Saturday, September 5, 1992

September 5, 1992 - Saturday - Wonderful! New Kendra

Well, everything has gone back to a state of wonderful again. It's about time, things were getting a slight bit depressing for a while, and I just can't let that happen. It's almost six in the morning right now, I got home about half an hour ago.

This past week we finally met the girls down at the end of the hall. Chris had just met one of the girls who lives there and it was almost midnight. He brought her into our suite, where Jon and I were, to show her around. Her name is Jen. Harry later said that she puts out like crazy. Chris and I showed her our room and she was amazed at how clean it is although it was actually quite messy with all of my junk. I have since cleaned it after seeing how impressed girls are by a clean room. She then took us down the hall to her room. Her room was decorated pretty nice with magazine pictures. We told her that she would have to come and decorate our room as well. Her roommates were asleep. One of them, Heidi, is extremely cute with long brown hair and freckles. She is gorgeous. She then ran by again the night that Valerie stayed up late with us to talk. I was in the shower at the time. Anyway, this morning I met her down in the laundry room and we talked and came back upstairs together. She told me about her stopping by when I was in the shower and that she missed me..

Jon and I later watched a very funny movie called A Fish Called Wanda that is extraordinary with its mix of British and American humor. We laughed and laughed. Valerie brought it over for us to watch last weekend because she thought that we'd enjoy it and we did.

Jon's girlfriend from Tampa is up with the USF girls volleyball team this weekend. Her name is Karen and is a trainer for the team. At five yesterday, Jon and I decided to head over to the O'Connell Center to watch some games. This weekend is the Florida Gator Invitational and when we got there USF had just started playing Georgia State University. Not very many people were there so we took a fourth row seat at mid court and had plenty of leg room. Volleyball is one of my favorite spectator sports although I prefer the beach version. This like of the sport was reconfirmed last night. Those girls were gorgeous and could play some damn good volleyball. GSU sucked and it was fun watching them get stomped by USF. Almost every girl on the USF team was tall and really attractive. It's almost like they picked their team for looks, while GSU scrounged up whatever they could find.

There was one girl on the GSU team who was pretty cute so I decided to flirt with her. Since there weren't many people in the stands, it didn't take her long to see me. I was trying to see if I could mess her up by playing with her hormones and I did keep getting her attention for a long time. There was also this really good looking girl who I fell in love with on the USF team. Her name is Monique Metzcus who is a 5'11" Junior from Miami. She was gorgeous. Especially when she would stand on the front row and stick her perfect butt out at the audience. They wear tight little spandex shorts when they play. Read my lips! Jon and I sat behind the USF bench and talked to Karen for a few minutes. There I got to see #2, Monique, up close. Sort of makes you want to transfer to USF, but then you remember all of the girls at UF. I would love Karen's job of pampering those girls. I would pay THEM for it.

Afterwards the FSU and Gator teams came in to warm up. We watched them do their exercises such as stretching while they roll all over the floor and show the world their goods. These two teams seemed to have picked their girl for talent, although there were some good looking ones. The most gorgeous Gator is a blonde named Kim HAle that I couldn't get enough of while we watched them warm up. UF has two foreign girls, one from Brazil, and the other from Stuttgart, Germany. Her name is Gudula Staub and is 6'2". She is the most awesome non-professional volleyball player that I have ever seen. She was making all kinds of kills and some awesome saves. It was well worth watching just to see what she would do next. We only stayed for the first game of the best three of five match. On the way out I picked up three big Florida Volleyball posters with three of the girls pictured on it. Gudula is right in the center. Earlier I picked up two smaller team photos, and two Gator can coolies. I now have Gator Volleyball plastered on my walls and I really want to go to the home games. On the drive back, Karen let me read the USF media guide that gave intimate descriptions of their players so that I could read about Monique.

Ed got back from his one day trip down to Sarasota about fifteen minutes after we got back. We then decided to order pizzas. It was ten dollars for two medium pizzas. Ed and I ordered a pan pizza with extra cheese. They were from Pizza Hut and ended up being the best pizza I have ever eaten, and it only cost me $2.50. We'll have to order from there more often. It was much better than that stuff Chris and I ordered that time. Valerie later showed up and we decided where we were going out to. She was hungry so she, Ed, and I went back over to her place while Jon and Karen got ready. I tried not to go with them, so Ed and VAlerie could be alone for a while but she practically fucking dragged me and said that she would beat me up if I didn't come.

She and Ed had a long three hour talk about things yesterday and their relationship is in a serious state of limbo. She told him that she wasn't going to be his girlfriend now and so on. He and I talked about it for about a half hour after we ate our pizza. The stuff he and Valerie talk about parallels what Kim and I used to say to each other so much so I know exactly what he's feeling and can sympathize with him. So I asked him if I could start hitting on her again. We then argued out and then on a two month grace period on dating roommates' ex-girlfriends unless you have consent. Jon was talking to us during all of this part. Ed then slipped up and said something that essentially gave me consent to go after her, and I did.

Anyway, we went over to her apartment and as we did, her neighbor, Kendra, was walking in with her parents and younger brother. This of course is a different Kendra. A much cuter Kendra. A much more outgoing Kendra, with a much nicer body. We talked to her for a few minutes and walked into her apartment. She was wearing a cutsie little low cut dress and leaned way over couple of times. She has really nice tits and I told Ed and Valerie that when we were in Valerie's apartment, and he agreed. He claimed he wasn't looking, just out of the corner of his eye, but I made it clear that I was looking and liked what I saw. Valerie then asked her if she wanted to go dancing later and she said yes. Before we left Valerie's apartment I called Kendra up and told her that we'd stop by and pick her up at around two. This actually is the girl that said earlier that she would go out with me this weekend when Valerie called her last Saturday.

I also found out that both the first Kendra and her fat sister Kim talked to Valerie about how I tried to hit on Kendra at the cello recital. Big fucking deal! Kendra told Valerie that I am really cute but she just doesn't want a relationship so soon after Todd. I don't care about the relationship, I just like the fact that she thinks I'm good looking. It's really funny for me to think how I went from insecure little shithead to fun-loving, good-looking, college stud. Go me. Ha ha. VAlerie told me not to worry about her though, that most likely she'll end up madly in love with me, just give her five days!

We stopped back by our dorm and got Jon and Karen. On the way out we saw Jen and her friend, Lisa, from down the hall getting ready to go out and talked to them for a few minutes. Jon was holding the elevator door and kept calling for us to come. Valerie told them that maybe we'd see them dancing later, and not to pick up any cute losers on the way. I told Valerie that they could pick me up and she told me that I'm cute, but I'm not a loser. We all then too two cars and drove over to the Reitz Union to see 9« Hours with Kim Basinger. Valerie told me to watch and see if Ed pays her way into the movie after their talk. He didn't and we cracked up. That was a signal to me that I could talk to her as much as I felt like. It was only a dollar fifty to get it and they gave out free bags of stale popcorn. Since it was a lower class theater and movie, Valerie and I kept fooling around being really noisy. After a while I noticed that she hadn't talked to Ed at all and sort of wondered about that. She finally did start joking with him.

Towards the end she started feeling really tired and really didn't feel like dancing. I talked her into it and told her that she'd end up having lots of fun even though she didn't think so at the time. Sort of like how she had to convince me a little to come the first time. On the way home things sort of exploded. Ed was really pissed off that Valerie talked to me ninety percent of the time and him only ten. He said that it seemed like she was using him as an excuse to come over to see and go out with me. I just sat there with my head on my fist and let them argue it out. She tells him that he is not her boyfriend and she is damn well pleased to talk to whomever she wants. Everything ended up backfiring on Ed by the end of the evening though, but in a somewhat positive way. When we got there I got Kendra who was wearing a very nice blue dress and had her hair way up. The dress was scooped out way in the front and showed off everything perfectly. Later when we were dancing, I repeatedly saw her entire tits and she is gorgeous. As Valerie and I put it, she is stacked.

I let Valerie and Ed take off to TJ's while Kendra and I went with Jon and Karen in her Sunbird. Kendra turned out to be really talkative and we hit it off good from the start. She is much more enjoyable than the other Kendra and is someone that I would definitely like to go out with and see again. Ed and Valerie were in a better mood by the time we got to TJ's so we all worked our way in. There were a couple of police cars outside and I was worried about being able to get in but they never even looked at my ID and on top of that, the door girl stamped my hand with an over 21 stamp and I could have bought drinks if I wanted to. I didn't realize it until I was back home in the bathroom, though. Next time I'll look. Both Kendra and Valerie gave me their keys, ID's, and money for me to hold in my pockets for them. What happened to Ed? Valerie didn't even trust him with her stuff? We all worked our way over to the front left corner where we always dance and carved us out some room. There were an extraordinary amount of people dancing down to the ground right around us this time. Kendra later said that they embarrassed her so I asked her if she wouldn't have done it with me if I would have tried. She asked me what I was thinking and I said nothing as I looked down her dress. One couple was dry humping on the floor at our feet which was quite interesting.

They played Jon's and my favorite song, Sesame Street. I didn't even flirt very hard with any of the girls there either. I was far too absorbed into Kendra. At around 3:30, Jon and Karen got tired and went home. Half an hour later, we left and went to Perkins for a snack. Valerie and Kendra at first were going to sit together but I rearranged us so that she was sitting with me. Our waiter talked like a fag so I kept making rude comments about him behind his back. He was rude to Valerie so we all made a point to bitch at him. I ordered a chocolate Chipper or something like that. It was two giant chocolate chip cookies with ice cream, whipped cream, chips, chocolate syrup, and a cherry. Kendra then ordered the same. It was very filling and much better than eating at Skeeter's and just as cheap. I paid for both mine and Kendra's food but she later made me keep the two dollars in my pocket. The conversation kept turning to sex (thanks to me) and was rather fun. I was being really nice the entire time as well. She and Valerie were talking about their hair and Valerie said something about how hers looks like crap after all that dancing. Kendra then said something about hers and I told her how good it still looked. Her phone number is 371-2872.

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