Wednesday, August 26, 1992

August 26, 1992 - Wednesday - Jana, Shannon, Melissa

Everything in the world that could possibly happen this week has happened, except for one thing, of course. I'm having an unbelievably awesome time. I don't know where to start. How about the beginning. That'll work.

My roommate, Chris, or Kostas, or Konstantin, turns out to be a really cool guy. Were getting along very well and talk all of the time. He showed up Saturday night with his girlfriend, Desiree from Jacksonville. I'm sorry, I meant to say from Jacks. That seems to be what everybody calls it now. Anyway, he also brought over a bunch of friends who were all going out partying after they carried all of his stuff up. I showed off the awesome graphics on my computer and they loved it. One of the guys knew a lot about them and said he has $3500 invested in his, and would be glad to trade some stuff with me. He has some pretty expensive programs that he can get me in exchange for some my pictures and movies, especially the pornos. Chris asked me if I wanted to come along but I declined, telling him maybe next time. He planned on having Desiree spend the night and getting screwed. Jon and I told him that we'd get the mattress ready for him out in the living room, and we did. Actually it turned out pretty good because we set up the black light and the two of them loved it.

Meanwhile, Valerie's been over a lot and she and Ed keep running of together and were out that night. Chris called and asked if we'd be in bed by one, because Desiree is shy and didn't want to do it with me in the room, so we said we would. We found a new Blockbuster video located right on our floor in Beaty! These guys around the corner copy every video that comes out and said that we were welcome to watch them whenever we like. Jon and I watched White Men Can't Jump and Wayne's World. These guys also have Super Nintendo, a stereo system, and a computer. I am hoping to trade shit with him, too.Anyway, we were asleep by 12:30 and at 1:15, Ed and Valerie walk in so we got back up and all talked. Chris and Des showed up at about 1:30 and were surprised to see us all up and awake.

The four of us decided to go out and were gone by two. Before we left we turned on Jon's tape recorder to catch Chris and Des in action. We took Ed's car and went to a decent country food place called Skeeter's that has a pretty long waiting line. We got in pretty quick because we only had four people, though. I asked for a strawberry biscuit which is a giant homemade biscuit with tons of strawberries, ice cream, and whipped cream. It didn't taste that great though because they used frozen strawberries. Valerie helped me eat some of the ice cream at the beginning and I helped her eat some of the hash browns that she ordered. It was pretty fun. There were some cute girls there and I flirted with them of course. It's amazing some of the looks you get back. I'm starting to enjoy talking to them now in addition to just flirting with them. It's so ironic when I find myself turning and talking to a girl after I used to be such a fucking introvert.

Damn, I'm stressed! I finally get a chance to write in my journal for more than five minutes. I really haven't told anybody about it yet and don't really want anybody watching over my shoulder. Everybody else took off to the library to study. I stopped by to say hi after my last class but didn't have anything that I needed to do so I came back.

I've been thinking an awful lot about Kimmeth the past two days. I've seen a couple girls that look almost like her from behind and it's really brought back a flood of memories, mostly good ones though! I didn't realize how much I missed her, because I really do. I think I loved her, she was so beautiful, both physically and mentally. What a heartache! I'm planning on writing a letter to her tomorrow as well as one to Tracy. I'm also going to write Uncle Rick a thank you note on a post card that I bought in the campus bookstore thanking him for the money he sent me for graduation.

Well, Ed just walked in but he left for the gym to work out. I'm waiting for Chris to come back before I go. There's this really cute girl who lives in the room down at the end of our hallway. She has really long light brown hair and freckles. Ed and I saw her over in Mia's room the day she made us all brownies. Ed told me that she was down in the laundry room washing clothes so I went downstairs with him so that I could try to meet her. He told me that when I was finished with her, then he'd take her. Ha, ha. The reason he mentioned it in the first place is because I met a girl when I was washing clothes on Monday night. It was the first load of clothes that I have ever washed and they turned out fine except for my new '92 Olympics shirt from Busch Gardens which faded a little on the front.

Anyway, it was a little after twelve when my clothes would be finished drying so I went to the elevator. We had seen each other when we were first putting the clothes in but it was crowded and we didn't say anything. She was in the elevator and she smiles and goes, 'Laundry, right?' and I said yes. We then started talking about our classes and how our day went and everything. She's a sophomore and has just pledged and has been accepted into a sorority that I think is called Phi Kappa Theta. She said that it's different, though, because they aren't all snotty and they don't really ignore other people just because they're of a 'lower class' or something. She's pretty cute and nice and lives on the eighth floor up above us. As I was leaving I asked her what her name was at the exact same time she was telling me. It's Shannon. And then I introduced myself.

Just now, as Ed and I were waiting to get on the elevator, one opened. It was full and they were going up. It was pretty full of cute girls. Then I noticed Shannon standing in the back. She saw me, too so we waved and said hi over top of everybodys' heads as the door closed. As I did I heard a couple of them giggle. That raised my spirits and I got to show off to Ed. It's funny, because I keep telling the guys about all of my flirtations, and then I keep getting all of these chances to prove myself to them which is cool. Then Mia walks out and we all talked for a minute. When we were finally on the elevator Ed realized that he forgot his towel so we'd have to go back up. That was good because the cute girl got on with her friend. Ed and I sort of talked extra loud so we all could hear our conversation. It was funny but we still haven't met her formally. But we will.

Anyway, back to Saturday night. After we left Skeeter's we decided to head over to T. J. Morrissey's which is a dance club that lets in 18 and older after 10 P.M. They told me to try and get in first since I was the only one who's not 18 yet. The guy who checked my I.D. looked at me for a second and then glanced at my driver's license and waved me through. Jon who looks younger had the guy check his license twice for a long time. It was funny. I paid my three dollars and went in. After everyone caught up, we squirmed our way through the crowd back into the dance room. On the way past the bar, a girl grabs my arm and says hi. It was Meg and her friend who I met in Beaty Commons at their little social get togethers. I said hi back and then we were split by the crowd. Valerie then turns and while laughing goes, 'I saw that!' We have been talking a lot lately about everything from movies to sex.

When we got to the dance floor we made our way over to a wall of TV screens that were showing the videos to the songs that were playing. I actually danced and had a pretty good time. There were some really good looking chicks there and I flirted with a good number of them. This one girl and I kept slowly moving until we were back to back and kept brushing into each other. We kept making eye contact every few seconds for a while. It was great. What's really fun is following a girl's glance for a long time and smiling the whole way. I did that to this one girl who kept smiling each time we made eye contact afterwards. I love it! Valerie didn't really like the music because she said that she didn't know how to dance to it. She pretty much stood there watching the videos. Every once in a while a song she likes would come on and she'd dance like crazy. It was great. I guess it could be partly because I was somewhere that I really wasn't supposed to be, but oh well!

We ended up leaving TJ's at about 4:30 in the morning and got back to Beaty at about five. I looked in the radio and the cassette was gone. Chris later told us that they heard the click when the recorder shut off and found the tape. He says it was really good and you could hear everything, but Desiree took it with her back to Jacks. Damn! She promised Chris a copy after she gets over the shock. Valerie keeps joking about Desiree saying that she is 'shy.' She really doesn't like her because she thinks that she is a ditzy bimbo. I've noticed that Valerie doesn't really care for Chris either because she pretty much shuts up when he is around. It's funny. I ended up sleeping in Jon and Ed's room because they were already asleep in mine. It was twenty before six before we went to sleep. She was back over Sunday night and we all sat around and played a couple of games of Scruples.

I started off Monday morning by taking my car all of the way over to the freshman parking lot over by Hume Hall. I couldn't find my decal for a long time and had to search everywhere. It was in the bottom of a bookstore bag and I had seen Chris moving them all around. I finally found it, I really couldn't use another ticket. My first class was at 8:30 and was English. I walked in and headed straight for the nearest girl. We didn't talk though but I kept looking her way. Our professor decided to never show up so finally another lady came in and told us to sign the role and we could go ahead and leave. My next class was German and is taught by a graduate student who is half way attractive. She went around introducing herself to all of us and later had us singing the German alphabet. It was fun. She told us that she likes to teach by both mental and physical contact. OK. There are plenty of cute girls in that class. I sat next to an older girl named Nicole who looks part French or something. We made a few jokes but nothing serious. I then went to Honors Calculus 2. It was a bunch of nerdy guys crammed into a tiny room. The stereotypes on Revenge of the Nerds were perfect! There were only two girls in there. The professor seems really cool though. He's a younger British guy. The way he talks alone lightens up the atmosphere and makes it a better class. On the way out I went up to the cuter of the two girls and started talking to her. We kept walking together for quite some time until I had to go get my bike which was back at Matherly Hall where the class was. It was awful though because she said that she was going to be switched into regular Calculus. I pleaded with her not to leave but she wasn't there on Tuesday so I was pissed.

Later on I called Jana and Cindy's dorm. Cindy answered and told me that Jana wasn't there. I asked her why not so she started laughing and told me that it was because Jana didn't want to get a call from me. Smartass. She then put Jana on the phone and we talked for a little while until her sister came to pick her up. It was a cute little conversation and I'm glad that I finally got to talk with her again. I forgot to ask her about her trip to England though. I then had to go to Williamson Hall at five for my Physics placement exam. I took it and it was seemingly easy. I had read over the first six chapters in Jon's Physics book like the secretary had told me to do over the phone. There were sixteen questions and you had to score at least ten to get into Physics 3040 and skip the lower courses. I was finished pretty early and took it up to the front of the auditorium. The guy was grading them there so I asked if I could wait and see my grade. He said yes and after he checked it he said it was the best score so far. I scored a fourteen. Once again I kicked ass on the placement exam. I was really happy and my roommates are proud. Chris keeps bragging to the others about all of my accomplishments. It's cool. There is no Honors Physics course though, it's all mixed together.

A while after I got back, Chris and I went to work out in the Gym. They have the whole place set up with Nautilus equipment and it's free to UF students with their ID card. I was wearing jean shorts and when I got there one of the guys told me that I couldn't work out on the machines with denim shorts. It has something to due with the rivets hurting their sensitive equipment or some bullshit like that. I just hung around with Chris for a little while. There were some really hot girls in there. Enough to make me want to go back regularly. There was this one in a heather gray spandex top with a gorgeous body and really big tits. She was beautiful, and Chris and I were lusting. And of course I flirted with her and the other girls using the step machines. There was another girl there with her friend. She was wearing a tight little orange bra that you could see straight through. She looked like a freshman. When she got on the weight machines I went over and started talking to her. I saw her friend look over from one of the other machines and smile at her because I was talking to her. I want to go back just to see her again. Chris later was telling Jon and Ed that I was over talking to a really hot babe and he was proud of me. That was cool.

What's really funny is the fact that I can be in lust with so many girls even though I still really miss Kim. It's because all of my trains of thought are completely independent of each other which is really cool and the reason why I am so smart in so many areas. Everything doesn't just blend together and fade away. My thoughts and feelings remain distinct.

On Tuesday morning I left at about 6:30 after Chris and Ed to go play drop/add. I went over to the Physics line and had sixth place. If you go much later the lines will stretch all through the halls and even out of the buildings. They didn't start until close to eight. I signed up for my class, lab, and discussion period. Not until afterwards did I realize that they accidentally scheduled my lab and discussion at the same fucking time so I had to go back later. When I did there were two lines. One went on forever but mine only had five people so it didn't take long.

I then started riding my bike over to the English drop/add line until I suddenly hear someone go, 'Dan!' and I turn around and it's Jana! I went over and started talking to her. We ended up walking all of the way back to her dorm in Graham Hall. She then invited me up to her room. She wasn't sure if Cindy was decent or not and had to check before she'd let me in. She wasn't even there. Her dorm room is pretty small and it's not nearly as comfortable as ours. It almost has the atmosphere of a classroom. I guess it's the cinderblock walls. Our's are flat. Knowing Jana, being rich and upper-middle class, I asked her how she liked and was handling the community bathroom thing. She detests it and was telling me all these gross things that happen and how it's always crowded. When I commented on her little room she kept telling me it's all right. I told her that I guess I'm just use to Beaty which is almost like a house. She later admitted that her dorm is a real shithole and she was just trying to talk herself into believing it was better. I knew it.

Jana was then bitching about Cindy using and touching the stuff in her closet. I asked her what she would do if she had to live with someone who wasn't her best friend. She'd probably freak out. I then sat down on a little cushion chair and she sprawled out on the lower bunk. She said she was hungry and I asked her if she wanted to walk over to the Reitz Union but she didn't want to get sweaty yet again. We started watching Maury Povich. He had these people who have some disease which gives them uncontrollable twitches, such as making funny noises and body movements. It wasn't really morally funny, but we couldn't help but laughing. I told her all about my summer at Busch Gardens, about Kim and all, and about some of my successes since I've been up here. She was then talking about how nobody on her floor really knows each other. She thinks they're just a bunch of bitches. I went to the door and told her to come on, I'd introduce her to some of her neighbors. I said that it's better and more fun to know them just like we do up in Beaty. She got up and chased me to the door and while laughing told me that she would lock me out if I did. It was then about time for us to head out to fourth period. I told her to call me and I wrote my number down really big on her noteboard. She didn't get a chance to write it on her list and erase it before we left so Cindy will know I was there. I walked with her practically all the way to her class before I said goodbye.

It was then time for German so I headed over to Little hall. This cute blonde named Heidi sat next to me and we talked. After class I ended up running in to her over by GPA (Turlington Hall) and we talked for a few minutes. I found out from Jon that only freshmen call Turlington by its real name, most people call it GPA because the classes in it lower everyone's GPA so much. I also found out that you have to wear your backpack over only one shoulder or else your a nerd. I bought an Eastpak leather backpack at the bookstore. It's really cool and is better than everyone elses. I also have met a bunch of girls named Heidi. There's this one girl that lives over in Beaty West that I watched playing a game of pool with Ed. Then there's the girl in German. We then find out that the girl Ed and I were chasing into the laundromat earlier that lives on our floor is named Heidi, too. I didn't think it was that common of a name.

After German I went to the English drop/add line to get rid of that English class because it conflicts with Physics. I figured I'd just skip Calculus because that was something I needed to hurry and get done. I ended up getting out of there though with enough time to make it to class. The time seemed to pass by quickly because I started talking to this girl who was in line behind me. She had blonde curly hair and was pretty cute. It turns out that she went to King High School in Tampa and graduated ranked fifth with a GPA over five. Of course when I found that out I had to outdo her in everything but I kept reassuring her how good she had done as well. She also worked at Adventure Island so we talked about that and Busch Gardens for a while. I ended up adding a computer programming class in its place. I couldn't believe the girls that were signing up for computer classes. They were gorgeous!

We all ended up going over to the library at about five to study. I forgot my list of problems for Calculus so I did all fifty of them! It's been the first time that I've actually done homework in completion, early, in a hell of a long time. I then played with the library's computer databases for a while and was reading the entries about sex before Jon and I went back to our dorm.

This morning I went to Physics lecture during second period. The auditorium was packed with people. Ivan and Eric, from Beaty Towers were there and we said hi. It really sucked. We have some Indian teacher that I could barely understand. I'm going to have to go earlier and get a seat up front on Friday. Before German there are usually a ton of good looking girls hanging out on the patio in front of Little Hall so I went over early and grabbed an Alligator newspaper and sat down on a bench to read. Across the walkway there were two girls that I kept flirting with. I would keep looking up from my paper and meet there eyes with an interested expression on my face. It's so fun! Then a friend of one of the girls started doing the same thing back to me. A few minutes later a really good looking blonde comes over and sits next to me. She looks like sorority and she was probably a junior. She started reading a book on statistics. I wait a few minutes and then started talking to her about what classes she was taking and what her major is. I kept glancing at the girls across the walkway. We talked about a few other things and then said some really pleasant farewells. It was really interesting and of course I bragged to the guys.

In class we're learning personal questions and answers and she kept having us pair up and ask the other person questions. There was this cute girl who started Tuesday sitting right behind me so I turned around and asked her if she'd be my partner. Then we started talking. We're both a little quiet and since I screwed up a couple times in the beginning, Elaine came over and said she wanted to hear us do it. We asked and answered our questions flawlessly. It was funny. I'm starting to do really well in there. I'm going to love that class. Anyway, the girl's name is Melissa and she's a senior. She's really good looking. We went through our little questions and I had a fun little time.

College is so fucking awesome. I love all of the girls. I'd really like to get into a relationship right now. I miss Kim. Oh well.

This past weekend Hurricane Andrew passed right over Miami and across the state before heading up and hitting Louisiana. It was the worst hurricane ever recorded in the United States and it killed fourteen people in Southern Florida. The pictures in the paper show huge areas completely shattered by the winds and flooding. Metropolitan Miami made it without much damage. Homestead is where the eye hit. One TV station showed an airport where the airplanes look like they had been smashed with giant fly swatters. The hurricane didn't really affect Tampa at all. I've heard distress from a lot of people up here who are from or have family in Southern Florida. It is especially bad because the telephone service could not be reopened for at least three days after the storm. Nice.

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