Friday, August 28, 1992

August 28, 1992 - Friday - Melissa, late talk

I've been having a pretty awesome time with classes and all. Especially since I only have two on both Thursday and Friday. I guess I need to start doing my homework though. I suppose. The girl situation is also coming along quite nicely as well. I even saw Trisha yesterday walking to class and said hi, and I saw Minh this morning out by GPA.

My second and last class yesterday was German fourth period. I have Physics discussion third period and the asshole kept us in there so fucking long that I was close to being late. But when I walked in, there was a nice open seat right next to my friend Melissa. She told me that she saw me yesterday going through Yulee Hall and was going to yell, 'Guten Tag!' but figured I wouldn't hear her. I felt all special and of course bragged later to my roommates. Yulee is the dorm right in front of Beaty Towers and next to Broward. It's really cool that she lives so close, maybe something can work out with this. I was surprised that she was able to get a dorm because usually seniors don't get that privilege. Somehow she ended up telling me that she has a 4.0 GPA! I was impressed and somewhat shocked. She had been a little quiet but I didn't figure her to be the really studious type. I asked her how she had done in high school and she sort of laughed and said not that well. I still haven't told her how smart I am and how well I did in high school.

Right now she's only going on the premises of my really good looks. I think she was a bit conscientious about how I would react to her telling me how well she has done because she sort of said it quietly with a questioning look like she was embarrassed by such a horrendous thing like a 4.0 GPA. Maybe she didn't want me to think she is a 'nerd.' Smirk. We took a quiz toward the end of the period. Afterwards I waited for her to finish and then we walked out together. Chris and I have decided that we want to play tennis and he was going to call this girl that he used to know in the ninth grade and try to get her and her roommate to come play with us. Anyway, I asked Melissa if she plays tennis. She said no. So I told her that we don't either, but were trying to get a few people together to start playing. It I'll be really good since she lives right next to the courts so I told her that maybe we can get together soon if we can scrounge up some rackets. When we got to the bicycles she told me to have a good weekend and I told her the same. I was happy.

At 7:30 I had just waken up from a six and a half hour nap, when Mia knocks on the door and reminds us about the ice cream social in the Commons. Ed and I went down and I ended up having two huge servings. It's really good because the leaders of the Tower Area Government all know me so I get somewhat special treatment. I had a huge sundae. Chocolate and vanilla ice cream with tons of chocolate syrup, whipped cream, caramel, Reeses Pieces, chocolate chips, sprinkles, and tons of M&Ms. It was the first real candy that I've had since I've been up here so I pigged out. Afterwards Ed and I played pool and I'm actually starting to get halfway decent and can make some pretty good shots. Later on after it was dark, Ed and I went out to the big field behind the tennis and basketball courts and played frisbee. We were doing really good. Whenever a girl would walk past the other person, we would purposely throw it past him so he could get a closer look. At one point this really cute girl in short jean shorts and a white sport bra was at the drinking fountain. I threw the frisbee and curved it perfectly so that it landed about eight feet behind her. Ed was glad that I made such a perfect shot. Seeing her getting a drink made me thirsty so I had to walk over, too. Afterwards at about ten, Ed planned on going out with Valerie again. Everybody was back from wherever when she showed up. I had pulled out the Risk game and Jon and I were going to teach Chris how to play. When she saw that, Valerie asked if she could play so I quickly let her into the game. Ed joined in as well and I effectively prevented them from going out.

It was fun because she sat over next to me and also didn't' know how to play so I got to be tutor. Chris was the first to lose and really wasn't happy about it. Then Valerie and I became allies so that we could try and stomp Ed's and Jon's asses. She would lean on my leg with her elbow when she would be thinking about her next move. MAybe she likes me! Just kidding. Jon and I were making fun of Ed as the kind of person who might fall in love with any girl just because she grabs on to his arm or lets him comb her hair. Actually I am the one who is that way. Valerie and I were doing rather well for a while but then fell into a slump. We all started having a really interesting conversation about the difference between having sex and making love. We decided to call off the game as not to interrupt such an interesting conversation. Chris joined the conversation and we had a really emotional and serious talk about a lot of things. So serious that we didn't finish to well after 3:30 in the morning when we finally remembered that we had classes this morning in second period to go to and needed some kind of sleep.

We were talking about everybody's best experiences in love, and they didn't have to be sex. Ed's was when he was on a snowskiing trip and he got snowed into a cabin with this girl that he messed around with. Ed's still a virgin and I believe that Valerie is, too. Jon has only had sex once. Of course there's nothing wrong with any of that because I am, too. I think that my best time was when I was on Clearwater beach that night with Nicole, kissing and when I swept her off her feet to carry her over the water. We also talked about our worst experiences. Chris' was when he was going down on a girl, of course Valerie whinced at that part, and she was acting more hyper than usual. Thus he was even more excited until she all of the sudden pisses in his face. We cracked up but he swore us to secrecy. Oh well.

I sat next to and talked to Valerie the entire time with Ed over by the stove. We had our bare feet up on the table and were pretty comfortable. I did my best to aggravate Ed in little ways and he would sit just quite for long periods of time. He always tries to agree with everything Valerie would say so that she will think he completely shares her interests. Every once in a while it would get rowdy when she wanted to say something so I would always turn just to her and let her tell me. We kept getting off on these little side conversations. She really has a complex about not wanting to be Ed's second choice because he used to like a girl named Allison so much and she thinks that he sort of wanders because he keeps calling all these girls such as Heidi and she doesn't really like it. She pulled me to the side and was telling me this once. It was great. We also talked about world traveling and religion. I not too much of a religion fan. I think that religion was created by man because of man's ignorance of things he could not or did not want to understand. I believe completely in spontaneity where I believe that everything happened because things were in the right place at the right time for them to. I really find it mentally stimulating to imagine the infinity of the universe. It amazes me. I believe that everything happens by chance, by itself.

Anyway I went to Physics this morning which was a fucking bore. When class was let out, it was pouring and I was wearing my good leather hiking boots. I ran over to the bookstore and asked for a bag and then went barefoot all of the way back. Tonight, Ed is supposed to set me up with Heidi and we are planning on going to see the new Twin Peaks movie and then heading over to some party. Valerie and Ed are going, too, and Jon might come along to the movie. This little date could prove a lot of things. Valerie wants Heidi to see that Ed is 'hers,' because Heidi just broke up with her boyfriend recently and was looking for comfort. And I want to give her that comfort. She's pretty cute. She has really nice hair and really nice tits for all I saw when she would lean over while playing pool. It could turn out to be rather interesting. Allison just called a little while ago and she asked me to tell Ed that she did. I think I'll wait until Valerie's here to hear so she will be jealous.

We planned on the four of us going to the movies in Ed's car, and then coming back so that I could drive Heidi and myself to the party. We went and saw the movie and it only cost four bucks. You could tell that it was early because of all the little high school teenagers there. There were some really cute older girls though and I flirted. I sat in between Jon and Valerie. Valerie knows a lot about the movie series of Twin Peaks and was helpful while watching the movie. She and I would talk about things in the movie and about the people around us. We then decided just to ditch Heidi because I really disdn't want to drive or put gas in my car. I sort of wish we had picked her up, or taken her to the movies. I could have gone for some making out. We went to the party over in Oxford Manor which usually has plenty of parties and had a line of cars waiting to get in. It was a pretty dead party with only a couple of cuter girls. If we would have wanted to stay, I would have started talking to them. A girl poured Ed and I some beers out of the keg. I had about two swallows. I didn't really care for it, like a lot of people say, it tastes like shit. We then took off and bought some groceries at Kash and Karry and then came back to our dorm. We had Bagel Bite pizzas and french fries. Valerie and I each paid part of a half gallon of heavenly hash ice cream. It was really good. Ed took her home at about one. She is sick and didn't wan't to stay any longer.

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