Happy, happy, joy, joy, happy... I just woke up from the best nap I've had in along time, and have the Ren and Stimpy theme running through my head for no apparent reason. Things aren't that great yet, but nothing has really been going wrong either.
I finally gave way to my grave superstitions and created my end of the chain letter that Ashley and I read some time ago. I went about it in a very ritualistic way as well. I first scanned it into a computer with the text grabber in the architecture building and then proceeded to make tons of copies. I methodically folded them, signed them with Kimmeth's traditional (peace, love & happiness) symbols, and sealed them each with a sticker. I then placed them throughout the mailboxes of the girls' rooms at exactly midnight on All Hallow's Eve.
What urged me on was the fact that everything around me seemed to be crashing down lately (although I was amazingly still standing unscathed) and I was getting really tired of it. I got up early Saturday morning to go make copies of my schedule and paid fees to send home to my mother for insurance purposes. It was eleven when I left but I was definitely fooled because it seemed so dark. I was watching the TV before and they issued a tornado watch for north central Florida but it didn't bother me at all because that used to happen all of the time at home. The fact that is was lighting and raining urged me on even more because I love being in whether like th
at so much. When I walked outside the tower doors, I was almost blown away by the strength of the wind. I decided to head into the commons for a moment only to see an emergency broadcast in progress. This is the thing that always makes a horrible racket on TV as they announce that, "This is only a test...," except this time it was real. I was kind of happy to finally see that annoying thing being put to use! There were very few people in Gainesville this weekend anyway, and I could have easily gone and partied with Kostas in Jacksonville if I didn't have a pretty important psychology exam today. Thus the girl behind the counter and I were the only two people down there. She asked me if I would stay with her because she was scared shitless and of course I obliged, anything to be in a position to take advantage of a girl when she's vulnerable.
At one point she asked me my name, and after telling her, I reminded her that I beat her in a game of pool during last years little tournament. Her name is Riena and she said that she remembers, and has held a grudge against me until this very day, but now all is forgiven. That was cool and I'm glad I wasted the time. The wind did get really nasty and they announced that a tornado had been spotted in southwestern Alachua County!!! I found out later that it did damage to the area around our mall up near the interstate and also did a lot of damage to the house of my English professor's neighbor. That was pretty damn close now that I think about it.
I always love to scare people in times of crisis and I did so with her by telling her, truthfully, that Beaty probably wouldn't stand much of a chance in a real tornado. I admitted that we weren't any better off there because we would be right under the falling debris. I then was telling her that storms like this are kind of common in Tampa and I am use to them from Busch Gardens and told her a few stories from there. The entire time, people kept calling from upstairs and asking if they were safe, and she kept calling her superiors to find out if she should tell the people to get out or not. It was pretty interesting. I also found out that she lives in Boca Raton...
After the apparent threat had passed, I continued on towards the library and thoroughly enjoyed the rain. I couldn't help thinking how the feel of it hitting my face brings a very sensual feeling to me. I find it funny when people tell me the rainy weather depresses them, because the effect is far opposite for me. Hey, I like to be clean! He he. I wrote my mother a letter in the library and then headed home. Ed's mom had called so I figured I'd better call home just to let them know that I'm all right. I ended up talking to her for another hour about all kinds of stuff. I did make sure to tell her, however, that my major means of communication would be letter from now on. I also let her know of my less than wonderful achievements in my classrooms plus the fact that I'm broke...
I had this really stupid notion Sunday morning that perhaps Michael Brown (and hell, maybe even Shar¡) might be in town because the Alachua County Fair is in town. Ed put the whole idea into my head on Saturday night because I guess he remembers Shar¡'s background and I was quite impressed that he remembered such a trivial thing. The possibility, of course, is almost zero, but so many things just barely happened to get our relationship going in the first place that I had to look into it. I bought a newspaper on the way to the library to study on Sunday morning, and was sitting there reading when I came to the horoscopes. I was already thinking about Shar¡ because I had read the article about Guavaween and remembered that she said she'd be there. I want so much just to know whether or not she's still in Tampa...
Anyway, my horoscope said, "Don't stay too long at the fair," and hers said that, "some will say, `Don't stay away so long next time!' Sagittarian plays paramount role." That really freaked me out... enough that I packed right up and braved the freezing cold again all of the way home just to find out exactly when and where this fair is. I called Jessica, Ashley's roommate, because I heard that they were going to go. I finally found out that it doesn't start until next Friday, which is cool, and maybe they'll take me along with them.
It wasn't long before I gave Kimmeth a call. I was going to wait until later in the evening but had been planing for quite some time to call her this weekend. I was surprised that she was home in the middle of the day. She asked me if I had received her letter, and I said no in a somewhat surprised tone. She asked why and I said that I was overwhelmed that she actually wrote me a letter and was really happy. I was! I was suddenly extremely glad that I called when I did so she wouldn't think I was just doing so because she wanted me to. I made it in just the nick of time!
She told me a lot about how her life is going and I did the same for her. I then broke down and told her about Shar¡ at about the same time she told me about a little fling of hers. I let her know that Shar¡ was the reason behind me feeling the way I was the last time she called. She told me that she hasn't talked to this guy for two weeks now and said that she thinks they're done for good. She told me that they were arguing and he told her that she hasn't even seen him acting like a jerk yet, and she replied by asking him why he thought she was going to stick around for the credits!!! That was awesome and really made me laugh! She also told me an awesome way to conclude a relationship: a handshake and a, "It was a pleasure doing business with you." That was hilarious, too! She always knows when to stick a little something in for me just to make me feel better. She'll always say that, "you probably don't care, but," when she's going to tell me about Stuart or some other guy.
We were talking about needing to get together soon and I joked that I really wish I could go down and see her over Thanksgiving although it would be practically impossible. She was telling me that I really should come but her apartment is small so she'd just have to shack me up with one of her friends somewhere. My mind just kind of stopped in it's tracks and then she perked up and said just kidding!!! Bitch... really had me going there for a second. She told me that she does have a queen size bed but I wouldn't fit on it and we then started talking about how I sleep. I told her that I've learned to sleep in a fetal position after years of short beds and she really liked that.
We were talking about our little relationships again and I was making some very creative generalizations about them. I told her that what we both ended up doing was just keeping us in practice and she really liked that. I also admitted that dating a married woman is pretty much a once in a lifetime thing, for one learns from his mistakes. She fully agrees that it's a learning experience for she dated a married guy once, and has vowed never to do so again. I think it's kind of funny that Shar¡ pretty much summed up every possible trait that I always vowed never to go out with, including the fact that Kimmeth and I once told each other that we'd never go out with a smoker. But that's really not that important, just funny. I told Kimmeth that Shar¡ did come up one weekend and Kim laughed and told me that she's sure glad that she didn't decide to surprise me by showing up that weekend. That would have been bad, and I should have told her that I would have had to send Shar¡ home. I am beginning to fully understand Chris' point that perhaps by having a different girl, Kim will see that I'm capable and my like for her will seem more real and not just because of the fact that she talks to me...
She was telling me about a lot of weird dreams she's been having lately and one kind of stood out in my mind. She told me that she dreamt she was up north and was dating a guy with shorter dark hair, and so on. She said something about it making her kind of happy. I pretended not to catch on, or just didn't want to make any stupid assumptions, but the last time she saw me I had just gotten my "too short" haircut and I do live "up north." We were also talking about selective breeding again. She said that she had a dream where she married a guy who already had three kids and said that it probably has something to do with her new neighbor who has a little girl. I told her that she shouldn't marry into a family with too many kids (and I just realized that Stuart has two!!!) because then she might be putting her wonderful genes to waste. She always likes that and agreed fully. I told her after asking about Stuart's kids that my son was almost two and the girls up here were calling me Daddy Dan for a while. It was almost funny.
Well, I ended up talking to her for well over two hours but she is more than worth it. I accidentally pulled the cord out of the answering machine twice and had to call her back. That used to be a big joke between us about hanging up on people and she said that she didn't want to talk to me anymore since I had hung up on her twice! She did tell me a little about Lucinda and how they have drifted so far apart as friends and Lucinda just doesn't listen to her much anymore and doesn't really care how Kim feels when she gives her advice. I stuck up for Lucinda a little bit, making some really good remarks about the distance and the fact that she does care about her or she wouldn't give advice at all. Kim was saying that she just doesn't always have anybody she can dump her problems on and said that she really enjoys talking to me (in a sense, I was so overwhelmed I don't quite remember exactly). That was really cool though and I think my phone call did an amazing amount of good exactly when I needed to. If I had called while she was dating Tobin, the thinks I said might not have been taken as deeply as perhaps they were...
Well, I was happy after that and my Halloween became even better as my lovely neighbor came over to the room with Jon and greeted me by saying, "Hi sexy!" What she doesn't know yet is that I've had sex with every girl that's ever called me that... he he. She then told us that her "boyfriend" has decided to leave now thinking that's it's better before they get attached. Well, i'm happy to see him go and feel that it's time to start slowly working deeper into the girl. It's time to be serious...
I also got a call last night before I went out to study from Ashley. She was late for a sorority function but just wanted to let me know that she made it back all right and really wanted to thank me for being there for her. She also told me that Daniel was released from the hospital and had a broken collarbone, not neck. I essentially told her that I'll always be there for her, and reminded her that she was often there listening to me cry about Shar¡, so it was the least I could do. I didn't tell her how happy it made me that it was I whom she called to tell her problems to.
I saved Karen a seat again in psychology for our exam. She came in bitching about a cold she had caught and how the weather wasn't doing much to help. I quickly picked up that she's the kind that likes to be babied when she's sick, and she happily agreed. I keep picking up all kinds of useful information on the girl and she really seems to like talking to me, as well. I finished my exam before her, and got an amazing twenty-eight out of thirty. I was damn happy, although I wanted a perfect score... I looked up at Karen and couldn't help but think how cute she looked sitting up there and blew her a kiss just after she passed out of eyesight.
I arrived home to find my beautiful and promised letter from Kimmeth! Her new address is:
643 N.E. 18th Ave.
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304-3451
She writes (on graph paper, no less):
Dan... hello earth calling Dan!
I hope you are doing much better than when last we spoke - I would assume since you've not called.
I am doing well, work is boring and tedious as ever, and as ever I endure, just one more paycheck I think again and again. I miss my responsible-less, meager paychecks, they were so easy to come by and so easy to blow away. But I have a new habit to support - ME!
I'm, scary enough, quite into the domestic scene to throw pillows, finding the right patio chairs, collecting and primping plants. Ah the good life. Well at the very least my boss is comforted by the charade. HA HA.
In international news - I spoke to Stuart {I can finally spell his name!!!} again recently. I know so what, right!? As fun as ever speaking to him but no new news to report since I fought off the last violent urge to hop on a plane to England. He still says he intends to come here... I believe it when I see it I guess. Oh hold on someone's at the door... - Just kidding.
So the ugly truth is I've been (been as in has been) seeing someone, yes I had even referred to him as my "boyfriend," and yes I wasn't even thinking of seeing someone else - for a while there. Quite conflicted about the question of Stuart showing up out of the blue I must admit but not thinking of any one else but this guy.... Okay his name is Tobin... there I said it. Any way things were going great! Then they were going?! good - then well, I don't know where exactly things turned odd but we haven't spoken for about two weeks now. Hmm? Yes it's that age old game people play - it's their turn to call... then they don't call... Well I'M NOT going to call THEM.... Why aren't they calling?... Maybe I should call? NO! Fuck them if they want to talk they will call! I AM NOT GOING TO CALL THEM!!! SO FUCKING CALL ALREADY!!! {I was rather interested in her use of the pronoun "they" and was extremely glad that I called her before I got her letter!!!}
How did, of all people, I get duped into playing this jerky immature game? Peer pressure that's how, it really sucks cause he's about as stubborn if not more stubborn than I am. Fuck that I'M more stubborn damn IT!
So any way like I was saying that's all over with. I think. How am I supposed to know any way? That jerk!
Haven't been to any Dolphins games lately - kinda bummed out about Dan Marino's leg injury, I may actually have a team worth rooting for.
I signed up for a stained glass making class one night a week that I will be SO excited about if there are enough people enrolled when class starts to have a class. I've always wanted to work in stained glass. In fact last night I dreamed about stained glass!
How are classes going? And how are the lower class you call your friends (just a little snob humor there)?
Actually went out for a drink with a friend the other night.... the band sucked, I went home sober.
And that concludes this random collection of senseless dribble - I await your reply.
(peace)(love)(happiness) Kimmeth
She then drew a rather large picture of the northern hemisphere of the earth with an arrow pointing to Gainesville with a "YOU ARE HERE" sign attached. It was rather interesting.
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