Surprise! I'm getting rather sick of this shit that Leigh Anne is playing. I am starting to get rather annoyed.
She was fighting with the freak until about four in the morning last night. She stopped by once last night after she had kicked him out for a while and came and visited me in bed for quite a while. She started giving me a nice little hand job and I had my hand between her legs for a few minutes. She had said that she was going to go for a few minutes just beforehand and I refused to continue my hand massage telling her to go already. She keeps kissing me quite a bit but in short meaningless pecks. It's so damn obvious that I'm being dragged along so she can have me when he's not here. I'm starting to think that I'm going to just put everything on hold until he leaves.
It's kind of funny how I have the same attitude now that Shar¡ claims she had with me when I was so excited about us being together. Now it seems that I'm reluctant when the girl wants to continue... it's always bass ackwards which might be why things haven't clicked to well ever.
Last night we all left the room at the same time, for Jon and I were taking Chris' car to get groceries and Ed and Roswitha were off to study. We walked by the neighbor's room and Leigh Anne called out Jon's name and then mine from inside. Jon answered her but I didn't and she came out really quickly and asked me why. I kind of shrugged and got in the elevator. Jon kind of mouthed to her through the closing elevator door that she must be happy now that Jerry's back and he told me that by the reaction she gave him, she's not too thrilled. I told Jon what she had said about sleeping together just to give him a general idea of what's up while we were driving to the store. He asked me if I would sleep with her and I said that I think so. When we got home we were putting away the groceries when Leigh Anne popped in and we all started talking. He asked her how her botany test was and she said she bombed it. He commented that she really struck out. I snickered and agreed, saying that she has done so three times in one day! (the test, Jerry, and me) as I walked out the door to get my last bag from the car.
When I got back, Leigh Anne had gone and changed into her silk purple pajamas and Jon said that those weren't what he was talking about. He then said that she wants some purple lingerie but I couldn't care less. She then quickly ran me into my room and shut the door, trying to hold on to me again. She told me that my roommate gave her the third degree after I went downstairs. I kind of figured that he would talk to her or I would never have told him anything in the first place.
I stopped by the room next door after getting home from lab for a little while. I talked to Michelle and Delisa for a few minutes before Delisa called Leigh Anne out of her room where she was with Jerry. Dumb cunt. After claiming she was going to kick him out and so forth, I was pissed that he is still here. She said that he is driving her insane for a change and then asked me about getting her Enya CD back just to get us out of the room together. We came over to my room and she immediately hooked onto me. Even in front of poor little Edward who was talking about something but I don't remember a damn thing that he said. She was telling me that she had thought about me a lot today while I was gone and also asked me why we never saw what we have between us earlier. She then said that maybe we did, but we just didn't say anything about it. I offered that at least I got to know her a little bit first, and she corrected me saying that I know everything about her. She knows as much about me and I said that at least there aren't many secrets between us right now.
I also told her how sexually frustrated she is making me after four nights of playing with me with no rewards. She said that all will change really soon. She was asking me how I feel about her and I truthfully told her that Jerry is really depressing me and she said that she knows.
As I wrote this, along came Leigh Anne. Roswitha, the only other person in the place told her I was in my room. She came in wearing a robe and a towel around her head, because she did just get out of the shower. I moved my keyboard out of my lap and she straddled me right here in front of the window. I put my hands around her back and then on her butt, which she quickly urged under her robe, a free show for all down on the street if only they had looked up. She asked me what I was thinking now, and I told her how annoying all of her questions are starting to get, and I asked her when she is going to stop. She told me as soon as I give her a strong answer because she doesn't catch on to hints too easily.
She looked at me once and told me that I really do have long eyelashes like that psychiatrist said. She then realized that I am only eighteen and was surprised that I graduated the same year she did and never skipped any grades. She then said that she better head back because she only told her roommates that she was coming to tell me when they were leaving to see the "movies on the beach" on the big portable screen down by the pool. I asked her why it matters, for it's better to keep the mystery in their minds anyway. She laughed and asked me like my roommates who she figures have no idea what's up despite her always coming over to see me.
She stood up and said that it was a shame that I had an almost naked woman over and didn't take advantage of it. I hadn't let go of her yet and told her that I didn't say she could go. She turned back towards me an untied her rode and exposed herself to me. I kissed a breasts gently as I slid my hands down and around her towards her crotch. She quivered and told me for the millionth time how much she loves the way I touch her... so gentle, and asked me if I always this way. I told her that it completely depends on the person I'm with. She asked me what I am thinking now, so I turned her questions on her. I asked her what she thinks I am thinking, and changed that to what she is afraid that I am thinking. She said that she just doesn't want me to think I am her second choice, and I questioned her about that and she swears it is true.
I moved my hand down over her crotch and started rubbing and that really got her going. She had tried just a second earlier to get into my shorts but I told her that it wouldn't do any good because I have a bathing suit on underneath. She told me that now is a good time to stop being gentle for a little bit and pushed my finger into her. I took heed and started finger fucking her. She asked me if she turns me on and I told her that if I said no, then I'd definitely be lying. I then got to use the line about her leaving me frustrated again and this time got the response I wanted. I was very disappointed at how it flopped just a little while earlier. I told her that she does turn me on, for she has left me with blue balls every night and she liked that and said that we'll have to do something about that. She asked me what I was thinking and this time I said some awesome stuff that twice kind of surprised her and said that I'm saying the right stuff now.
She asked me if I think I'll fall for her and I asked her who said I haven't already started. She really liked that but I did let her know that JErry kind of throws a wrench into my feelings. I think everything has been explained quite well at this point. She told me that she wants to make me so happy and will do everything she can to reach that goal. That was kind of interesting. This entire time I was still sliding my fingers in her, and finally I slid them out and rubbed her clit a little bit. She definitely left a happy woman. She fixed her robe and towel back and laughed as she said that it looks just like nothing every happened.
Jon was sitting in the other room watching the Simpsons and he gave her a really accusing smile which she proceeded to beat him about. When he had walked in, she jumped up for a second and closed her robe, but I told her that whoever it was wouldn't be coming in here because Chris is gone so she smiled and said, "Oh!" as she quickly flung it back open. I then asked Jon why he didn't tell me that the Simpsons were on because he knows I'll stop doing anything for the Simpsons. It took Leigh Anne a second to realize that I was referring to us screwing around and she came up to me and said, "Oh really?" It was pretty funny. In private she keeps telling me that she's really going to make me fall for her and is really glad that we will have so much time together. I told her that any amount of time isn't enough and she loved that, and then figured that we can have up to at least three more years together here in Gainesville. Yeah, right!
Well, after a little convincing on her part, I finally agreed to go to the movies with her, Michelle, and Jerry. I was really looking forward to going with her by ourselves last night but I think things work out very much for the best. I also have never even seen the guy except for at that fire alarm with Laura. I had only seen his feet sticking out on her bed, or so forth. I finally went over to her room for a few minutes and started talking to Michelle and Jerry was in the bathroom. I talked to Leigh Anne for a few minutes as if I were only a friend going with them. She told me earlier that he already knew that I was going and I'm suddenly curious to know how much he has heard about me, if anything. Once I saw him, I realized that this might indeed be fun. I went and got ready and came back over.
I was rooting through their stuff on the table and was acting like I was at home in front of Jerry. I was also being very friendly with Michelle. We discovered a personality test of Leigh Anne's and she wanted to take it so we sat there reading through it together. I came up with some funny explanations for some of the questions that she liked. Leigh Anne joined in and we effectively excluded Jerry from things for quite some time. I liked that. Ed and Roswitha walked by one time and said hello. We finally headed out and had an interesting little episode in the elevator. Jerry was towards the front with Leigh Anne right behind him and me right behind her. I poked her in the butt and she started bouncing slowly onto me. Michelle joked that it was a Leigh Anne sandwich but I thought there was too much mayonnaise.
When we got outside we were joking around and that's when Jerry and I introduced ourselves. I suddenly realized the controversy that would be caused if Jerry and I were to become acquainted. That might prove interesting and extremely stressful for Leigh Anne. When we got to the movie, they spread out a blanket and I spread out my beach towel so that I could completely lay down. I sat so that Michelle was in between Leigh Anne and I, with Jerry on the far side. Both Michelle and I took off our shoes and relaxed. The movie was Sleepless in Seattle and they said a lot of stuff about finding the right person and so forth and Leigh Anne and I would look at each other at some pretty interesting moments. She would reach her arm across to nudge me every once in a while and continuously pleaded with me not to be angry with her.
I laid down once to take a quick nap and she came over and laid her head on my back. She told me a little while later that he just spent twenty minutes telling her how much he misses his last girlfriend and how they were really meant for each other. After telling me that, she went back over next to him and told him that he might as well go back to her. He got up and walked away pretty soon after that and she went after him and ended up kicking his ass out of her room and life (supposedly!) for good. She came back and told Michelle that, "It's just you and me now, kid!" I thought to myself what about me, until she came over to me and whispered the same thing.
We came back pretty soon and Leigh Anne and I realized what this all meant. They are out dancing right now, but she said that I have to leave the door unlocked so she can surprise me tonight. She said that I should of last night because she tried to come over at four but it was locked. I was pissed because I told Chris to leave it unlocked! She said that this means tonight may be the beginning of us being "together." She asked me once if "we" are going to work out. I asked her if she wants "us" to work out and she said that she does more than anything. I replied that if two people want something as bad as we both do then it's bound to happen and she loved that! I effectively summed up both of our feelings without every saying mine and thus it was clever and beautiful at the same time. She said that I always seem to know exactly what to say and I liked that.
I cooked her a little bit of dinner to eat and we played around and had a really good time. She asked me why my touch always makes her shiver, and I replied that it must be my freezing hands. She finally told me that she doesn't mean like that, she means she shivers on the inside, and her stomach seems to do flips. Who knows?
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