I woke up yesterday morning just as Ed's parent arrived for their visit. They brought up Ed's stereo system which sounds really good. They then went out to lunch and said that we would go shopping when they returned. His parents are really nice. They are pretty well off and pretty much seem to spoil Ed. I don't think they liked me that much at first until we started talking and they realized how smart I am. I then attached right on to his mom and we talked for a little while. I also talked with him and his dad for a long time. His dad is into car restoration and does a pretty good job. They told me a bunch of their little stories about the things that they do down in Sarasota. His mom told me that if I ever needed anything from Tampa to let them know and they would get it for me. I thought to myself and later told Jon that I need Kim and Busch Gardens. We also talked about building a bar table in our room with stools and then have a couch on the front side. I kept giving my input on how to do it and it was well received. It should be pretty nice once it is finished. His dad is going to have a friend of his make the table and then he'll bring it up on their next trip.
We first went to Target to pick up a few things. there were some pretty cute girls in there. I'm intrigued by the type of girl that wears a V-neck white T-shirt. I think they're pretty sexy especially when the girl is good looking in the first place. We then went over to Albertson's to buy groceries. I spent almost fifty bucks but bought enough food to last well over two weeks. There was a group of three cute girls that were walking in the opposite direction that I was so that we would pass each other down every row. One was really cute, almost tropical. She definitely had some kind of European in her. After we passed each other a couple times we would look at each other and smile or laugh when it kept happening. It was funny. One of the girls was a little more reserved but she was flirting with me by the time we were done.
After we got back to our suite I soon went to sleep. I woke up once when Ed came home and then the next person I see is Valerie. She asked me if I wanted to go see a movie and go dancing with them tonight. She smiled and nodded her head trying to encourage me to agree and I did. Then I fell back asleep. I woke up at about ten at night. Ed made her a spaghetti dinner while I sampled all of his CD's on his stereo. Valerie and I had bought a half gallon of Heavenly HAsh ice cream at Kash & Karry on Friday so she pulled it out and came in and sat on the floor in Ed's room to eat it. I went and grabbed a spoon as well and started eating out of the box with her. Jon and I were talking earlier today about how Ed isn't really mature enough for a serious relationship. Somehow his mom was with us part of that time and expressed her concerns that she doesn't think Ed is old enough for one either. We were also talking about how much I flirt with Valerie. I do it all of the time and have really gotten on her good side. After she got the ice cream I told him to watch me go eat out of the box with her and he laughed. I then invited Ed to get a spoon and join us so I didn't look like a complete asshole. She ended up leaning over to kiss him and later told me that she wanted to see if he'd spill the ice cream on his spoon. When she did, I laughed and told her that I didn't have to watch this so I picked up the ice cream and ran. of course she chased me down and made me bring it back.
Valerie then wanted to find me a date for the evening but I sort of shunned the idea of Heidi. Ed called her anyway but she already was wasted and had something else planned. Valerie then called a bunch of people she knows. She kept asking them if they wanted to go out with a really cute guy with really blue eyes. She ended up setting me up on a blind date with a girl named Kendra. She then made the comment that was something like if I lick this girl's crotch, then she'll be happy. She said that she is pretty smart and shy, but is sexually uninhibited. Valerie then went home to get changed. I got dressed up halfway decent in jeans and a nice shirt and a bit of Chaps. Ed and I left to pick up Valerie at about midnight. We then went to pick up Kendra.
She is pretty cute. She's about 5'8" and has a nice figure. She wore a powder blue sleeveless shirt that was tied over her stomach and unbuttoned a bit at the top. She is studying to be a physical therapist and saw her first cadaver today in Shands Hospital. We went to see Single White Female which didn't turn out to be that great of a movie so I blamed Valerie. Her brother Ernesto and his friend Tony met us at the movie theater. Ed actually paid Valerie's way this time and Before she could say anything, I paid Kendra's. It only cost four dollars up here to see a movie compared to $5.75 in Tampa. Valerie told her brother and Tony that they had to sit in front of us so she and Ed could make out. They wouldn't though and he actually sat right next to Ed and started talking to him. Kendra was sitting in between Valerie and I and the three of us kept bunching up and talking. I told her to watch out because at the rate things were going, Ed and Ernesto would be making out before she got the chance to. It was funny and we all laughed. They never did kiss, just held hands. I leaned over once and asked if anybody was making out yet. I knew that they weren't so I was going to turn to Kendra and ask her if she wanted to lead the way but she wasn't looking right. We could have easily gone far if I would have only taken the initiative. There's a chance that we will go out again and I always have much better second dates, take Kim for example. I also need to get her phone number because I want to call her and talk to her soon.
Afterwards we went to TJ's and Valerie had me go in right after her. I, once again, nervelessly went through the ID check which they didn't even really do and got in. I wonder how many times I'll be able to get in before getting snagged. Jon tells me it's because I don't look seventeen at all and usually a younger person will be nervous about being found out and will give some sign that they are younger. I can completely convince myself to act normal as if nothing is out of the ordinary. Besides, I see myself as being older and more mature anyway. We went in at about 2:30 this time and it was more crowded. You could fell the heat inside that place. As we were trying to make it to the dance floor Ernesto, Valerie, and KEndra got way ahead of us and we lost them. We knew from last time though that we always go to the front left corner by the open door with the fresh air and the TV screens with the videos. Ed, Tony, and I eventually made it over. On the way some girl grabbed my hand and was toying with me to come with her. I didn't really see what she looked like but maybe I should have turned and gone before our hands got pulled apart. When we finally found Valerie she didn't know where Kendra was because she got lost so she and I went and found her.
There were some really good looking girls there and maybe I was flirting too much for Kendra's tastes. We all got in a circle and danced giving ourselves some breathing room and an area to ourselves. There were these two girls and a guy doing some pretty sexy dancing. They were both blonde, with tans. One was in a black leotard that had a three inch wide strip cut out of the front all of the way down her crest, and was tied with little black strings to hold it together. It was nice. The other had a gorgeous figure and face and looked like a senior sorority girl. She had on a little halter top and short jean shorts. For a while I was dancing with my back to them so that we would conveniently be rubbing against each other. They were dancing and moving with these guys all of the way down to the floor. Valerie and I kept making fun of them and wondering how soon they would all be off in bed. We then danced like them for a second. Maybe Ed was jealous because he quickly turned and danced with Kendra for a few minutes. Some guy tried to hit on Kendra once and I laughed and she quickly shunned him away.
I kept flirting with a bunch of girls. It's really easy to do so because I am so tall and can see the ones that are quite a ways away. I saw one really sensuous younger looking girl that I would have loved to meet. I also kept flirting with these two cute girls that were right behind us and was getting some nice smiles from them. This time was much more fun than last time and now I really want to come again. They played a lot of really good music this time, too. They never played the new British dance song, Sesame Street. I',m really learning how to dance good and am having fun when I do. As we walked out, those two blondes were standing at the bar and I looked at the cuter one and she followed my gaze for a few seconds before i turned to catch up with Valerie and Kendra. Damn I'm having fun!
Afterwards we went to Skeeter's and had some milk shakes. The waitress was nice this time and said that she has figured out hoe to make really good shakes. She put lot's of syrup in them and they were pretty good. I wasn't really thinking and I drank from the bottom with my straw and got a mouthful of pure chocolate syrup. I didn't know what to do with it so I had to swallow it really slowly. It was really rich and tasted just like Hershey's. We then took Kendra home and then decided to possibly go to Cresent Beach which is an hour away to see the sunrise. We were going to go back to our dorm to get some clothes but could find no parking spaces. We ended up just going to Valerie's apartment and hanging out for a while. We got there at about six and watched cartoons while and then I zonked out on the floor for two hours. I think they made out for two hours. We also talked about Kendra some and they said that since it was our first date, and since she is shy, that it went rather well which is good. They also had one of Valerie's neighbors say that she would go out with me next Saturday and Ed made her say that he could quote her on that. Whatever.
Ed and I got back to our room at nine in the morning and then I took a shower ad went to bed.
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