Well, I've made it through my first day in Gainesville and have loved every minute of it. Everything has turned out perfect. The rest or the family followed me up this morning. It didn't take too long to unload all of my stuff because I had all of them helping me. I already have everything in it's place and am all set for one hell of a year. When I first saw my room this morning I was greatly impressed. It was much bigger than I had expected and was in pretty good condition. I was the first person here and still am the only person. It's great because I got to pick which bed I wanted, which closet, and I got to steal the desk for my computer. The air conditioning keeps it a perfect 70 in here all of the time, it's wonderful. The bathroom is also really nice and really big.It's much better than I had expected. I love it! Then came the good part. I had at first thought that the two towers were separated by sex, but then later came to believe that guys and girls were separated by floor levels. All of the sudden father calls me out and tells me to look at the four names on the suite next to mine. They were girls!!! It was awesome. We then went walking around to the other six suites on our floor looking at the names. We looked into the rooms where the girls kept the door open and made some kind of joke about how long it would be before I was in there or something. It was funny.
After we had unloaded my car, and since they were here, I made them take me to buy me groceries and the other things I needed. This town is wonderful, too. There's a great big Target, a Wal-mart; all of the places you need to get anything you need. And they are all brand new. The girls are unbelievable. They're everywhere! Tampa is infested with roaches, Gainesville is infested with gorgeous women! Pity. Ha ha! Anyway, we bought paper towels and some other stuff at Target, and then forty dollars worth of groceries at Albertson's. We also bought deli turkey and had lunch in my dorm when we got back. Afterwards we went driving around campus and it's really cool. They then dropped me off out in front of Beaty Towers and left me. I went back to my room and finished putting everything away.
One thing that is really cool is the dorm security. I got two keys when I checked in. One opens the main doors to the towers, the stairs, the elevators, and Beaty Commons. The second opens the door to our suite and then our individual bedroom. There is no way anyone without a key can even enter the building unassisted. I thought that the elevators would be in bad condition after hearing all of the things Cindy and Jana had to say, but they were emaculate. It's all perfect.
This morning I bought an Beaty area government card for ten bucks. It's called a TAG card. It gets us into a bunch of little social events this week that would normally cost one or two dollars each. We even get food at them, too. You can also use it to rent appliances and sport equipment and cash checks. It's a cool little card. Tonight's social event was a an ice cream party at nine. I put on my new boots from bass with my jean shorts and black tank top. I went down to Beaty Commons. I met this guy from Vermont named Ivan. He's a floor leader and we were talking until the ice cream was served. He then introduced me to Mia, who is my floor leader. She said she was sorry for not visiting me sooner today. She's pretty cute. Ivan told me that I'll learn to love the Common because if anything happens, it's usually in there.
They then pulled out a game and the thirty of us in there split into two teams. We then went around the room an introduced ourselves. We would get a category and have to sing at least eight words from a song about it. It was pretty fun. Mia rolled the die for our group and I sat down on the floor next to her. We joked and the whole group were all pretty fun people. It was cool. Afterwards, Mia and I went back up to our floor. She came over to see which room I am in, 608A. We then walked over to hers because she needed me to sign a survey for her. I sort of talked my way over. I had heard that she was watching cartoons earlier today with some other people, and that she usually leaves her door open. I joked about wanting to come over to watch TV and we walked over. She told me that I can tomorrow and to please drop by any time I like. There was this cute blonde out in hall and Mia introduced us. She asked if I was Mia's boyfriend since I was going into her dorm with her. I told her that it was nice and looked around a few minutes before coming back over. It was already eleven. This is going to be one damn good year.
Last night I called Kim back at about 8:20 and we talked for thirty-five minutes. This was the first time we have ever talked about sex. She asked me if she ever told me about her ex-boyfriend, Dan, down in Ft. Lauderdale. She used to chase him around when she used to live there. He asked her out when she visited last week but she told him that she didn't know. I told her that either he has had bad luck with all of the girls and thought that she was so desperate that he could always fall back on her, or that he was just doing it for sex. She thanked me and told me that every time she thinks something might be going good in her life, she's going to talk to me so I can bring her back down to reality. I told her that it was because I am a realist and I was just telling her the truth because I'm a guy and I know how we think. It was funny. She was also reading the personals in the newspaper to me and we were making fun of them and having a good time. She told me that Dan probably wasn't doing it for sex so I made fun of him saying surprisedly that he must be a fag. She old me a story how he once got arrested one night for wreckless driving and she saw him at a bar the next night. He told her that even though he doesn't normally drink, he could really use one, and then could really go for eight hours or straight sex with a woman. She said OK. When she did he sort of freaked out and started looking all around away from her until she told him that it was just a joke. I would have liked having those eight hours.
She had to go for a few minutes but said she'd call me back in a few minutes and she did! I was so happy! She didn't ditch me again. We ended up talking a little while longer and ended up on a very good note. She wants me to drop her a note as soon as I get settled in. I'm so glad she called me yesterday. Her doing so was one of the most important things to me in a long time. Thank you, Kim.
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