Wednesday, August 18, 1993

August 18, 1993 - Wednesday - White butt at the beach!

Shar¡ called this morning at nine and told me to get on over to her house. I gladly obliged and drove over. We ended up sitting around for quite a while until Cord woke up before eating lunch. I used my wonderful convincing skills and actually got use of my father's car for the day! We decided to head on down to Santa Maria Island or maybe Sarasota to spend the day on the beach. We drove by the Westshore Mall first and went through all of the stores it seemed trying to find her a new bathing suit. I voted for a white see-through bikini bottom at a topless beach. I think she would have worn the bottoms for me, but we couldn't find a matching top. We went into a store called body glove that had some really cute salesgirls in it and I was kind of flirting, or was I just being friendly? They had some awesome suits in the place that were all on sale for twenty bucks. I took care of Cord while she was picking some out. I found a chair and sat down and was holding him on my lap with his head hanging over my knees. He really likes that. We were also looking through the mirrors on the roof at his mommy. She again seemed impressed that Cord likes me so much.

When she asked, I told her which bikini I liked the best. It was a half black half white T-back. She planned on getting a T-back anyway so she went and tried it on. It worked out so I bought it for her and we headed to the beach. Well, Santa Maria Island was very disappointing. It's a nasty little bit of sand along with somewhat decent water. Her butt was pale white where she hasn't tanned it in a long time and I took a picture or two of it. Collectively, we ended up taking a lot of pictures of each other.

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