September 30, 1992 - Wednesday
Things are going too good for me this week. It's fabulous, I can't remember a time when things that I plan work out so wonderfully.
I started studying on Monday. I realized that I had better after getting back my test and quiz scores. I have thus gotten my ass in gear and have been studying, almost too much, all week. My real reason is to impress the girls. I found out that the kinds of girls that I want to impress are done so much more easily by brains. Combined with my good looks and interesting personality, I can really kick ass in the social world. And I have done so this week. If I can keep up the good luck, charm, and determination that I have shown this week, I will excel academically, be swarmed by women, and be happy the entire time. I'm loving life.
My success started yesterday morning in Physics Lab, of all places. There is really attractive girl in there that I have been waiting to be lab partners with for weeks. We are supposed to have a different partner each week. Two weeks ago, my partner was this fat chick named Debbie. She was nice but not that smart. She asked me for my phone number at the end of class, and gave me hers. She said that we should in case we needed somebody to study Physics with. She said that she'd definitely be calling me. I can't wait. Last week when I went to lab, the girl didn't have a partner yet, but I was completely unprepared and did not want to look stupid, so I worked with this guy. Monday night I read the lab and prepared notes for my report. I actually studied! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I was really confident as I went to class yesterday.
When I got there, the door was still closed, and some of the people were sitting outside in the hall. Debbie was talking to the girl so I walked up. Debbie said hi to me and the three of us started talking. As we went into class, I asked her to be my partner. Her name is Kim. Of course, isn't everybody's? She's older, I think she graduated from high school in '83. I looked for both a wedding band and an engagement ring and she had neither. She only goes to school part time, and she works in a medical lab in the hospital down by the Oaks Mall. We clicked right from the start, and we have quite a bit in common. She is a Florida native and lived over on the West Coast in either Ft. Meyers or Key West, I don't remember which.
We did really well on the lab, too. She told me that she already has her A.S. degree so I started joking. I asked her if she was happy with her A.S.S. or was she working towards something better. She said that her A.S.S. would make her enough money, but she wants more. We played around like that for a few minutes and kept talking as we walked out together. My little 'plan' to meet her worked out perfectly. I was in a great mood for the rest of the day. She told me about a lab help session that they do on Thursdays. It would be a cool way to see her more and I want to start going every once in a while, maybe.
In Physics Monday morning, Farnaz and I exchanged numbers so that we could study last night. I had mentioned the idea last week but she brought it up this time. I called her yesterday when I got home from Calculus at three. She was just sitting around watching TV. We decided to study in her dorm in the New Residence Facility. You have to be a Junior to live there. It's really nice but there's seemed somewhat prison-like because they didn't have much stuff on the white walls which were made of cinder blocks. At least our dorms have drywall walls that make it like home. They also don't have an oven, just a range and a microwave. Otherwise it's pretty much worth it. Each of the four people has his own room and there are two bathrooms with a huge vanity between the two. They even have a living room with bay windows. I rode my bicycle over and found her room pretty easily.
We studied for about two hours, working on the sample test from last semester. I finally was remembering the Physics I learned back at Leto, because I kept solving the really hard problems all by myself and then got to explain them to her. It was cool since I never listen to his lecture, I only go now to get important dates and to see Farnaz and the other girls. I was sort of beaming because I kept figuring them out. We got tired after a while and talked for a long time and watched TV. I eventually met all of her roommates as they wandered in every once in a while. I ended up telling her that I am only seventeen and had to practically beg her to find out how old she is. She kept saying that she feels old, and pretends that she is older than she is. I found out that she is only eighteen (and a Junior!) and is only my senior by seven months.
We ended up talking about sexism and had a typical male-female argument over how females and males are exploited by each other. I used my male chauvinism to argue my points. We also threw sex into our conversation every once in a while. There were a few intense moments where she was on the couch, fiddling with her hair (and curling her toes!), while we just looked at each other with puppy-dog eyes. We had fun. I wonder if she likes me. We joked around a lot though and luckily the exploitation conversation came at about seven when I needed to leave. After she chased me around trying to hit me with a pillow, I was up, so it posed a good time for me to leave.
Ed and Mia had arranges an ice cream party for our floor at 7:30 and I made it just in time. I ate almost two full bowls of ice cream. The second was all Ben and Jerry's and was really good. I got to remeet the girls on the floor so it proved worthwhile. Later on we watched Wild Orchids which turned out to be a pretty good movie, especially the ending. The girl in there was perfect, I dare say she was a ten. She was gorgeous and we were all lusting over her. It made me hungry so I made dinner at midnight.
My other 'plan' that worked perfectly occurred just a little while ago. This one was more of a plan and worked much better than I would have ever dared imagine that it would. There is this cute girl in Computer class that I often found myself staring at when I was bored. Actually I wasn't bored when I was staring at her, but... anyway, I saw her walk into Beaty East once and finally made the connection that she lives here. That intrigued me, attractive and close, very close. We had a quiz last Wednesday. It took me no more that five minutes. This other guy whom I had talked to finished at the same time I did and we joked afterwards. I told him how easy it was and he thought that he did good, too. I asked the teacher, Girish, what time he was starting the second hour lecture, pretending to be interested. The guy laughed at me once we were outside and asked me if I had any intention on going back. Of course i didn't I was just being polite. I think Girish, who is a fat little Indian grad student, is going to get pissed off someday if we keep walking out like that. The class will start out with thirty to forty kids and will end up with fifteen if he's lucky after the two hours. It's really funny watching it happen.
Anyway, I went and got my car because I was going grocery shopping and then drove back to Beaty to pick up my checkbook. As I walked in, the girl walked in at the exact same time and we got in the elevator. I asked her if she didn't just come from computer class, pretending I didn't know. She said yes and we started talking about the quiz. She thought it was pretty hard. We talked at each other until the door shut behind me on my floor. I was floating. I was very, very happy. The timing could not have been more perfect. It's mind boggling.
I planned on showing up to class early and going and sitting up front where she sits on Monday. I was then going to ask her how she did on her quiz, and then impress her with mine. If she really did bad I was going to offer to help her, since we live so close together. Otherwise I was going to ask her to 'study' with me. She didn't come to class on Monday though. We also got an assignment which is due next Monday, so after he explained it, I left class and went to hurry and type it in so that it would be ready on Wednesday. I hoped that she wouldn't be done with it so then I could help her. It was placing a lot on chance and hopes, which all paid off.
I went in early again today. As I was combing my hair in the bathroom in CSE, Tirtha Roy from Leto comes in and recognizes me. We talked for a few minutes and caught up on each other. He asked me where I was staying and was surprised that I got Beaty. He sid that he is going home this weekend, but the next time something is going on, he'd give me a call. That was cool. When I walked into class only one other person was there. I went and sat up towards the front. The guy that walked out when I did last week came in and sat next to me. His name is Bryan. We started talking and he is probably the most interesting guy in there. He is a Senior and will graduate this December. Neither one of us have bought the book for this class either.
We talked until the girl came in. She sat two seats in front of me. I got her attention after a few minutes and told her that it was good that she showed up for a change. She laughed and then we started talking about the quiz. I bragged that I got a 39/40. When Girish came in, they got theirs. Bryan got a 35 and she got a 33 which was better than she had expected. She told me that I would have to help her since we live together and I agreed. I asked her who she is, anyway. Her name is Tama. I asked them if they have done their programs for Monday. They hadn't so I asked them if they wanted to leave and do it after he went over it again. We laughed at the thought of three people going out at once. I told them how his feelings are probably hurt when people leave but he just doesn't want to show it. Tama thanked me, telling me that made her feel so much better about leaving. She never has left from a class until this one, it's just so fucking boring. Girish told the class that today was a very important day because he was teaching Chapter 2. I asked her if she bought the book, and then told her that I'd teach her later in much less time.
After he gave his little review of the assignment, he turned around to prepare for the lecture. I asked them if they were ready, in a loud whisper so that others in the class would hear. She said yes so I said, 'let's go,' and the three of us got up and walked up. It was hilarious how the people snickered as we left. It was really a bold move on our part and took balls. We went over to the computer lab and grabbed three computers. I printed up two copies of my program to use as I helped them. We talked and played around while they were writing the programs. We were talking about dorms and they were pretty surprised that I got a dorm in Beaty. I said how i think it is a great place for a Freshman but they thought otherwise saying that you don't meet enough people. I disagree, I've probably met so many more people and have done so much more in Beaty than otherwise. I also brought up how I think it's better rooming with three other people instead of one because there is a much better chance of having at least one person you really like and can hang out with. I'm really lucky that I have such good roommates. Afterwards, she asked me if I were going back to Beaty and I said yes. She waited as I got my bike and we walked back together.
A cold front came through last night and you can really feel the difference. It was cloudy and cool all day, YUK!!! I want my hot steaming sun!!! She's from St. Louis and likes it. She was thinking about going out to TJ's tonight. She hasn't been out this year at all but went a lot last year. When we got to my floor she said bye and said that she'd see me Monday. I asked her if she wanted my phone number and she said definitely, and that she was just going to ask me, I then asked for hers, 334-9302. Perfect! How could it have worked out better.
Valerie called me a little while ago and wanted to know if I wanted to go grocery shopping with her. I told her that I couldn't. I didn't want to think about Valerie after such an amazing stroke of fortune. I went out with her, ernesto, and Noelle Sunday night to get ice cream at Baskin Robbins. We had fun. Ernesto and I were staring at the cute girls. We then ended up at Noelle's dorm. Ernesto and I were making fun of the girls and what they were saying. It was funny. We then decided to stop by my dorm. Ernesto had never been there before and he liked the posters in my room. Everyone got in a big argument about people talking behind other peoples' backs and now Valerie hates everybody's guts except mine. I played the neutral party and she still talks to me. She doesn't even want to call here anymore just to avoid having to talk to any of them, she wants me to call her instead. It's pretty messy. I'm not really having a problem with her absence, I'm finding plenty of comfort in all of the other girls. Girls, girls, everywhere, even in my underwear! I wish. I hope. I 'PLAN' on having a girl in my underwear soon. Ha ha.
I've even been having a really good time in German lately. Now that I've been studying my book every night, and doing all of the exercises, I understand almost everything we are doing and was even able to spit out responses to her questions today without even pausing. It was awesome, especially since there was another teacher in there observing her. I'm having fun now that I know what's going on. I've been talking to Fran‡oise a lot lately and have made friends with a bunch of the guys in there, too. A fun little pastime that we do now, is to look over the second floor railing before class at all of the gorgeous girl's. Of course it was my idea in the beginning. I also walked home with Melissa today after class. Fun. Fun. Fun.
I wrote a big journal entry on Saturday that sort of was a part two for last Monday's entry about Busch Gardens. Right as I was finishing, the entire thing erased and I was heartbroken. It sort of deterred me from writing for a while but obviously I'm back in full swing.
As I finished up my phone call with Kim that Sunday down in Tampa, it got rather interesting. She was going with a girl from the Flume named Laura to see Single Whit Female. I told her that it sucked. She was going to take a shower soon so I asked her if I could join her. She said, 'Sure, but unfortunately you called me just as you're getting ready to go back so I guess you won't be able to make it.' UHHHHGGGG!!! She also figured that she'd be done by the time I made it over anyway. She's thinking about buying a car as soon as possible. She said that she'll have to try and come and visit me sometime since she didn't realize that I as only going to be two hours away. That would be awesome! I hope she comes through on that one. It'd definitely be a blast hanging out with her up here. All these ideas she puts in my head, at least I had plenty to think about on the drive back. I've been thinking about her a lot again lately. I finally had calmed myself down about her, and then I have to go and see her again. Darn. I love and miss you, Kim!
I called mother on Sunday at about four and talked for an hour. She told me that Stacy's mom had called and asked for my address. She said that they talked for a pretty long time and had a good conversation. That's neat. Well, I got Stacy's letter (computer printout, of course) today:
Sept 26th, 1992
What's going on? I had my mother call your house to get your address. I just wanted to write you and see what's going in Gator Country! Things are going well here in Tiger Town. I have some pretty easy classes here. Well, I'll go through my schedule I guess...
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