Friday, August 14, 1992

August 14, 1992 - Friday - Last day at Busch

It has been one pretty strange week. Everything I had hoped for never came to be, while things that I never even dreamed of came true. It all was rather interesting, and at the same time disappointing. Of course Kimmeth is who made it bad. She is all of the sudden very anti-me. I hardly even got a goodbye out of her, and today all she could do was give me a nice little punch in the arm. I asked her if that was supposed to be some kind of hint but she didn't get it. I called her house on Tuesday night after I got home. Her brother, Dan, answered. When he said that she wasn't there I asked if she had made it back from Ft. Lauderdale yet. He said that was the funny part, because she was supposed to be at the train station at 1:30 but she never showed up nor bothered to call. The next day I spread the word that maybe she's dead.

I came in early Thursday morning to see for myself. She was alive and well of course, so I talked with her for about forty minutes while she worked the unloading brake. She told me about meeting her ex-boyfriend's fiance. She's been so solemn lately. I would seem like she got fucked for the first time in a long time while on her little trip and it didn't do her much good. That's something I have thought about, how often does she have sex. I don't think she has too many real friends here in Tampa. She sort of admitted that to me once when she wasn't in too exciting of a mood. Anyway, I was talking to her later and our conversation wasn't going too well, and I ended up hanging up first. I called her back a while later and we seemed to have stuff to talk about that time. Sharlene took my place at Spillway at the same time I was on the phone with both Kim and Agnes. It took me a few minutes to get out of there. I guess I just don't understand the mind of a twenty-four year old as much as I would like to think I do.

Agnes has been a real good friend lately. Actually she's been nice all along. It seemed like she was always there when I needed to talk to someone. She always could read my thoughts and could tell how I felt about things. She asked me today when I was about ready to leave if I was really going to miss working there. I am, but I think that I'm going to have a pretty good time up at UF, so it's not all bad. It was raining the other day, and she and Myriam were out talking by the control panel. I had just come down from a lift and she tells Myriam that I am her new husband and we hugged. It was funny but I think it freaked Myriam out a little. I talked to her later and found out that she is 21 years old, I would have guessed 18 at the most. Anyway, Agnes is a friend that I will always greatly appreciate.

I accidentally noticed that Myriam doesn't shave her legs when she was taking her Flume test. It looks like she bleached them because her hair is a very fine blond, and very sparse. I told Paul and we got in trouble when we said something about it around Agnes. I told her that I accept the cultural difference and it doesn't really bother me, which is true. So she bitched at Paul. Amanda was up on the stairs so I look at her legs and made the comment that she must not shave either. She bopped me on the head and then kept throwing wet paper towels at me. It was funny. We then somehow started talking about Sharlene and who she likes. April had just come out and said that she knew because Sharlene told her. Agnes was going through names and I was telling why each one wasn't the one. My guess was between Mark and me, with the emphasis on Mark. April then said that it definitely wasn't Mark. Right then I was pretty sure it was me and knew how I was going to get it out of her. Sharlene had told me earlier that she had started a rumor about liking someone but I wasn't really paying attention because I thought she meant Mark. I had heard Andy trying to guess before. Anyway, Agnes, Amanda and I started surrounding her begging her to tell us. She wouldn't say anything while I was there so I backed off and a few seconds later she told them. I was close enough to hear most of what she said and then they all started giggling like girls do when they fight out something juicy. April then said that Sharlene said that she sort of likes this person, and sort of doesn't, which makes sense. When I asked Agnes and Amanda what she said they said, 'Oh, nothing!' This from the two girls who would normally tell me anything. I was almost assured that she said me.

With that in hand, I was very nice to Sharlene for the rest of the week. When she came in Wednesday night in street clothes with her roommate, I talked with her. She had just gotten her hair done and I complimented her almost immediately after she sneaked up on me. I think she was expecting me to say something bad about it and seemed glad when I was so nice. We were going to go look at cars for her tonight but her mom decided that she wanted to go with her, but not until next week. When I thought she liked Mark, I used to be very open with her about liking Kim. She kept making sarcastic remarks like maybe I can call Kim tonight or why aren't you talking to Kim. I made it as clear as possible that Kim and I weren't really talking much anymore. If she really did like me then it proves that the girls that like me are always right there under my nose, and that I always try to look too hard for something which is so often so close. If she didn't really like me, then oh well, I had fun talking with her. Oh yeah, she gave me her phone number : 931-0971.

I went in today to turn in all of my uniforms, and my ID and parking sticker. I also filled out a form that will let me get my job back this winter. I wore my Gator tank top and jean shorts. I went to the Flume to say goodbye to everyone. I stood around with Sharlene and with Rebecca for a few minutes. I also ran over to the little shop and bought a nice preservation T-shirt with my discount and script money while I still could. Frank then said he had to run over and get a new employee. I asked if she is cute and Sharlene hit me. But, by the way Frank was talking it sounded like it was a he. When Frank came back, he brought two pretty damn good looking blondes. I begged the supervisors for my job back. Mark and I drooled. I went back and talked to them both for a few minutes. I asked a couple of bullshit questions like if they both were going to work on the Flume, and if they were still in school. They were really nice though. I was pissed that the ride finally got some cute girls after I was leaving. Mark was bragging that since he is the only area instructor, he'll get to spend eight hours with each of them up in the lifts. Funny. Sharlene seemed a little touchy after that. Oh well.

I went to Bass this morning and bought me a pair of $69 leather walking boots. I also bought a hundred dollar Texas Instrument's graphing calculator for college. It's got some really neat stuff and I played with it for over two hours after I got home. I stopped by the emissions inspection station on the way home. I wanted to pass my car now so my mom can get my tag for me when the time comes. It passes with flying colors. One of the readings was 21 out of 220, and the other was 0.00 out of 1.2. And to think that it once failed. Those were better readings than my dad's 1984 Oldsmobile. Cool. I was happy. After I had been home for a little while, a white Camero pulls up into our driveway. It's Jennifer. She had once said that once she got a car that she was coming to get me. She drove me around the block once. She then gave me her address and we hugged and she told me that I had better write and send her a birthday card. I think it's in the beginning of March.

Jennifer Adams
8240 Ravencroft
Tampa, FL 33615

Well, Busch Gardens is over for now, and all of my strong emotional ties have been severed. Now I must jump into this giant pool of life that awaits me ahead.

Love, unconquerable,
Waster of rich men, keeper
Of warm lights and all-night vigil
In the soft face of a girl:
Sea-wanderer, forest-visitor!
Even the pure immortals cannot escape you,
And mortal man, in his one day's dusk,
Trembles before your glory.
- Sophocles

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