I went to what I would say is the best party of my life last night!!! Man I was feeling good!, both socially and physically by the time it all came to an end!
As we concluded our phone call Thursday night, I told Shar¡ to give me a call Saturday morning to see about going out to Ryan's party. She joked that she was going to call me at six in the morning and was surprised when I said OK. By that time I would have found out the time and place of the party and could give her some better details. I went to Adventure Island just to lay out for a while before work on Friday. When I got home that night I found out that `the Cherry girl' had called just after I left after reading my bulletin board. My mom told me that my girlfriend kept calling and wanted to know when I got off of work. We had a night function and she told her after midnight.
I became worried that Shar¡ might have gotten confused and called me Friday morning instead of Saturday, and then wouldn't call me back when she was supposed to! I also knew that if she did call, it would be during the eleven to twelve hour when Mother always is talking with Mema on the phone! When I woke up, I found a message that they had all gone shopping, and Shar¡ did indeed call at 11:20! I was so happy to hear from hear. I knew that it would be a milestone in our relationship if Shar¡ did go out with me despite Christina's constant bitching and threats! I found out that they did have a few spats and Shar¡ argued that she really wanted to go out with me, or she wouldn't be fighting Christina so hard!!! She and I came up with all of the faults in Christina's reasoning on why we shouldn't go out, and I was glad to hear that she believe's them!
We talked for an hour until her mom woke up and wanted her off of the phone. We had a good funny conversation and then ended up making plans for the night. I told her that I'd pick her up at 8:45, figuring that would give me half an hour to change and make it to her house. She gave me directions to her house and laughed when I told her that I was using my little sister's Magna Doodle to take them on. It's cool because she lives right around the corner from Busch at Fowler and 53rd St. She was trying to tidy up her room while she was on the phone. She says that she rearranges her room all of the time because she really likes change. I thought about that not being good for relationships... Cord kept squealing and getting into trouble so she was feeding him cookies that she bought at Publix where she works. Her last day was today, though, for she has a new job at the Boston Chicken across the Street from her house. I realized that I should have told her to call my house if anything came up and I could call home before going to her house. I guess I was being pessimistic because so many things that I plan don't work out too great.
When I got to work, I found out that the fucking park was staying open an extra half an hour and my being on time would be severely fucked!!! I was really pissed because I had no way to get a hold of her and this wasn't a good way to start out on a first date. I just happened to be in the lounge as Christina came in and was calling Shar¡!!! She was still pissed at me but told me I could talk to Shar¡ anyway. While I was waiting, Laura came up and sat next to me. Nice... I then told Shar¡ about being late and she said it was OK. Christina invited herself to the party so we wouldn't be alone together and the was told by black Chris that it was a Congo employee party only! I tried to agree with her saying the only reason Shar¡ could go is because she would have been my date, but Christina ended up not falling for it. I was then much happier and my day passed on with less stress since I knew Shar¡ wouldn't be pissed at me. The tension built up towards the end of the work night as everybody was anticipating an awesome party!!!
I got dressed in the parking lot and then headed over to Shar¡'s apartment. It wasn't that hard to find. Of course, Christina was there, but oh well. Shar¡ was just as beautiful as I had remembered, and as I had bragged to the guys about at work. I especially told my buddy Stephen. She wore tight jeans and a cut off black top that showed off about two or three inches of stomach. Having not seen her for a few days, and since I hadn't really looked at her hips and thighs that one night, my mind had tried to play a trick on me. I remembered how beautiful she was from the waist up but figured there must be something wrong! The only thing wrong was me!!! She's beautiful!!! I stood in the bathroom with her as she got ready. I love her hair and eyes, and have told her so. Her face is beautiful and I also melt over the sound of her voice. She has a slight smoker's rasp which makes it sexy. We talked and she showed me the pictures on her walls and in her photo album. She had one from her last day of school at the end of seventh grade! She also was very fat for a while especially after having Cord. She gave me some water to drink which tasted really good after being in the heat all day, and she and I each ate a cookie. It was funny. I didn't want to take Cord's cookies at first but she insisted!
Christina then offered to drive. I wouldn't be caught dead with that psycho bitch, not knowing whether she'd try to kill me or abandon me somewhere. I also didn't want her in my car with us, and it sounded like Shar¡ didn't either. Thus we took two cars. Shar¡ and I talked the entire way over and at the entrance to the apartment complex, we actually told the security guard that Christina was with us and to let her in as well. Stupid us. When I told the guard the apartment number, he laughed and asked us if we were going to Ryan's. It was kind of funny. We wrapped our arms around each other and headed to find the apartment. We found it rather quickly and went up.
In the living room, they had set up a strobe light and an awesome stereo. It was dark and they were all dancing. Karim was on the couch and we said hello. Jenni came up and we hugged and kissed on the cheeks. Everybody was calling out my name and checking out that girl I had under my arm. I felt awesome!!! Scott and Ryan were in pajama's and told us that the keg is in the back room. A lot of people seemed really happy to see that I showed up. We walked into the dining room and saw them playing drinking Uno! We both thought they were rather stupid and wanted to know when they were going to play quarters. We ran to the back first and got some beers. It tasted damn good but I only drank two since I was driving. Landry, MArk, Tamica, Paul, Karim, Chris, Stephen, Dayanara, Jenni, Jeff, Jason and others were dancing. James, Kevin, Sean, Damien, Michael, Melissa, and some others were playing cards. There weren't a lot of people there for a party, but it was cool that almost everybody knows everybody so well. I felt much more comfortable with my baby not knowing anybody thus giving me something to do.
It took us a little bit, about a beer to get going. They finally started playing quarters and I let her get in on the game while I went around and talked. Clint, Martin, Ron, Nilsa, and Stephanie all showed up randomly. Ron and Krissie even showed up for a few minutes. We took her a cigarette break outside on the stairs after a while. We had been hanging on each other all night. The way she actually grabs a hold of me feels so awesome! We talked outside, not without Christina, though. Everywhere we would go, the lonely bitch would show up. We tried to hook her up with both Chris and Clint who were both drunk. Chris had already told me that he wanted to screw her that day she came in with Shar¡.
On our second trip outside, just to cool off. We started kissing. No farting around in this relationship. Boy have I learned!!! I overcame her smoker's breathe immediately just for the opportunity to be kissing a girl again, especially the most beautiful that I've ever been with!!! Not long after, Laura came in with her cousin, Chrissy. She introduced us and told me that she is coming to Mardi Gras as well. That's cool because she looks damn good. Boy I'd love for Shar¡ to go with me. Every once in a while when I would detach myself from Shar¡, I would sit and talk with Laura. She asked me if that was my ex-girlfriend, and I said no. Unfortunately I alienated her for a little while over a relationship that might not last long. Damn! I hope Laura hasn't talked about liking me to Chrissy only to see me making out with some gorgeous girl. Laura grabbed a hold of my arm and pulled it a little bit as she walked by us on the stairs one time, not saying a word.
We made out on the couch for a while and finished up there as well. We were squeezing each other tight and pulling ourselves as close as possible every once in awhile. True bliss! She was also kissing my chest a little bit where my shirt was unbuttoned at the top. She also had her hands all inside my shirt, both front and back, and I had mine in the back of hers. We danced to a slow song and then one really bassy one, to which I grinded her on my leg as much as was proper since I was in front of so many friends. I knew that she was enjoying that, though. Stephen came over to talk to me when Shar¡ went to the bathroom once. He said that I scored big time and he was damn proud of me!!!!! DAMN PROUD!!! He was really impressed by this one and said that all I said was true!!! I felt awesome again.
Christina took to a bottle of one hundred proof vodka to ease her `broken heart.' She was really wasted and kept wandering outside to the stairwell and we would push her back inside and plop her down on the couch. Although I really wanted her to, we figured it'd be bad if she fell down the stairs. We were also bouncing this small plastic basketball off of her forehead. It was funny. She finally told us that she doesn't care if we go out forever anymore! Thank God! Since she obviously couldn't drive, we gave her to Chris to take care of for the night. Chris tried to steal Shar¡ from me once on the couch. I quickly got up and pulled his big ugly ass away from her. She later told me that he came up to her later and asked her why she rejected him and then shows up at his house two days later!
Earlier today when Christina was on the phone, she would be secretive every once in a while and would tell Shar¡ not to tell me something. Of course she spilled her guts on her on on the stairway. She said that Christina was feeding her a bunch of shit about me having a girlfriend already and so on. I was glad that Shar¡ was honest enough to tell me what's up.
Shar¡ and I actually tried to play a game of Uno. I sat on a stool and she leaned her whole body against me. Everybody ended up ditching the game after a while, though, leaving James there by himself. I congratulated him for winning and we took off out to the couch. We were supposed to pick Cord up at twelve and I asked her around then if she was about ready. We had just gotten comfortable with her legs up across mine. She said that we'll stick it out a bit longer and we started making out. She's so great!
We split at 12:30 and drove around the corner to her brother's apartment. His girlfriend just had a newborn. He was crashed on the couch and never woke up. Cord was a little stingy because of such an abrupt wake up, but he soon settled down. I took him while she put the car seat in the back of my car. She then ran inside to get Cord some milk and I sat there and was trying to get him to talk. he's almost two and is still shy, but soon he was asking about his momma and was smiling really big. He's a really cute little kid, but he's big. We drove back to her apartment and put Cord to bed. We then went into the living room and were standing there holding each other tightly. She feels so good. She had to be at work at six in the morning and I had to be back at Busch at 7:30. She walked me downstairs and we kissed good night. She waited at the bottom of the stairwell for me to get going and she peaced me.
She asked when she could call me today and I said that 4:30 would be safe. I fell asleep when I got home but woke up fifteen minutes later as she called. I have a small cold that gave me a sore throat. I then proceeded to lose most of my voice. At times I can't even talk at all! I drank Pepsi to break up the mucus and could talk well enough to hear on the phone. She says that she went in to work this morning and ended up not having to be there until six P.M.! She says that they usually will write P.M. but not A.M., and nothing was there. She said that one of her managers then took her to breakfast. She ended up going to this park near her house with her mom and got some sun and went boating. She was bragging later that she was playing captain and was driving the boat.
She told me that her mommy wanted to meet me and is going to this little country bar called Tally Ho. She asked me if I wanted to come, and I said sure. She had to go and get ready for work and drop Cord off at the baby sitter's but she said that I could come over at ten. I then went to sleep.
I was on boardwalk today at Kumba and saw Laura coming up in street clothes. We conveniently `ran' into each other and started talking. She has an exam in that one class she is taking at USF tomorrow. She said that she was going to study today but had to stop by and get her schedule first. We talked for a few more minutes, but I felt it just wasn't the same. We bid each other goodbye as she left.
I'm really enjoying dating Shar¡. I have had two great dates and haven't spent any money except for gas! The party was all paid for, and the entertainment at Tally Hos was free. Her mom bought her a Pepsi and some popcorn that we shared a little of. They had an awesome karioke setup with laser disk videos to tons of songs. They were all taking turns singing. It sucked not being able to speak right. I said hello to her mom and her friend, and another couple there with them. We sat together to the right of her mom. I talked every once in a while with this group next to us. They asked me if I was going to sing, but then I told them I'm losing my voice. One girl asked how and I said at work and I ended up telling them about Busch Gardens on the Kumba and that I lost it screaming at the Brazilian's. they thought that was really funny.
My baby actually went up and sang. She started with The Rose, and did really well especially since it is a slow song. I was proud. She did a couple with her mom and sand Sister Christian by herself later. She's a lot better than she thinks she is! We massaged each others arms and legs the entire night when we weren't holding hands. She knows how to tickle you just right with those little fingernails. She was in a red crossover top and black pants. She had her tits stuck out nicely for me. I kept noticing the guys in the other group looking at us playing with each other. It was fun.
`Mom and Daughter' sang a final song towards the end of the night. I really liked this one. It's called Crazy. It starts off by the singer telling her mama that she's found a new kind of love, like none she's ever found before! It then says that the guy is crazy... crazy over her! It was a really cool song and I would have loved it if it had been `dedicated' to me. We were throwing popcorn up in the air and trying to catch it in our mouths. She kept screwing up and told me to do it. I threw it high and caught it with ease. I finally got her to feed me one, too. I suddenly had a strong memory of Nicole and I eating popcorn at Busch Gardens that time and had to think about that for a minute. I don't think her mom really likes me yet. I didn't get to really talk to her yet because of my voice. I would have had the whole table laughing if only I could have talked... Fuck.
We also tried to play pool. She says she is really good and was taught by the number two player in the world at the time when she was in Atlanta. that would have been fun. We went back to the really nice pool room only to have the bouncer come back and tell her that you have to be twenty-one by state law after 9:30 to be in there. I took her by the shoulders and laughed as I said, `I can't take you anywhere, can I!?!' She laughed but admitted that I could easily pass. She was telling me that she wants to get a wavy perm when her hair grows longer. I was looking at her beautiful full-bodied straight hair. It is light brown with awesome sun blonde highlights. I told her that I love her hair and really think that she should keep it straight. She asked me if I really think so and I said definitely!
We headed out at two. She was telling me about being on the phone with Christina when I got there. It turns out that she had called me at home at 9:30 and father said she was surprised that I was out. She was then on the phone with Shar¡ when I got there. I wouldn't talk to her though. She says that she and Chris fucked at his apartment. Well she got what she wanted, and so did he., but I still got the gorgeous one and he's stuck with the dog! I told Shar¡ about the events at the party after we left. they said that Ronnie finally passed out and they put talcum powder on his face to make him look dead! When Chris saw him, he ran and called 911! but Scott soon corrected the situation. There also was almost a fight when some guys from Skyride tried to come and pick up Stephanie. I had heard at lunch from Nilsa and others that this was the best party they have ever been to. I agreed and they admitted that I was rather occupied! It was funny.
We drove back to her apartment after saying goodbye to everybody. She had joked that I could spend the night with her, but she has to pick up Cord at seven and be at work later on. Her mom was also right behind us. Something that keeps surprising me is the fact that Shar¡ wears red lipstick, but I've never gotten any on me. It has disappeared both times so far and I never noticed when! We stood there in her house and she had taken off her shoes and we were laughing about our height differences. We figured out that if I sat of the arm of the couch, she would be about an inch taller, and she liked that. We held each other tight when her breast right against my heart which was racing. She noticed. We kissed and it was hard not being able to breathe out of your nose. I started working my hands into her shirt right at Mommy Dearest's car door shut! We kissed goodbye and she walked me downstairs. As I looked at her standing there, we looked really guilty, like sex starved kids. Our hair was rustled and we looked so bad. It was funny. Shar¡ told her mom that she thought she had to drop her friend off somewhere else. I knew that Shar¡ was hoping for more time for us together. Mom was being a bitch and told Shar¡ that there aren't supposed to be people in the house when she isn't there. I took off to let bitch cool off.
But I feel so great being with Shar¡! I'm really glad I met her and hope we'll go far!
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