her. We went and sat down front by the window and talked. I reminded her that she had promised me and address over fries where I could write her and bitch at her from college. She pulled out a little paper tablet and wrote:

Kimmeth S. Powell
3420 E. Powhattan Ave.
Tampa, FL 33610-1615

We actually talked the entire way back to her house this time.

We were on the phone again on Thursday for a while. I was there until closing, and when we went down to one channel, Kim and Rebecca changed and rode the ride. Bryan called me up and told me that they were coming so I opened my ice chest. They both ducked down all of the way in their seats and I didn't see them until they were going by. I was pissed and yelled out, 'Shit, dammit!' really loud. I hurried up and called Paul and after a little coaxing, convinced him to dump his cooler on them. Usually the newer people won't do it but he did. It was beautiful. Before they went up the hill I was just leaning against the railing looking at them and Rebecca laughed at me while Kim blew me two kisses. I later told Kim that I was surprised that the two of them thought up a way to trick me all by themselves. Actually I was impressed but won't ever fall for it again.

I turned my Service olympic card in on Wednesday to the Human Resources Office. The girl that works there is really cute with long black hair. I have seen her in the lounge before but have never talked to her. I was trying to be cute and talk to her, and she has a really awesome country accent. Now when we see each other in the hallway we both say hi. Terri from Timbuktu and I still say hi every time we see each other now. It's funny, I hope I get a chance to really talk to either one of them again soon.

I then went to the Service Olympics breakfast in the Festhaus on yesterday morning at 7:30. I went in jean shorts and my dolphin T-shirt from Sea World. There were a lot of people there from the offices. It was OK but the food really sucked. I went and sat near this really cute girl who was sitting with this nerdy guy. We talked a little bit. She works in food service. I was going to try to talk her into running around with me for a little while before I had to go to work but I didn't get the chance. Three ladies from the offices sat on the other side of me. Two of them were really good looking. I talked with them for a little while and found out that Busch Gardens is planning on completely redoing the Festhaus into a non German theme. That sucks, I really liked it the way it was. Oh well. I didn't win any of the door prizes either. Afterwards I went over to the lounge by the Flume and read the newspaper. Paul came in at 9:15 and didn't have to be in until ten. We talked for a while. We've been talking about all of the girls and about college and all lately. Yesterday he saw Alan's wife for the first time and was thoroughly disgusted. He just couldn't get over how gross she is. It's funny. After he left I went and called Kim from the payphone. It was her day off and we talked for a little while before I had to go change into my work clothes. She had said about calling me at lunch but I never got to tell her what time it was.

I've been having a lot of fun with Sharlene lately. I really don't tease her at all. I did however put eleven cents down her shirt when she replaced me on the unloading brakes yesterday. Later on I asked for it back but she said that she spent it. She then asked me if I wanted the penny and I held out my hand. She gave it to me and we laughed. She called in on Tuesday and Wednesday again. A couple of people, mainly Rebecca and Mark, were complaining that she calls in or comes in late all of the time but since she and Frank are friends, nothing happens. We have been talking about that lately and how she hates it when people talk behind someone's back. She said that's one thing she likes about me, if I have something to say, I come right out and say it. I told her how it really doesn't bother me if she calls in or not. Later on we were saying something when the ride was shut down and she goes 'That's because your my friend.' Awww, how sweet! I told her that she's right, if I weren't here friend I wouldn't let her hit on me all the time like she does and we laughed.

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