How about some excerpts from the most wonderful and emotional phone call Shar¡ and I have ever had!!! It was so great as I later told Ashley because I essentially told and asked Shar¡ everything that has been building up in my head for the past three months and I felt so awesome and relieved after doing so:
Who was in the car?
Craig - {first time she has ever acknowledged him to me...}
I wasn't sure if it was him, just wondered...
I told him to go talk to you because you're still my friend and he pouted and wouldn't do it.
{laughed and made fun of him}
He bitched about the pictures, said he'd go home and throw away all of the ones of his ex-wife if she threw away these. She said a strong no! Why are you letting a guy take pictures of you naked anyway.
You weren't naked.
I just didn't have any clothes on.
Yeah, that one of you in a sheet was pretty revealing, my dad liked that one!
You let your dad see them!!!
What about the one of me bending over?
I kind of edited that one.. I covered your ass, and the one with the flowers.
Craig: you should just go back out with him, he's a stud
I heard you live in a dump with cardboard windows!!! {laugh}
They're not cardboard... Aluminum foil!
My bad!!!!... My bad!!! {laughing hard}
It is a dump and I'm moving out after I get a job, with or without Craig. He's said that maybe I should find somebody else...
Are you still moving to Tampa anytime soon, or is that out of the picture.
I have no reason to move back anymore... you were the only reason I was going to come back. Now I don't have any reason
YEs you do.
Id still like to see you every once in a while.You can see me when I come down every once in a while!
You mean you won't see me?! NO I mean I want to see you more than that!
{Big smile} But it won't be like it was supposed to be.
Maybe not. I do want you to come back.
{suddenly...STRONG WILL!!!}
Are you pregnant?
No!!! Did I look it?
I didn't really look, but do you remember our last talk at Thanksgiving?
Yes... I went to the emergency room and they told me I had miscarried ............................................................
That's a shame....
....Would you have wanted it?
would you have taken me back even after what I did
What did you do?
Dumped you for no reason except that I was pregnant...
IS that the reason
I would take you back, I guess I'm dumb.
You're not dumb.
You made me happy for two months and I thank you for that! {pause}
you made me happy, too.
That was a cheap answer
cheap?! why?
It just sounded like you were saying it because you had to.
That's not true I really was happy.
Ted- I can cook really good
Ted can cook great, Craig can't cook anything but frozen food
He can cook, I need a roommate!
If you move up to Gainesville and go to college, Dan needs a roommate!
No, I mean if I come back out by USF.
Oh he says out by USF...
You're a trip! {Strong laugh}
Thank you, I think {laugh}
So are you, remember, an emotional roller coaster!
I joked with someone in Gainesville that my ride was over, and I have to wait in line again!
{She laughed and repeated it}
I told her about Leigh Anne, about how I dumped her after what she told me. I knew I didn't want to spend along time with her, didn't want to waste time anymore.
You caused me a lot of stress...
You actually can be funny sometimes!
I sure can!
It just depends on whether it's a bad funny or a good funny!
It's always a good funny!
I don't think so!!!
{both Laugh}
I beg to differ!!!! {laugh}
{laugh} You beg to differ....
So you are moving back to Tampa!!!
So you are moving back?
You said you needed a roommate and all,
Maybe , should I?
I think you should.
Don't forget, I'll always take you back.
Softly... I miss being around you
You do?!? {Slight laugh}
If I didn't I wouldn't be calling you as much as I do
I'm really glad you called, do it again soon.
I will!
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