Friday, August 21, 1992

August 21, 1992 - Thursday - Brandy, Catherine

Well, Jon and Ed are moved in for good now. They showed up while I was off at the new student orientation. I had some really bad luck with my car today. I drove down to the Reitz Union to get my Gator One card this morning. When I got back to my car I got a fucking ticket for parking in an orange decal area. It's fifteen dollars but I'm going to try and protest it since it's my first one. Afterwards I drove back to my dorm and get a phone call. Some guy over at the engineering building had found my driver's license in the parking lot. I went over and picked it up later and told him how much I appreciated it. I offered him money for his time but never really intended on giving him anything, and luckily he persistently declined. I'm such a cheapskate. So.

I left around eight this morning and figured I'd run by the traffic office and buy my decal this morning. Every other time I had gone by, the line was really long, so I figured if I got there early I could go through quickly. I was wrong. The line was even longer than usual so I left to the Union. In line there were some really cute girls behind me. One is a freshman from Texas and was gorgeous. She had on tight little black shorts and a white T-shirt with a really deep neckline. If she was wearing a bra, it was a really flimsy one, because I could see every perfect little detail. Yum. I also saw numerous girls riding bicycles today that were in really short shorts and that only reminded me more why I like it here so much. I was being really flirtatious today no matter where I was and kept getting some really interesting looks and smiles. A memorable one was over by Broward Beach by a girl on a bikini. It was fabulous. But the ones I talk to are the really important ones. It's fun starting a conversation with any girl you're near. I realize that almost every girl you see is probably very interesting and could make a wonderful friend. That's the basis for my new found energy.

I found out in the mathematics office in Walker Hall that I had to take the Calculus placement exam about five minutes before it began. While I was waiting, a mother and her son came in asking about the placement exam. The secretary confused her so I quickly explained to her what to do. She bent over and whispered that sometimes the students are more helpful than the faculty. That made me feel good. I guess my human relations training from Busch Gardens can really pay off. I ran over to Tulington Hall and luckily found it in time. I ended up scoring a perfect twenty-five so Dr. Nelson specially requested that I be placed in Honors Calculus 2. That was good. Everything else I need too take is still up in the air even though registration is tomorrow morning. I'm going to have to add my Physics course after I take the placement exam on Monday.

I then headed back to the Reitz union for the rest of orientation and this time I walked! While I was waiting in the lobby I started talking to this nerdy guy named Jeremy. I have also found out that being nice to goofy people can sometimes reap you big rewards such as in this case. He is a Junior transferring from Santa Fe Community College. After we picked up our materials we went into the ballroom. All of the little people in there were sitting all spaced out because they were all a bunch of anti-social little nerds. I had two options. There was a cute younger girl in a nice white tank top that I was going to sit by. I kept flirting with her the whole time and she moved over right in front of me in a later session. Instead I decided to sit next to Jeremy. He sat right next to a really good looking girl in short white shorts with a really awesome tan. There was nobody sitting anywhere on either side of them, but I took the impulse and sat right between them. I first asked her if the seat was taken because I am such a gentleman. I then started the magic and we began talking. I asked all about her while at the same time not ignoring Jeremy since he is the reason I was next to her. We talked quite a bit. She also os transferring from Santa Fe but also went to Troy State on Alabama. She had a really deep South accent and I complimented her on it at he start. I started getting worried towards the end that I wouldn't get a chance to ask her name because they were going to split the under and upper classmen soon. All of the sudden the speaker told everyone to turn to his side and introduce yourself to the person next to you. We were laughing as we introduced ourselves. Her name is Brandy. She took off before I could find out her phone number. Damn it.

When I got back, Ed and Jon had all of their shit thrown all over the place. While Jon kept working, Ed and I took our bikes and rode down to the Union for a bit to eat. He stopped to talk to a couple of girls he knows from last year. Speaking of girls, I need to call Jana and Cindy and I need to write TRACY!!! SHIT!!! I bought a brand new Murray mountain bike at Target on Wednesday for about $150. I also took Maria's advice and bought a U-lock.

When Ed and I got back, Jon was talking to a girl named Catherine who had stopped by to visit. She's pretty cute, and short, but I wouldn't have noticed until Ed kept making jokes about it. She's somewhat self-conscience about it. Mia was serving brownies to all of the residents on her two floors so I ran over. It was really good. When I started to leave she told me to stop being an anti-social nd come back but I told her that we had a woman in the room and were busy. She was over there in a flash telling us all to come over. Ed and I went this time and we hung around for a little bit. I went into Maria's bedroom and started talking to her. Yesterday I walked over to the Rec Center with Mia and a doofy guy named Harry. We were supposed to be on a tour but Mia was late and we never found them. We ended up sitting in the restaurant and talked. I found out that Mia was the valedictorian of her high school so of course I had to brag, too. When we finally walked back over to the Commens, the three of us played a really bad game of pool for a while.

After we walked back to our room, the four of us decided to go to Blockbusters to rent a movie and then go watch it in her dorm over at Graham. I asked her if she knew Jana or Cindy but she didn't. I had started talking to her while we were sitting around in our room and we chatted on the walk over. We ended up watching Bladerunner with Harrison Ford. I had seen it before but had forgotten. It's a really bad movie to watch when hanging out with girls. I think it's fun to get as close as possible to every girl that Ed and Jon and maybe even Kris bring into the dorm. I ended up sitting on the floor right next to her in a chair the entire time. Since I am so good at adjusting to any kind of person and talking to them at their level, this is easy. Mother told me that this is bad because I'll have no real loyalties. I told her that wasn't true, I have loyalties, but I also have a hell of a lot of friends that very greatly. I took her side while we were watching the movie. After a while when nobody said anything, and the movie was being all emotional and violent, I bust out with, 'We really should have gotten a funny movie.' She started laughing and agreed completely, and so did Jon. I later told her that we would pick out the next movie.

At about ten thirty, her roommate, Jen, came back. She's blond but a little overweight, but she's cute and nice. She hopped up on the bed with Jon and we finished watching the movie. Afterwards we talked a little longer mainly about sex, and which condoms work best. Jon was reading all of this stuff out of the latest Cosmopolitan. We didn't end up getting home until well after midnight.

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