Thursday, October 8, 1992

October 8, 1992 - Thursday - I'm cute!!! German girls

Damn I feel GOOD!!! And no, I didn't get fucked either. I've had an awesome morning. I had a German test at 10:40 in fourth period. Thus my entire life has been devoted to German since early last night. I even woke up early this morning and went to language lab to complete my workbook dictations. I actually understood what they were saying! It's because this test reflects my new study habits. It's been two weeks since I began studying on a daily basis and it's really paying off. After language lab, I went to my third period Physics discussion class. I was early so I sat outside and studied, and watched all of the cute girls go by. I planned on walking in, asking when the next quiz is, and walking out. That's exactly what I did. I then went to German class to sit outside the classroom and study for an hour before class. I knew that I would get the most studying done there, without many distractions. It's actually a cool place to sit because it's on the second floor and is open to the outside. you can sit up there and look out at the trees or down at the people walking by below.

When I got there, this girl was already sitting there studying. I still don't know her name although we talk now all of the time. She's twenty-one, I think, and she's from Jacksonville. She's really good looking and has a cute Texas accent. Her mother is from Texas but she swears that her mom doesn't have an accent, and doesn't know where she got hers from. It's fun listening to her speak German. Her only flaw is that she has a boyfriend, but that is definitely no reason why we can't be friends. We studied together by comparing notes while I verbally quizzed her. The rest of the semester's test, starting with this one, are supposed to be much harder because they will be written instead of multiple choice. Actually these kinds of test are usually easier for me than the standard ones. I much better at doing something perfectly myself, rather than pick the correct one out of a bunch of wrongs.

Melissa walked up about forty minutes before class and joined us in studying. We kept making up funny sentences. it's much easier to learn German by speaking it with somebody you actually want to talk to rather than out of a book. There is this Greek dance Friday night and she asked me if my roommate was going. When I said yes she said that she was glad because she really wants people to come. She then told me that I should come. I told her that I'd think about and if I could get Chris to drive me I'd go. She then told me that she'd take me and that I really should go. I loved how she only asked me. This Taiwanese guy named Pong always sits next to Melissa when he gets the chance. He always takes my seat when I am late but I always end up butting him out anyway. I wonder if he felt like shit when Melissa was telling me to go and never even looked at him. Thank you.

Before we went into class this other girl came up who is a friend of the girl with the Texas accent. She isn't that bad looking, she's just a tad bit on the overweight side. She's really nice though and we always talk when we are near each other and get the chance. She was talking about a computer class she is taking and how she's screwed up on the assignments so far. I realized that she is in the one of the other CGS 3462 classes that I am taking. I told her that I am taking it, too. She asked me if I know what I am doing. I told her that I really know what I am doing and told her about how I took AP in high school. She then asked me if I'd help her study for the midterm sometime next week. She's the one who almost ran me over that night while I was on the way home from Farnaz's dorm. I told her that I didn't know after she tried to run me over. She then explained to me again why it happened. She told the same story but only until now did I fully understand what she had said. By this time, everyone else had gone into class and only the three of us remained outside. She told me how her friend who was in the car was pointing and saying that he's really cute and as she was trying to look to see who she was talking about. When she did, she swerved and realized that she almost hit me! What I didn't realize was that I was the guy that her friend thought was cute!!! That blew my mind! The whole story made so much more sense. She joked about how her friend thought I was really cute and then she almost ended up running me over. When she realized that she knew me she hoped I wouldn't see her after nearly running me over although I never knew the difference. It's a tremendous boost to my ego to know that girls will pick me out as being cute and tell their friends. WOW!!!!!

In class, it's also sometimes a pain in the ass keeping the two chairs open on my sides so that Fran‡oise and Melissa can sit next to me. It's because this girl, Dianne always tries to sit next to me. She's cute but she's too skinny and looks too much like the witch on the bicycle in the Wizard of Oz, only with dirty blonde hair . Then there are the guys who are looking for a cool friend who sit near me because I will talk and listen to them. I've already told one that the girls are my fist priority, but feel free to sit anywhere else near.

Anyway, the test ended up being hard, but actually was easier for me than the first two. It sure did take Melissa a long time. She's not good at this kind of test. Fran‡oise and I finished at the same time and she told me to wait so that we could walk out together. She's going back to Clearwater for a day again. This time it's to get a haircut. She said that she was thinking about getting her hair cut shoulder length. I begged and pleaded with her not do and told her that if she did, I wouldn't talk to her any longer. She told me that she'd just have to kick me that much harder in class. I told her that I'll start kicking back if she cuts her hair too short. We laughed and then parted.

Well, that's why I'm in such a damn good mood right now. I'm confident about the test, Melissa asked me to a dance, but most importantly, my ego was severely boosted by being called cute like that. It'd be really freaky if I get to study with her and actually meet her friend. That would be cool.

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