Friday, September 4, 1992

September 4, 1992 - Friday - Kimmeth's letter

Oh, what hell! I caught my first cold in a long time last Sunday when I was sleeping on Valerie's floor. I've really felt like crap all week and am just now starting to feel really improved. Ed got sick at the same time and has had to suffer with me. He and Valerie both ended up going to the infirmary for Saldine prescriptions to stop their sinuses from running. They advised me to do the same but I don't take drugs if I don't have to. I only took one Nuprin the entire week. I've found that if you drink plenty of water it will help keep you from getting sick, and will keep the symptoms down when you do. At least I didn't lose my appetite with this cold, I really don't want to lose any weight. Valerie and I knew that Ed caught the cold when he was kissing her on Sunday, so we were teasing Ed by saying that I also caught the cold when she and I were making out. I told Ed that if the two of them were going to get committed then it was better that I make out with her know rather than later. He just grunted. She later was telling me that she still doesn't want to get into a relationship with Ed just to 'make out' and she is afraid that he does. She still isn't sure if she likes him that much. This is getting really deep and I'm glad that I am someone she trusts.

On Tuesday night Ed and I went to a piano and cello recital over in the University Auditorium. We were to meet up with Allison and her friends by 7:45 so we walked across campus over to Buckman Hall. After hearing how much Ed used to like this girl last year, and how jealous Valerie is of her, I expected her to be this really good looking, almost sorority like girl, who Ed had a crush on but who didn't really like him. I was thoroughly disappointed and commented to Ed that his taste has definitely improved. I later told Valerie when we were by ourselves that Ed's tastes are obviously much better this year. She asked me if I didn't like Allison and I told her that she is gross and i really don't see what Ed could have possibly seen in her. She was really happy to hear this and said that she was glad that somebody finally agreed with her. She said that I made her feel much better about it because I told her that she has nothing to be jealous about.

Of course I flirted with Allison, though. It's my nature. She has a very outgoing personality which is about her only attractive part. She's mostly German and fits the part, right down to the round glasses and short haircut. She had a pretty cute friend named Jeany who was in her room with her, and two other guys, Mike and Dave, also came along. A couple of other people were supposed to come, too, but they didn't show up on time so we left them. Allison and Jeany dressed up pretty scroungily and as we walked to the auditorium they were commenting on our clothes. I wore my Sea World dolphin shirt and my good cutoff jean shorts. Allison said something like, 'Dan looks good,' so I was happy. When we got to the auditorium, Kendra, of all people in a huge university, was handing out programs. We said hi. She looked completely different at such a normal hour, almost prudish. Valerie later told me why Kendra and her ex-boyfriend, Todd, broke up. She was in a car with this guy, Phil, on a weekend when Todd had gone back home. Phil was talking some philosophical bullshit about how people should always go after what they want and not be so passive. She then reached over and went straight for his dick. He quickly pushed her off and she complained that he just said that she should go for what she wanted. Of course, Phil was Todd's best friend and told him immediately so he and Kendra broke up. Ironically, Kendra would always talk about how she and Todd were going to get married and had already decided what to name their kids and so on. Funny. I also found out that she told Valerie that I seemed shy. Right, just because she can't keep a conversation going. I guess I'm more used to listening because most of the girl's I know just like to talk and talk and talk and talking seemed to be something Kendra couldn't handle. Maybe she has other talents with her mouth.

Anyway, we went in and sat down and then found out that the show wouldn't start for fifteen minutes so I decided to be forward and go outside and talk to Kendra. She still was annoyingly quiet. Valerie says that she is always that way and it is almost scary to me. We 'talked' for about ten minutes and I ended up asking her if I could call her sometime. She said that she didn't really want to get into a relationship right now because of Todd but I could still call. I then went back in. The concert was pretty good to start with but was extremely drawn out. The lighting wasn't that bright on stage so I was trying to flirt with the girl that turns the music pages. There was also a really cute girl sitting two seats down from me on the right. Music majors are required to attend these concerts and she obviously didn't want to be there because she was doing homework. I sat turned somewhat towards her and was enjoying the view. That made the concert bearable.

During the intermission Ed left for the bathroom so I started talking to Jeany. She turns out to be really interesting, and cute. She's from Tampa and went to King High School. She also tried to get a job at Busch Gardens at one time but didn't. She's a Junior and has a single dorm over in Broward. She also has a boyfriend as I later found out or I would have definitely asked her for her phone number. I should have anyway but I figured that I'll see her again.

After the concert had finished, there was a reception put on by the music sorority. I walked in with Jeany and Allison while the other guys and Ed trailed behind somewhere. We got our little platefuls of food and then sat down on a little bench made for three. Allison and I started playing around trying to squeeze in on each other so that the other wouldn't have much room to sit. She practically sat on my leg when she sat back down after getting seconds. She's a real flirt. We then accidentally caused Jeany to spill her little plate of carrots and celery so we apologized and stopped messing around so much. We kept talking though and were being rather loud. What was cool was the fact that the two guys that Allison brought along ended up being complete bystanders because I kept her attention so much. My main objective, however, was to have Kendra and her fat sister, Kim, to see me being very open and having lots of fun, and it pretty much worked. Afterwards, we said goodbye and Allison nudged me in the shoulder as we parted. I had a really good time.

I also saw Kendra again the next morning on her bicycle in front of Physics. We said hi. The one girl I don't particularly care to see seems to keep popping up everywhere now.

I've been trying my hardest to get on Melissa's really good side lately. She seems to be the reserved independent type that spends a lot of time by herself. Very much like Kim. We were supposed to memorize dialogues in German by Tuesday, so on Monday I asked her if she's like to get together so we can study. I told her she could help me, and she corrects me telling me that, no, I could help her. She asked me if I just want her room number or her telephone number. I told her that I had better get her telephone number so I could call her before coming over. She wrote down 334-8121 on the back of my folder and I told her I'd call around 5:30. When I tried to, it was the wrong number. I was pissed and upset. I didn't remember her last name either so I couldn't call information either. I didn't understand why she would wrong me like that when it was for something as beneficial as studying. It wasn't like she would never see me again either if she gave me the wrong number, she would have to see me in a class of only twenty people. I felt like shit the rest of the evening. The optimistic part hoped that she made a mistake and all would be better tomorrow, but with her, I didn't know.

I went to class early on Tuesday and she just happened to be sitting on one of the benches out in front of Little Hall where our class is. I went up and said hi. I then told her that she could have been a little more subtle about telling me she didn't want to study with me. I then told her that she had give me the wrong number. She said that she didn't, that it's 334-8212. I then showed her what she wrote and she felt stupid so I rubbed it in. I sat down with her and she told me that she waited around until about seven and then figured that I definitely wasn't going to call. I also found out that she lives by herself in her room in Yulee. Intriguing. I was sick the rest of the week though and we didn't really talk very much or do anything major.

Yesterday, Ed and I were supposed to go watch the frisbee game, ultima, with Allison but she couldn't make it. Instead we went out to the field behind the tennis courts and by Broward and Yulee Halls and played frisbee. We are both pretty good. I am rather accurate even at very far distances. I was even surprising myself. We have this little game we play called give-and-go which means we intentionally do a bad throw when a cute girl comes so that the frisbee lands very close to them. It's a cute little way to meet girls and getting the frisbee is a good excuse to go up and flirt. When I play, I usually run around barefoot which makes it easier for me to jump and get the really high ones. I was making some pretty impressive catches as well.

Afterwards, we went down to the Beaty library in the Commons to study for a little while. In the elevator, we saw this gorgeous girl who would drive any guy crazy no matter what she was wearing. But to top it all off, she had on a white stretch tank top and no bra. You could see her nipples perfectly, and she was generously endowed. It was amazing. Ed and I couldn't stop talking about her for fifteen minutes. At sometime after eleven, Chris and I went out to play tennis for a little while. I played without shoes and didn't do too well but it was a good practice. Valerie was there when we got back to the dorm so we all sat around and talked until well past two. Ed and I both had second period classes this morning. We talked about the possibility of taking a road trip up to Savannah via Jacksonville on Sunday. We had originally been talking about Atlanta but figured we'd save that for another weekend. We might not even go, though because Jon and his girlfriend don't know if they want to go now or not, and neither does Chris who is in Jacks with Des. And Ed might bring his dad up with him when he comes back from Sarasota tomorrow night. So many complications. Valerie and I really want to go, and I'm supposed to end up being set up with either one of Valerie's friends or one of Chris' in Jacks. Whatever. I truthfully want to go so I can tell Jana, Melissa, and Kimmeth about it and brag. I plan on having fun and taking lots of pictures though.

I got a call from home Wednesday night. Everything is fine except for the fact that my father got demoted from his manager position in Clearwater to an on-the-clock position at Countryside, which really sucks. I really didn't want to go home this weekend having that hanging over everybody's head. Oh well.

My good luck this week has seemed to come in spurts. On Tuesday after I was reassured about Melissa, I came home and had received my financial aid check for almost $540. That made me happy. I've had a pretty good day today as well. My cold is gone, thankfully. I went to a Physics Lab this morning to make up the one I missed on Tuesday. There was a girl sitting there that had come in and sat near me in Lecture earlier in the morning. A resident advisor that I know from Beaty, Eric, came in and when he saw me sat next to me. I hadn't seen him in a while and was just thinking about how sometimes you make friends with someone but then sort of drift apart and don't talk anymore. He's a really cool guy and I'm glad i've finally found someone to sit with in that huge class. Anyway, the girl's name that I sat next to is Farnaz. She's from Iran. Chris later told me that Iranian girls are really horny. We didn't talk to begin with but then I realized how stupid it was just sitting there so we started talking. She's really nice. She lives in New Port Richey and is a Junior. After we were dismissed I told her that I'll hopefully see her in class and then we parted. I also could have sworn that I saw Kendra in one of the other labs when class started.

About today's luck, my attitude suddenly shot sky high when I came upstairs and there was a letter from Kimmeth on the microwave. I was overwhelmed with happiness. I wasn't completely happy until I made sure that she wasn't telling me to fuck off or anything, but still. I am so glad that she wrote back so soon. Well, here goes...

Dear Perka-Dan,
Ugly, Ugly, cute, HIDEOUS, ugly.

To the BEST of my knowledge NO I am neither married or with child, in fact if you must know the closer I get to either the longer I'd like to put it off.
Busch Gardens? Well rainy but still raking in the dollars. The other day some couple was trying to leave their child in his stroller at the back brake while they went on the ride...They just couldn't understand why I wouldn't watch him. Shoulda asked for $10...$20 if he wakes up. Last weekend was the night function from hell...But after therapy it just seems like a bad dream. The French girl likes Mark, He doesn't like her...and everyone is talking about Me and him... or him and the new girl -(the blonde Laura). But Laura is separated and dating some puerto rican dude. I'm not sure you'd like her...she's so Silly. About Andrew...Miami is fucked, Fort Lauderdale is fine. I visited Miami before it got hit...I'm kinda bummed, I would have liked to have lived there. The weather here was kinda nice the day it cut across south Florida, so a friend from Marathon KEy and I spent the day out and about. We had a good time...I wonder if he still has a house. I don't know cause they won't have electricity or phones for another couple of weeks.
Bummin' Dude.
Oh well, I got the news today that I'll be layed off. Hm m m what now? Sucks now I'll have to get out there and make areal living and decide what to do with this thing I call my life. Hm m m. Well at least I finally have some $'s in the bank. Rent here is pretty cheap compared to Ft. Lauderdale so maybe I'll stay after I get a new job and car...or maybe not.
AH HA I KNEW IT your just settled in and already your out all the time!...better watch it! But I am glad to hear about the gym.
Well when I'm not at work I'm painting or thinking about working out...NAH. Painting going alright though. Hope they SELL SELL SELL. Maybe I'll be able to support myself on it one day. Otherwise I'm just NOT having enough fun lately...that is if you can ever have enough fun in the first place. Unfortunately this is about all I have to say for myself...I'll let you know if anything amazing happens to my lifestyle.

P.S. If you miss my hair here's
one of your very own. Take good care
of it. Perhaps I'll see it again one day.

That's funny. She taped a hair to the bottom of the page. i'll treasure it forever. I didn't realize what it was at first. I thought that one of my hairs had fallen on the page and I kept subconsciously trying to blow it off until I realized what she had done. She also writes really messy, just like a guy. But I'll take it...

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