Monday night, Ed spent a very long time on the telephone with Valerie. At twelve he finally got off and then announced that he was going over to Valerie's at 1:30. We all jokingly cheered him on, telling him now's his chance to get laid. Jon asked him what he had to lose. It sort of worried me though because I thought that she might be giving in to go back out with him. Girls do shit like that even when they don't really like the person. It's emotional insecurity because they sometimes think they might be in love with the guy when they really aren't. Ed stayed over all night and I didn't see him again until late the next day but he didn't say anything about it. I didn't see her again until last night when she showed up around eight while I was just finishing up a phone call from home. They mainly wanted to know what all was going on, and how soon either I am coming home, or they are coming up. Valerie looked sort of dressed up and I saw Ed getting dressed so I figured that they were going out somewhere.
Suddenly, everything made a screeching turn for the better. It turned out that she just dropped by to see us, and that Ed was going to a little Floor Senators' meeting to present his idea for a progressive dinner. He wants each room on a floor to make one course and then the entire floor would get together for a meal. This would help us to get to know each other. I sat with Valerie in the kitchen and asked her what was up and told her my fears. She laughed and told me that it all went perfectly. She told Ed that she was still in love with the guy she used to date and didn't want to be anything more than friends. She said that she invited him over just so he would know that she still did want to be friends though. She also said that she was already asleep by the time he got there that night.
She really didn't like the way he tried to control her when they were 'going out' and said that she really didn't want to be with him all the time because she doesn't love him. He asked something stupid like, 'What does this mean, that we should only see each other once a week?' and we made fun of him. He called his mom before he left and we were ragging on him that he was calling mommy to ask her what he was allowed to do this week. We, especially I, say some really evil things about him but they are so true and we always laugh. Valerie and I were in my room planning a trip this weekend with the maps on my CD encyclopedia. She says she's really jealous of it because when she begged her parents for a computer, they bought her a piece of shit Commodore. Oh well. We really want to go to a real beach and we were trying to decide between Clearwater, Sarasota, or Daytona. I remembered that the beaches south of Tampa have red tide so we decided on Daytona.
I then brought of the fact that we were hungry for ice cream. She really wanted to go and said that she would drive because her car was downstairs. We picked Baskin Robbins because there were some really good coupons in the Sunday paper. On the way we talked about everything from going out to how glad she is that Ed is finally off her back. We joked that I was really the guy she loved, and was the reason she couldn't see Ed anymore. She told me that if we go out, she's going to erase every thought of other girls from my mind first. Good luck, dear. Baskin Robbins was pretty empty when we first got there. Kimmon, a guy on my floor in Beaty was there with three friends and we waved. I ordered a banana jubilee with a big scoop of cookies-n-cream, and rocky road, topped with whipped cream, tons of hot fudge, and a cherry. She ordered a big sundae and I paid for both.
We ate there and kept talking about the past few days' events. She showed me a cute little wooden mouse on her shirt's zipper so I looked down her shirt but she was wearing a leotard from dance class. She laughed because there was nothing to see. She finally told me what she and Ed did that Sunday morning while I was on the floor sleeping in her apartment. She dry humped him and he came. Big deal. I told her that I was disappointed, and had imagined a bit more since he seemed so excited about it for so long afterwards. I also found out that he told her that he still thought they had a chance when we went to St. Augustine. I laughed, and so did she, because we both were talking about how they really had no chance while we were there. Besides, by then, she and Ed had already had three talks where she told him it wasn't going to work but I guess it didn't sink into his desperate head. He also told her earlier that he wanted to spend more time with her alone, but it always seemed like one (me!) or more of his roommates were always around to ruin that idea. She told Jon and I that she wanted it that way because we are so much more fun than Ed is. Ha. We talked about kissing, too. She told me that Ed really sucks because he bits her lip or something like that. I told her that I'm a really good kisser, straight from Nicole's lips.
It took a while for us to get back, and when we did, we had forgotten to photocopy a paper for Jon and had even left it way down in the car. All that meant was that I'd have to walk down with her to get it when she left. Darn. We found out that Ed had already come back from his meeting, but had left again to study in the downstairs library. Jon was doing homework by the desk so we sat down to talk. She asked if either one of us knows how to give a massage. I said no but I'd give it a try. I've had plenty of experience getting massages. So I ended up giving her a really good, and long, back rub until she was bent way over in her chair moaning. Of course, Ed walks in, but I kept going. It was fun.
We then went downstairs and hung around her car for a long time just talking. She said that she is going dancing with a bunch of her dancer friends this weekend. She says they are fun, and she doesn't want Ed there this time to take away from it. She told me to try and brush him out of our plans this weekend, and not to tell Jon either. I'm more than happy to oblige. She called again later and said that she might have an even better idea for this weekend. Some friends of hers from Miami are coming up to Tampa, and we could meet them there, and possibly rent a hotel room to crash in. We would then go to Busch Gardens on Saturday and squeeze Clearwater Beach in somewhere. that would be awesome! I'd really like that to work out.
I've also been having lots of fun in German yesterday and today. On Tuesday I came in late and Fran‡oise was sitting somewhere else which depressed me. But yesterday she came back to sit next to me. There's a goof named Ian in our class that always comes in all sweaty with his headband and bicycle helmet still on and we make fun of him. She says it's because she has a secret personal attraction to him. Melissa and I have also been joking around a lot the last two classes. I really like seeing her laugh because she's so pretty when she does. Yesterday, Elaine was asking us what we read in German, and we were supposed to be answering in German that, 'I read a book.' and, 'I read the book.' I joked to Melissa that, 'Ich lese Mein Kampf.' and we laughed. Elaine always asks us, 'Was ist das?' while she holds something up or points at something. We usually say, 'Das ist das Buch.' or, 'Das ist die Wand.' If it's a feminine noun we say it softly, and the masculine we say really deeply. While Melissa and I were on the Nazi subject, I come up with, 'Das ist das Fuehrer.' and we cracked up. The way I said it was hilarious and she really loved it. I was very proud of myself and am glad to be getting on her better side.
It awes me to think about how I can be so funny so much. I don't really have to think about these things, they just pop into my head. I don't mean making fun of people either, I'm talking about pure sarcastic humor. I said something to Valerie last night that she liked and then she asked me, 'You really are funny, aren't you?' Afterwards in German, Melissa told me that was damn funny and we started laughing again. We keep getting into these short little laughing fits in class where we joke about something which lightens it up and makes it much more interesting. I also scored some brownie points with Elaine because she was later asking us what we eat, and the people were answering with a couple of short food words off of a vocabulary page in the book. I bust out with, 'Ich esse Weinerschnitzel.' which is a veal cutlet. You could tell that she wasn't suspecting it and we ended up having a class discussion on it, such as where it is from and how it is made. I learned the word from Derek because Mehtap made it for him once.
When I got there today, I was early because I had finished my Physics quiz early, the period before. This guy from Tampa that went to Jesuit was also there so we stood outside and looked over the second story wall at the girls walking on the street and sidewalk below. We kept rating them and were even flirting with a really cute one on a bench who was doing her homework. I had both Melissa and Fran‡oise next to me again and we kept talking the whole period. Melissa and I kept joking and laughing the entire time today. I asked her what she is doing this weekend and told her what we planned. I joked with Fran‡oise every once in a while but I waited to really talk to her until after class. I walked out with her and we talked about our coming up weekends. I found out that she is from Clearwater and she told me to get a tan for her if we end up at the beach. We just stood down in the patio for a few seconds and talked before we parted.
What amazing fun!!!
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