Monday, September 21, 1992

September 21, 1992 - Monday - Busch Gardens, Kimmeth

Life just keeps getting better and better, so it seems. My life seems to be a roller coaster that travels up and down from being sleepy to hyper. I never get depressed, I'm too much of an optimist. All I have to do is look at a pretty girl or think about how wonderful I am, and the blues seem to just keep away. Besides, the best way to solve your problems... is to go to sleep. That's one of my philosophies, although I tend not to use it that often in real life. My life is definitely on an upward path again because I've had too much fun this weekend as well as today.

Valerie got busted by her father Friday morning for using his credit card numbers to mail order stuff. Therefore she wouldn't be getting any travel money for Busch Gardens so we pretty much called it off. We decided that we should just go to see her friends and hang out in Tampa all day Saturday. As the day went on, she started thinking that maybe we should just stay in Gainesville and go tubing in the river. I figured that we'd end up going to Tampa anyway so i left my plans wide open. Ed never intended to go with us because he wanted it to be just me and Valerie as a pair for the weekend, and didn't think he'd have fun if she and I hung together all day. He instead planned a date with a girl named Noelle and told Valerie that he just had too much homework and wanted to ride his bicycle. After Noelle called and said that she was going out of town, and would call him again on Tuesday, I urged him to suggest to Valerie that we all just go ahead and go to Tampa. I liked that idea better anyway because I wanted to stay for Sunday with my family. So at 8:30, we finally decided that we were going to go to Tampa, and Busch Gardens, too.

Ed had a Chemistry test with Chris from 5:30 to 7:30 earlier on Friday, so Valerie and I went out to a listening party for Sin‚ad O'Connor's new CD at this alternative record store near campus. She got a free CD and poster, and I got a free cassette single and a couple of posters. After we all decided on our trip, we went to the movie theater and saw Captain Ron with Martin Short. It was really funny and was the best movie I've seen so far up here. It was really good. Now that Ed and Valerie are effectively split up, I brought him into the conversations at the theater and all three of us had a good time. I was looking at the cute girls in line and the three of us were rating them. Valerie's shoelaces came untied and she was in a really short dress so I kneeled down and tied them for her. In the theater we were talking and she said that we didn't need to try so hard to look down her dress, she'd just take it off for us. Ed turned away and later said that he was just being polite. Fuck being polite. But of course she didn't pull her shirt down all of the way, but I'm quite sure she would in private if in the right mood.

She asked me about my fantasies, so we took turns telling each other some of them. She already knows about the two women at once fantasy, and the shower fantasy, she wanted better ones. I had to think for a little while but I finally remembered a good one. I want to make out with a girl, even to the extent of having sex, in the water at the beach in the middle of the day while people are everywhere. Of course we'd be in shoulder deep water. I've always pictured this fantasy at Sand Key, but I've also thought about the same situation in a lake, Lake Blue Ridge in particular. I also had never told anybody before and it was funny opening up like that. She has ones such as having sex in a river, and sneaking into a public restroom. I haven't had that fantasy since Jana was commenting on how gross people that have sex in bathrooms are. Abby used to have the river fantasy also, and I think there is some kind of psychological thing that wanting to make love in a river means, as compared to my ocean or lake, which are big bodies of water.

On the way out, Ed went to the potty, so Valerie and I hung out in the lobby. We were in pretty good moods after such a funny movie. I noticed that my shoelace had come untied so I told her that it was her turn to tie mine. She did, despite her dress, and despite the fact that we were right in the middle of the lobby with people everywhere. There were three black guys on a bench that saw and were pointing and laughing. I thought it was funny. We then took her home and went home ourselves to pack and get some sleep. I went through all the newspapers to take the stuff I didn't want home so they could read them and then recycle them. I also took Cathy all of our aluminum cans so she could get money for them. We were up and back at her house by 7:30 Saturday morning. I had gone out after classes on Friday to buy a fuse for my radio which I so dearly missed. I went from WalMart to Ace to Radio Shack to Target to some auto store and finally to a place called Sound Ideas which was back near campus. There I finally found the fuse I needed. Actually, my fuse was a weird number, so I finally found somebody who knew an alternate for it. It only cost fifty cents.

It was awesome driving on the interstate with my bass tube. It used to be that the wind drowned out the radio because I drive with my windows down. Now it's perfect. I followed Ed and Valerie for a while, but after we got gas, I took the lead. It wasn't really like leading though, it was more like fucking waiting. Every once in a while I would have the urge to go faster and I'd just blow him away, passing a bunch of cars in the process. I then had to wait for him to catch up but it was worth it. If he would have set his cruise control at seventy-five instead of fluctuating around seventy, then I would have been happy. I then found a semi truck that was perfect for drafting. Most are too high off the ground, and all of the air comes under them and hits you, and most really stink. But this one was beautiful, and he was going fast enough, too. It's awesome because you can really feel the difference when you're drafting him especially when you have the windows down. We were going eighty and it had completely stopped vibrating which it does at really high speeds. I was right behind him, changing lanes with him, for a really long time and Ed later said that he was jealous.

We didn't get to Tampa until ten and the I still had to go home to get one of my employee passes. I hadn't called so my family had no idea that I was coming. I dropped Ed and Valerie off at Denny's near Busch Gardens and left. When I got home, Chrissy was the first out the door, and father was even home. They all came out to see me and were definitely surprised. I stayed for about twenty minutes and told them to have a place ready for me to sleep when I got home. The have completely redone my room, now there is the couch where my bed used to be, and there are toys everywhere where Chrissy and Cathy play. I didn't get back until 11:15 only to find that Ed had gone off to have a check cashed at a grocery store. Since there are no grocery stores near Busch Gardens I figured he'd be a while so Valerie and I just sat there and talked in the front of Denny's. When he got back at 11:45, he didn't get to cash a check, so he hardly had any money for the day. He had promised to pay for Valerie's ticket, so there went my extra money. Stupid shit.

Valerie wanted some sunscreen and was running around asking anybody if they had any she could borrow for at least half an hour which pissed me off, but after that things went perfect. We walked through Myombe Reserve and then saw the Clydesdales. I then convinced her to go on Questor which she thought would be stupid. The line was really short which was good. I wouldn't tell them what was going to happen, I wanted their first time to be like mine, when I didn't know what the hell was going to happen. At the beginning of the ride, the video and sound tracks got screwed and cut off. We sat there while the ride went through all of the motions, while I narrated the whole time. 'Now we're... going over a waterfall!' and stuff like that. It was funny. They told us that they were unsure of how long it would be before the problem was fixed so that we could ride again, which scared most of the people off. We were three of the only five people that stayed, and it turned out to only be a very short wait. It was much better than she expected even after the first 'ride.'

We then took the Skyride to the center, and I sat with Valerie. In line there was this European family behind us. Valerie knew because she noticed that the two girls didn't shave their armpits. They were both about my age and would have been very attractive despite their hairy flaw. She thought it was strange though that they did shave their legs. Since I had nothing better to do, I flirted with the younger one. I think she took the hint because I started hanging back from Valerie and Ed and she started getting really close. As we were standing at one of the line's turns, I had my hand on the railing and was turned away from her. She comes and leans forward on the railing right next to me so that her crotch was right against my hand. I stupidly didn't look in her eyes as I slowly unwedged it, to see if it was intentional or not, but I really think it was.

I took them first to the Congo River Rapids and expected a long line. I was shocked when the line was only three rows long, and it took us less than ten minutes where it used to take over an hour in the middle of the day. Valerie and I sat together and left Ed to sit with some old Spanish woman. She really didn't want to get her hair wet so I told her to put her head near my lap when the waves come, and she laughed at me. But she must of found that to be the best idea because she kept on leaning there so I'd get wet instead of her. We then went to the Bumper Cars and took out our frustrations on each other. I also refused to gang up on Ed, I actually was more interested in gang banging her... whoops, I meant ganging up on her. We were having lots of fun though, and I kept talking to Ed just to make sure he didn't start feeling rejected. It really sucks to have to drag around a pissed off person at Busch Gardens. It ruins all of the fun, and luckily it never happened.

I just had my computer engraved by the police department. The guys are coming around to all of the dorms with the engraver and put your Social Security number on anything you want. I think it's a good idea and want to get my bicycle engraved tomorrow downstairs.

Anyway, back at Busch Gardens, we then headed over towards my Flume ride. I was thoroughly enjoying all of the girls that were walking around and was doing my best to flirt with them. Valerie and Ed went into the store to get a plastic bag for over her head while I went into the back of the Flume to visit. I walked up the stairs and Brad was on the control panel. We talked and caught up real quick. I asked him if he had gotten his transfer and he had. It will move him to the Congo and Timbuktu rides in a week. I then asked if my friends and I could still come through the back and skip the line. He said sure so I went to get them. I met Frank in the back and we talked. I asked him who all was still there that I know, since I had just seen a bunch of new girls out front. He said that Mark and KIM were here and that Marcella was over in the lounge. I was extremely happy to hear that Kin was there. I thought she had already been fired, and I wouldn't get to see her. He told me that Sharlene had quit because she would have been fired otherwise. As I was running out I ran past Marcella and said hi.

I brought Ed and Valerie through the back and we loaded in the boat. I was in the very front and Valerie was right behind me. We threw Ed in the back. I ended up leaning back on her and toward the end she was using her thighs to squeeze me and I told her to be careful, I might come. I was referring to when she dry humped Ed and we both cracked up. He asked what we said and she told him. MArk was in the first box and he was on the phone with Kim. I waved and said hi. Thinking back, I think he called her to tell her that I was on the ride. I told Valerie that I disliked him because he was my only competition for the girls on the ride. She said that he was cute. As we went up Lift 2 I could see Kim in the doorway. She was off the phone with Mark, which was good. Maybe she didn't want to make me jealous. I wish. It was wonderful seeing her pretty hazel eyes and gorgeous hair again. She pulled out her cup of ice water, of course, and got ready to throw it on me. We were saying hi at the same time I deflected the cup so that only half got me and some got her.

Valerie later was saying how pretty she is and how wonderful her hair is. She asked me what color Kim's eyes are, and said if they had been blue, she would be perfect. I'm happy with hazel. I was so elated after seeing Kim again that it was almost like being on drugs. It was an artificial high that lasted the rest of the day. When we got to the unloading brake, Alan was working on the opposite side so I asked him if we could go again and he said yes. It was asking quite a bit but I'm really glad that he let us. The new girl seemed a little confused at why she was letting us stay on, but she'll live. Valerie thought it was really cool that I had the power to first skip the line, and then get to go again. She was really impressed, especially when I told her that it was my supervisor who I talked into letting us go again. She later told me that she had more fun than she probably would have otherwise because she had a personal guide who knew his way around and knew all of the best places to go. This time Frank was in Spillway and he laughed at me. Kim picked up the entire ice chest this time but I knew that she wouldn't do it because Valerie was in there with me. I pleaded with her as we went over telling how much I really like her hair. She told me that she likes my blue eyes as she tossed a handful of ice into my lap. It was funny.

I stopped and talked to Alan as we got off an asked him about Christopher. He is up to six pounds and is doing fine, but Alan doesn't know what sleep is anymore. Valerie thought it was cool how I kept talking to and kept getting talked to by employees all over the park. She didn't really believe that I knew so many of them at first. We then went to the Tidal Wave where Danya waved at me from inside the control panel. Christine was unloading so I turned up and talked to her for a second. Valerie knudged me because I kept talking to all of the girls. After the ride, I got up and almost gave Christine a nice big sopping wet hug, but she deferred me. We then stood behind the panels on the bridge and watched the splashes. There were these three really cute sorority looking girls there too, all wearing white. The best looking one was braless and her tits were completely visible, not to mention perfect. Valerie didn't look bad herself, in her wet white leotard and jean shorts.

Her phone number is 377-7685. She just told me. I used Ed's black book to call her to see what's up. She completely hates Ed now, to the point where she doesn't want to call or come over if he's here. That's why she gave me her phone number. He really pissed her off this weekend, especially on the trip back Saturday night, and while they were here. Valerie's friends, Brenda and Janet turned out liking me and hating Ed. They thought I was crude at first until they got to know me as the night went on. They thought Ed was stupid. Valerie feels exactly the same now. She wants me to go dancing with her and a really gorgeous smart single girl named Tanya, and possibly Noelle. I told her how Ed thought he was going out this weekend with her, and she laughed and said that Noelle doesn't like him. We just got off the phone at about nine.

I'm going to jump ahead to the really important part, Kim, and possibly go back and finish the wonderful weekend. Last night at 7:30, after I took my shower and got everything ready to come back to Gainesville, I called Kim. Her brother answered and it took her a couple of seconds to come to the phone. She seemed a little surprised and asked what I was still doing in Tampa. I told her how we came down and how I stayed for Sunday. She got 'mad' at me for waiting until my last half hour to call her. She told me what all was going on at Busch Gardens, and how the supervisors had tried to keep her but the new area supervisor didn't let her to stay because she'd been written up. She's interviewing for another job that she really doesn't want, typesetting and stuff like that. I told her how I've been out dancing and partying every weekend and she let me know again how she had told me that I would be out partying all of the time once I got here. I told her how I agreed with the letter and laughed when I read it. I also told her that her hair was mangled and I was heartbroken. She told me that she'd have to send me another.

We started talking about birthdays and I asked her if she was going to send me a card. She said she'd go out and send it this week so she doesn't forget. I asked her what gift she was going to get me, and she was pondering over finding something neat to give me. I suggested a lock of her hair. She said that it would be quite a sacrifice. The thought of an entire lock of her hair had never crossed my mind, though it's interesting, I was thinking more around four inches. But if she's willing to make such a sacrifice for me, then I'm more than willing to accept it.

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