After Ed and Valerie dropped me off Sunday morning, they went back to her apartment to sleep. She told me that I could stay but I really wanted the comforts of my soft bed. I woke up around noon and gave her a call at about one. I was being funny by asking her where she slept, and where Ed slept. She very casually replied that she slept in her bed, and he slept in Ernesto's room. Good. She later told me that nothing happened either. Better. We decided that if we were going to go traveling anywhere, that it should be on Monday since we were off for Labor Day and since it was already so late. Jon, Karen, and I then went to Albertson's to get groceries. I spent almost thirty dollars getting all of the stuff I had forgotten last time, and getting things like milk and bread. Jon bought all of the stuff to cook a chicken dinner for Karen that night. He later told us that she made too much of a deal about it and wanted to start getting serious but he doesn't really like her in that sense. He just doesn't want to tell her.
At 4:30, just as we were getting back, Valerie called me and asked me if I wanted to go to the mall. I agreed so she and Ed showed up a little while later. Ed started taking a shower and Valerie got pissed and complained to me because she thought we were going somewhere and he was just wasting time. Since the stores all closed at six, we decided to rent a movie instead. We got Naked Gun 2« from Specs and spent a lot of time looking at all of the CDs. Ed and I commented on how it's been so long since we've been able to just go out and splurge to by one. We then bought some groceries at Kash & Karry for dinner. Ed and I split a box of banana crunch bread which was delicious. I hadn't had any in a long time and really enjoyed it. We went back to Valerie's and saw the movie. Afterwards, We drove back over to Beaty so that Ed and I could pack our stuff for our road trip to St. Augustine on Monday. She went back before us so that she could call some friends so that we could go out. Ed and I first stopped by the First Union ATM so that I could withdraw some money and then we headed back over to Valerie's.
Valerie was playing music and she put in the new demo tape for Hetch Hetchy. The lead singer is Michael Stipe's step-sister. He's the lead singer for REM. Valerie knows them all personally and has been to most of their personal demo parties .here is one up in Athen's that we might go to on September 15th. She even played cello in some of Hetch Hetchy's new songs. One is called Sour Wine and is my favorite. I played it over and over and she is going to give me a copy although she isn't supposed to. It isn't even copywritten yet so I could essentially distribute it as my own. I'm in love with that girl's voice in the song and the music is awesome. it's like an upbeat version of Enya.
She also talked on the phone with her best friend, Jena, who lives up in Indiana. She showed me pictures of her up on the refrigerator and she is pretty cute. We were talking sex through Valerie over the phone. Valerie's been trying to talk people into going sometime with her up to visit and I told her that I'd go now. I was just lying on the floor reading Cosmopolitan with Ed while this was going on. I first asked Valerie if Jena is stacked. So she asked her over the phone. She then explained that they both have the same bra size. I then came back with, 'Then she is obviously stacked!' Ed was impressed and told me that I said the perfect thing. Valerie told her that I am really cute with big blue eyes and really long eyelashes. It ended up working out so that if I go to Indiana, I can have a threesome with her and Valerie! Ouch!
Anyway, a girl named Audrey, her boyfriend Cooper, and some other guy came over and we all went to Caf‚ Expresso over by TJ's. Cooper is a pretty cool guy, with longer hair, and a sense of humor. Audrey is gorgeous! I have not seen a more beautiful face on a girl in a long time. Her... Shit! I just remembered that today is father's birthday! I'll call tonight after classes and see what's up... lips are perfect and it mesmerized me to watch her talk. Valerie told me that she was flat though, and kept telling me that she knows because she has seen her in her dance outfit. But she is proportionally perfect. She is amazing. On the way over with VAlerie and Ed, I couldn't remember her boyfriend's name, so I called him Cooter, and we all cracked up. She couldn't find a parking space when we got there so we ended up parking in the TJ's parking lot. We then got us two tables outside along the street. It was a really interesting restaurant but Valerie and I didn't order anything because we didn't want to spend any money. We all talked except for their goofy little friend. Cooper wasn't bad about me enjoying Audrey so much which I appreciated.
Audrey and Valerie kept talking about their dance class. They were told to recruit as many guys as possible so they asked Ed and I if we wanted to come with them to a beginner's class. We looked at each other and agreed. I told them that if I got to hoist the two of them that I'd be happy to go. Valerie tells me that there are a lot of really good looking girls there. She then was being funny and turned to Cooper and brought up the fact that I accidentally called him Cooter in the car. He said that happens all of the time. We were then trying to get him to tell us his first name. I guessed it right, Lymon. I later teased him about it. Ed and I then were talking about getting our ears pierced. He just went a little while ago while I was on the phone with my parents. I wished my dad happy birthday and he asked me where his present was. Ed came back with a training earring that he has to wear for four months. At that particular place in Oaks Mall, you have to be 18 or have parental consent to get it done.
Afterwards, at about two, Ed, Valerie, and I went back to her apartment to hopefully get some sleep before our trip tomorrow. We had wanted to take Audrey but her father wouldn't let her go. He also wouldn't let her spend the night at Valerie's because, as she put it, 'He'd think I was fucking Cooper.' Oh well. Ed slept in Ernesto's bed, and I slept on the floor on some quilts. Valerie was running around the house in her little see through nightgown with only underwear on. Cute. I really like her, I just don't quite like her sanitary habits. She feeds her fucking cat off of her food and then eats after it. If it weren't for that disgusting cat... Anyway, she ended up waking up the two of us at about eight in the morning. Ed fixed strawberry pancakes that turned out rather poorly. I then had some banana bread. We left by ten. It was about an one and a half hour drive to St. Augustine. We stopped once to take a picture of a bridge on a big lake. It ended up being much nicer looking from the car than up close, so we decided not to stop any more.
After searching for a while, we finally found a parking space. The roads are really cool because they are very narrow one way streets right between two buildings. It was nothing like what I expected St. Augustine to be like though. I pictured buildings and tourist places everywhere that would emphasize the Spanish that settled there with little mock Spanish dudes on horses and stuff. We never did go to the Castillo de San Marcos or anything like that though. Maybe that's why. We just went to all of the little tourist shops and malls. We did however go to the Lightner Museum which was nice but was not what I wanted to spend my whole day doing. They did have a really nice goldfish pond in the courtyard with a little stone bridge over the center. It reminded me of the goldfish pond in Daytona Beach that I used to see when I was little.
Our first priority was lunch. We walked to Flagler College which looked awesome, but was small, and had lunch under a tree near their tennis courts and swimming pool. There were these two girls laying out on towels nearby and I was staring. Valerie kept laughing at me. Ed then ran off to find the bathrooms. Then Valerie and I really started talking. She told me how she really doesn't like Ed because he is so immature and possessive. She said that she really doesn't want a boyfriend right now, especially one that will restrict her in the ways that Ed seems to. He almost seems to me to be acting as a father would. I kept joking with her that father wants us to go here when he would make us go in a store without asking or would act bossy.
She then asked me what I really wanted and if things like big breasts really mattered. I told her that they didn't, and that someone like Kendra is about as far as I'd like to go. She told me that she thinks she'd like me better because it doesn't seem like I'd be as restrictive. I told her that we'd still both have to flirt with other people of course. I also told her about Ed's little two month rule on dating roommates' girlfriends. She really got pissed at that one and feels that it imposes on her rights if she wanted to go out with me. She then asked me if I would ever go out with her. I gave her a blank look and said I didn't know because I always want to keep her as a good friend and I've seen what she does to her boyfriends, mainly Ed. We laughed. Ed came back and then ran off to find this girl that he knows at Flagler. She is also from Sarasota and had just written Ed a letter a few days earlier. Her name was Michele. While he was gone, Valerie and I ran off and went to the bathrooms and then went out and hung out by the pool for little while before they came back.
We then went back out to the strip of stores and went shopping. We went into an Irish store where Valerie told me that we should try to get Ed and Michele to go out. I'm not sure how much she was joking but we ended up keeping our distance from the two of them for a while and just talked amongst ourselves. I bought a bag of sunflower seeds to munch on. Michele was hesitant to take any at first but I talked her into having some. Valerie found ballerina shoe earrings that she really liked so later on, Ed and I slipped away and bought them for her for her birthday. We split the $20 cost. We bought her a piece of candy that she had wanted earlier as a cover up. Ed gave it to her even though I paid for it so I later told her that I did. Michele had a class at three so we walked her back over to Flagler. Then we went to a place called The Bunnery Caf‚ and split a huge cinnamon roll drowning in frosting. It was really good.
It was getting late so we decided we'd better hurry and get to the beach. Once we did we pulled off all of our clothes and went running naked along the beach... Just kidding. The beach made me feel really homesick for Busch Gardens and especially Clearwater. I noticed that the girls in St. Augustine seemed friendlier than those at UF but I doubt it. When we first pulled into the parking lot and were awaiting a space, a jeep full of girls were unloading in front of us. I was looking from the back seat of Ed's car at this one girl who had an awesome body and was really good looking. She saw me looking and as she walked pass the car she smiled and met my eyes for a few seconds. I love the beach. It felt so good to have that hot sun pouring on my skin again. It's one of those simple sensations that I could never get enough of.
We smeared Hawaiian Tropic all over ourselves and walked done to the shore. We then went walking along the beach. There were cute girls everywhere, and we kept finding really nice ones for me. Seeing the ones with their bikini tops unsnapped brought back memories of Kim at Adventure Island. The beach was actually pretty nice, much better than I had thought it would be. The sand was too powdery though and there weren't many shells. There were huge waves so Ed and I went swimming for a little while being careful of the riptide which was really strong even up close to shore. Valerie didn't want to get wet at first because her shorts were see through and her tank top was really flimsy. We ended up splashing her and she got caught by enough waves to get soaked. Indeed her shorts were see through! On our way back there was a gorgeous, and stacked, girl in a white bikini picking up shells by the shore and Ed and I were staring hard. I hadn't seen any boyfriends around and thought we were safe to stare until I turned around and saw this guy on a chaise lounge behind us. Luckily he didn't kick our asses or anything.
We all took showers in the sulfur water and then changed. I put on my bathing suit and tank top, since they were dry, and I let Valerie wear my jean shorts and manatee T-shirt that I had worn last night but were still in my bag. We hung our clothes up on the pier railing and I laid back on the wood bench in the sun for a few minutes while Valerie had a popsicle. I then realized that she wasn't wearing underwear or a bra, because they were both on the railing. Ed and I decided not to make her excited on the trip back so she wouldn't make a mess of my shorts. While we were sitting there she smelled the shirt and asked me why it smelled so good. I figured she was joking and that it stunk because of my deodorant or because I wore it all day. She told me that she was serious and that it smelt really good. I smelled it and it was the Snuggle fabric softener and I was surprised. She won't give them back now because she told me that she wasn't finished sleeping in them or smelling them yet. We soon headed back and got home around eight. I slept most of the way except when Valerie would yell at me to wake me up. She said that it wasn't fair that I could sleep and she couldn't.
When Ed and I got back to our dorm, Chris still hadn't come back from Jacksonville yet. Ed then went out to practice cello. When Chris showed up we told each other and jon all about our weekends. I told them what had happened with Valerie and they were telling me that I shouldn't be trying so hard to steal Valerie. I can't help it if I am better than Ed and she wants me more. Jon said that if he were Ed, he'd be making my life a living hell right now, but things really aren't that bad, and Ed and I are still friends. I'm good at keeping friends in bad times because I know how to tell them what they want to hear, I know when to listen, and I know the right words to say. Besides, two can play at that game, my world would definitely not become miserable very easily.
Valerie later called Ed and talked on the phone with him for a little while. She then asked to talk with me! She at first told me that she was doing it to make Ed jealous. We then were talking about going out to breakfast on Tuesday morning but I really wasn't ready to wake up so early in the morning. I bragged to Jon and Chris that I held back by not going with her. That would have been our first time truly alone. Oh well, whatever.
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