I've been having a really good time lately. It all started yesterday morning in Physics lecture. I sat in the same place where the Iranian girl, Farnaz, sat last Friday and sure enough, she walks in a few minutes later and sits right in front of me. I leaned forward and tapped her on the shoulder and we started talking until class began. I hope to end up asking her to study with me. Now that we've talked more than once, there's a much better chance that we'll possibly sit next to each other from now on. I'll see tomorrow morning. She's not really that attractive but she is someone to talk to, and that class sure as hell needs some spicing up. I was in a good mood after that class just because I got to talk to her again. it was also because I saw the really gorgeous girl again. I always try to flirt with her. She was wearing thin yellow tight shorts so that you could practically read the tag on her underwear. She kept tripping over the fold up desks and sticking her perfect ass way out. I was very impressed. I told Chris and Jon about her later. I agree with Chris that the girls here are enough to drive you crazy.
Anyway, I was in a good mood as I went to German and while there, things got even better. I actually opened my book and did my homework the night before in bed at about one in the morning. Francois came in and even though there were plenty of open seats, sat right next to me. I put my books in the chair to my right for Melissa. I made the mistake of not doing so last Thursday and ended up sitting next to two guys. She soon came in and I quickly stopped drooling over Francois and turned to talk to her. I was however interested in talking to Francois and she seemed the same so I nonchalantly did so throughout the period being very careful not to ignore Melissa. I want her to think that she has my complete devotion right from the start, which she pretty much does.
Little Ms. Perfect hadn't done her homework and was rushing to do it at the beginning of class. It felt good that I had actually done something on time and didn't have to rush along with her and seem like I was copying. I am trying my hardest to make sure that she doesn't ever get the idea that I want her to study with me just because I know she's smart and want to copy her work , which I definitely do not. I am very interested in learning German. Francois hadn't done it either and didn't plan on doing so. Later on when we were answering oral questions out of the textbook, which I brought for a change, I shared with her and helped her out. I asked her where she lived because we had said hi that one day out in front of Beaty. She told me that she lived in Hume Hall and that she was probably going to a sorority or something. We joked about how both of those places were way out in the boonies. She is a freshman. The way we were talking, I would have bet money that we could of gotten together last night to study if I would of asked, but I already had a better commitment. I felt like a little German stud today, surrounded by girls and all.
I asked Melissa about studying last night. She said that she was done for the day and to call her when I was ready. She told me if I get the wrong number this time, it'll be my fault instead of hers. Today, Francois sat near me again which is a habit that I hope will continue. I think that I was social (and cute) enough yesterday to attract her to me for a while. That's good, because so was she. Both she and Melissa are very good looking. A large majority of Francois' background is German, and that European quality in her makes her really attractive to me.
I went home and decided just to sleep through that lame computer class so that I'd be rested for Melissa. Chris woke me up at about 5:15 and I called her. It rang until the answering machine picked up. Shit! I wasn't ready for it although I spit out a pretty good message. She had a really sultry voice on it, too. I think that's the first time I've ever talked on an answering machine. I told her that it was me calling at about 5:20 and to call me back when she is in. Then I started getting worried because I fear rejection and started thinking that her going out might be a second way she'd avoid studying with me. I went back to lay down and try not to think about it. I told myself that she was probably eating since she doesn't have a kitchen in her dorm like we do. She called just about ten minutes later which was a major relief. It surprised me when she talked all bubbly and energetically which was quite a change from her in class. She ended up being that way all evening which made it perfect.
I got ready and called her back about ten minutes later just as I was leaving. Yulee is right across the street and up a hill and she was outside leaning against the wall waiting for me. For some reason it makes me nervous to walk a long distance to a person as they stand there and wait for you to do so. She was still in her sexy little white tank top and white shorts that she was wearing earlier. She has a really nice body. She's stacked. Ha ha. We walked up the stairs and down the hall to her second story room. It's rather big for a single room. We sat down on her throw rug and I went through some flashcards she had made for all of the words. I condemned her for wasting so much paper and killing trees. I noticed a large vase filled with a very nice nd very large bouquet of roses on a chest by the wall. I didn't bring it up so soon though. She put on some harpsichord music and it was surprisingly relaxing and nice to listen to. We studied for a little while and then I suggested that we do the dictation off of the language lab cassette. We both sprawled out on the carpet ad listened through the oral questions. She was hanging way out of her tank top but, unlike Valerie, she wears a bra.
Afterwards we talked for a while before doing anything else. I asked her about the roses. She told me that there was this pastor guy that lives in New York who went with her study group to Israel over the summer and now is 'stalking' her. She thinks he is a psycho a wishes that people knew how demented a pastor can be. She even screens all of her calls. I started thinking that this could possibly be a reason why she is so quiet and reserved about meeting guys in class. If so, then I'm glad she trusts me so much.
She let me read her transcript and we were talking about her travels. She's even studied in London one semester. I told her that I am jealous and would really like to travel and study abroad. She told me that the best time to travel is when you are in College because travel at our age is dirt cheap. She also said that there are a large number of scholarships to study abroad that hardly anybody even applies for. She told me that I am really smart and could quite possibly get many of them. She told me that she has noticed how smart I am because I have very good deductive reasoning or something like that. I was completely flattered and should talk to this girl if I'm ever feeling down about things. I'm not sure how I impressed her so, but I decided that I could finally talk about my achievements with her and did so. I still think it's awesome that I impressed her by just being myself.
I also found out that her birthday is may 3rd and she will be 22 this coming up year! I told her that she will be just two years younger than my last crush, but I think I accidentally said girlfriend. Sorry Kim, I didn't mean to. I ended up staying until past 10:30 and we ended off on a very good note.
The scary part about being alone with a girl is that I don't want to go to far emotionally or physically, and jeopardize a possible friendship, but I also don't want to do to little and turn away a possible lover and friend. It's all so complicated. Later into last night, I relaxed and was just lying there on her rug with my head propped up on my arm as I talked with her. She also eased up about letting me see down her shirt after a while and as I talked to her we kept eye contact for really long periods of time, sometimes too long. She has the most gorgeous brown eyes. I have never really noticed how pretty a girl's eyes are before without thinking about them first. Her's were so overwhelming that the idea just burst into my head. They were amazing. Oh well. Her full name is Melissa Margaret Aubin.
Today I kicked ass on the test. It was much easier than I had expected. Melissa had said how she would probably cram all morning, so I did the same during Physics discussion. I caught up with a girl in my class on the way there and talked to her for a few minutes. I even finished the test before Melissa, I just hope I did as good or better than her. That would make my day on Monday. I am very confident.
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