Wednesday, March 30, 1994

March 30, 1994 - Wednesday - CA$H!!!, Shari's letter

March 30, 1994 - Wednesday
Voules vous coucher avec moi se soir?

Are you sleeping with me tonight?

This beautiful little phrase suddenly appeared on the blackboard in Turlington Monday night by the cunning hand of Ashley herself. I of course didn't have a clue as to what it meant and answered yes!!! She laughed and said no and then told me what it means. I thought to myself that my answer was indeed right!

Previously we had been recalling the various ways to say fuck and we came up with one for French, German, and a Hungarian version al la Maryanne. The whole conversation accrued from our negotiations over our schedules for next semester and how we can arrange them to be as similar as possible.

CC CC AA AA SS SS HH HH !! !! !!
CC CC AA AA SS SS HH HH !! !! !!
CC AA AA SS HH HH !! !! !!
CC AA AA SS HH HH !! !! !!
CC CC AA AA SS SS HH HH !! !! !!
CC CC AA AA SS SS HH HH !! !! !!

FINALLY!!!!! Financial aid looks to finally come through!!!

Now to add confusion to such beautiful and estatic times:

Dan, {Sometime around March 1st}

Hey it's me!!!! I finally went and bought some paper and got a
chance to sit down peacefully and write you. It's Sunday night, very
cold and I am sitting in my room writing in candle light burning a
"HOOTER" with Christy. She came over earlier and now her car won't
start, the battery is dead. I have to get up early tomorrow to do
laundry. (ya right) It will get done when I decide to get up. So what
do ya wanna do when you come down for spring break??? Hopefully I'll
have a baithing suite and it's hot enough to go to the beach so you
can get a nice tan and go back to Gainesville looking all hot and
sexy. Wait a minute you are supposed to look all hot and sexy down
here when you're with me. What's up with that shit????!!!! I'll just
look at the picture of you laying in bed all cozzey. I love that
picture it's my favorite one. With a tan you look fine as hell, but
I'll stop so I don't build your ego to much. Christy is sitting here
beging me to go to the store with her. That would mean get out of my
warm spot on the cusion bed that I have, and get out of my warm bed
clothes and go outside out of my warm apt. into the cold and freeze.
I don't think so, you are askeing the wrong chick. That's what I told
her. To top it all off it's 3:20 AM in the morning and I am stoned
and tired. She is sitting here chain smoking saying "Shari put on a
jacket and jeans and go to the store." She says "I'll buy you
anything you want." Anyway I was gonna call you today but I woke up
about 11:00 AM and sat around wakeing up till about 1 PM then I
started cleaning, moping, painting, hanging shit, dishes, any other
constructive thing I could find to do. The only thing I didn't do and
I never do is clean my room. It will get done one day, I went to see
my mom yesterday and she gave me a bunch of shit for me and Cord so it is a total wreck. Hey you know what??? We were comeing down Bush where that Honor bank is and a bunch of cops were there. There was a car with everything open and they were takeing pictures of it. Then later on that night I got home I saw on the news that someone got robed and shot. They were DOA punk!!! Well I am really tired so let me go and give me a call as soon as you get into town. Maybe this spring break you'll get more that you bargain for!!!

Love SharI {heart}
P.S. Write back before you leave okay
Good night Honey {underlined}

Good bye Honey..........

Sunday, March 27, 1994

March 27, 1994 - Sunday - Aimee thanks for helping

Compliments abounded again today. I had gone shopping with Karen because Jon needed a few things and he was cooking so I showed her the way around town. We stopped in at the grocery store where I bought another chocolate cake and Oreo frosting, an awesome new flavor! Delisa and Aimee were just getting home when we got back and I called out telling them I bought frosting. They seemed happy because I had promised to make them a cake which Leigh Anne told them I would never do. Of course I will, I'm not like her. Aimee and Delisa then gave up chocolate for Lent so I decided to wait until Easter to make it.

They got into the elevator way ahead of us but held it for us anyway. That was really sweet and I told them so. They both, especially Aimee, complimented me on how dark I am getting and I beamed with pride. I then stopped by their room and talked with them for a little while. Leigh Anne had gone home for the weekend and they were so very happy. Aimee all of the sudden said that she thought I was supposed to be on Leigh Anne's side after I said I was glad that she is gone as well. I told her no, that I am definitely on their side and Aimee said that she was just joking and was saying what Leigh Anne would have said.

She then reminded me of that night when Leigh Anne called her into her room and started bitching at her. She said that she's been wanting to thank me for standing up for her because she gets nervous in those kinds of situations. She also said that she was telling her dad about what had happened and said how her really nice next door neighbor had stood up for her. I felt awesome!!! and told her that Leigh Anne was wrong to have started that in front of me and Aimee agreed that she just wanted to put on a show.

It just felt so awesome to be acknowledged for what I did because I totally did what I did for Aimee's benefit that night to save her from being embarrassed. I had always hoped that she realized what I did for her and to be thanked like that just boosted my happiness level way high.

Well, here's the story: I was over visiting Leigh Anne because she was in a real bad mood because she had failed her math test I think. I was lying on her bed next to her but nothing was or would have come out of it physically. Aimee came in the room to tell Leigh Anne that someone had called for her while she was on the phone. Leigh Anne then told Aimee to come in and started asking Aimee why she was being so mean and how she could turn on her like that never talk to her. Aimee tried to explain why but Leigh Anne just started bitching at her. Leigh Anne was completely out of line for what she was saying was completely wrong and a conversation that personal should never have been happening in front of me.

Aimee was at a loss of words but I could easily hear what she was trying to say because I have a damn good talent for being able to finish a person's sentence for them much better than they could have said it themselves. I think that in a normal conversation it lets the other person see that you really are paying attention to them. Anyway, Aimee was getting frustrated and I couldn't believe the bullshit Leigh Anne was saying to her, so I argued Aimee's case for her and went off on Leigh Anne, telling her how she has a completely wrong outlook towards how she treats her friends and asked her why she expects anyone to be nice to her when she has been a fucking bitch to them all year!!!

She was crying and bitching and me about how I should be on her side just because I am her "boyfriend." I told her that was bullshit and asked how I could possibly stand behind her when she was dead wrong. Aimee was in their the entire time for which I was glad. So where Leigh Anne had tried to embarrass Aimee, I turned everything around on her, and embarrassed the shit out of her. And she more than deserves it...

Saturday, March 26, 1994

March 26, 1994 - Saturday - Golden Key, NeRF room

So far three people have complimented me on how tan I am getting in the past twenty four hours!!! That's awesome. First it was Marty who arrived last night and then it was Karen who came later on. Our residence advisor, Nick, then commented on it as we were getting onto the elevator. Even better was when I saw Holly getting off of the elevator. Nothing better to cheer me up!, not that I'm down or anything.

I've just come back upstairs from over three hours out at the pool It was an awesome day and I roasted darker than ever. It's awesome. There were all kinds of cute girls out there that kept my attention as I lusted over them. And of course I had to go swimming in the pool to help my blonde highlights along and to keep myself from completely dehydrating. At least they have a water fountain out there and I keep myself full.

Ashley and I had made arrangements to go and study on Wednesday sometime earlier. I just remember that she had asked me and said that she would wait for me to get home from my inductions if I wanted her to. I said yes and she wanted a yes or no answer, and of course I said yes. I just liked the way she subtly demanded an answer out of me and actually got one.

I asked Leigh Anne to tag along to my Golden Key National Honor Society inductions at the University Centre Hotel. We ran into Sherry, the girl that drove us to Mardi Gras on the way to one of our classes and Leigh Anne mentioned that I was being inducted. She sounded all impressed and made a big deal out of it, congratulating me repeatedly. That was pretty cool. I think Leigh Anne was a bit surprised at the compliments and said that I am smarter than I look. Cool, I don't look like the fucking nerd genius that I am. Cool.

I told her she could come along at least to take pictures, to be my photographer and she didn't like that to much. I just wanted company and she was looking forward to making fun of everybody with me. We sat through the rather lame ceremony which was much less impressive than Phi Eta Sigma and that was only a freshman honor society. I was disappointed. At least we got to eat at the stale reception. Susanne Conefry is an officer in the club and we saw each other but never said hi. There were quite a few attractive girls there that I lusted over in front of Leigh Anne which was fun. And of course she was pissed as I ditched her to go study with Ashley, but I don't care.

Ashley was ready to go when I got home and we soon headed out. We were both extremely tired already and were a little more somber than usual but still got a good deal of talking in. We also have been saying how we need to make sure and get the same sections in our classes next semester because we probably will be in three of the same classes!!!!! That will be awesome!!! There's nobody I want more to work with than somebody as emotionally and physically attractive, and intelligent as Ashley to work alongside me.

That morning I had gone back to NeRF to sign up for my room and didn't wake up until eight thirty. I knew I should have gotten up at six again but I didn't really care that much. I figured my name penciled in would save me, or what if it didn't. I kind of wanted to be forced back into Beaty so I'd be close to Ashley. I was number 39 when I got there. I ran into Tom, this guy who lives across the hall from us in Beaty, and he was number one in line. By the way, Jon just told Karen that I write a journal and then st

arted spelling her last name. I joked that I'd tell everybody what a horrible drug addict she is. She frowned. I then changed it to this: Karen is the most wonderful person at USF and is a great influence on everybody at UF when she comes to visit. Jon laughed and said that one got a good response!

Anyway, I waited over an hour and flirted with some awesome girls in the process. It's cool that they will be living in the area, too. There are these two twins that live in Beaty now that I find intriguing. I found out their names are Joanne and Allison and they were born on April fool's day, 1974! That's pretty cool! Better yet, their room is in building five, room 203, and ours is supposed to be room 302 in the same building. Cool! Closeness! A girl was then allowed in front of me just to check on her name and found out she had been bumped and couldn't sign up with her roommate. She got hysterical and really pissed and called her friend and was bitching. That really sucks and made me nervous. To my great relief, my name was still there and I got my room quickly with no problems. They say that the girls' rooms fill up quicker anyway because more of them stay on campus than guys do.

On the walk over I walked through Turlington plaza. I had decided to walk this time to look at every girl I could along the way. I saw this gorgeous blonde sitting near a tree and I went out of my way to walk in front of her just to get a closer look. Suddenly she yelled out my name!!!!! and after overcoming the surprise, I realized it was Christina from my German class that I ran into as Adventure Island. We did some quick catching up before I took off but it was really cool to get a chance to talk to her again. She was the one who use to compliment my eyes all of the time...

On the way home I ran into Jenn and we talked for quite a while. She thinks it's so awesome that my roommates and I are living together again and we thought about what a rare chance it is for us all to get along as well as we have. That's when I realized how truly amazing and rare it is and think it will be cool to tell the story later in life. We've almost become our own little family of sorts. How could you not when you will have lived together for at least three years! Jenn told me that I need to hurry and call her so we can do something and I agreed.

I then came across Roswitha walking Ed's bicycle. The thing get's rather pissy if you don't take it on a walk every morning. J/K!!! She was taking it to the music building for Ed so I decided to walk her there. I told her about getting housing and everything and was glad to get to talk to her. I was at the pool later with Leigh Anne on Thursday afternoon and we had just gotten in the pool. Holly was there in her bikini and I was in love!!! Leigh Anne noticed that Roswitha was walking by so I called out her name and waved. I only expected a wave back, but she actually found the gate and came in and sat on the edge of the pool next to me. She had just gotten some pictures developed that she wanted to show me which was cool and I got to lead Leigh Anne into thinking that Roswitha really does go out of her way to talk to me. It's funny because Leigh Anne is starting to think I'm trying to steal Ed's girlfriend again!

Tuesday, March 22, 1994

March 22, 1994 - Tuesday - Roses for Ash's Birthday

March 22, 1994 - Tuesday
Today is Ashley Michelle Mansour's twentieth birthday!!! I did my best to make it as special as I could, being the wonderful person that I am. What was cool was that I was the very first person to wish her happy birthday since I alone was with her at midnight...

I wanted so very much to do something awesome for Ashley's birthday so after class on Monday I headed out to a florist down by Eckerd's at the corner of campus. I had spent a long time earlier going through every coupon book I could find trying to find a good deal on flowers and had come up with a good one. I first stopped in at Burger King on the way and had two Whoppers and a chocolate milkshake. It's so awesome that they're only 99› right now (this is for a price comparison in the future!). There's this African fellow whom I have dubbed Nigel (a nice African name!) who made my hamburgers and they were the best ones I have ever had up here. Good boy! This other big black guy just doesn't know the meaning of extra mayonnaise, but oh well.

I went to the florist where this nice younger guy helped me out and told me about all of the prices and arrangements they have. They also had this coupon where you can get a free rose per month with no purchase required. That's awesome!!! He gave me this little business card to use instead of the flimsy coupon and gave me a beautiful long stemmed magenta rose for this month. Once again I have found a free way to make a girl really happy! Talk about lucking out and taking advantage of opportunities. I'm so good at it! I then said I'd be back in the morning and parted. I picked up a card for her at Eckerds that said: "A Happy Birthday wish from the heart, because that's where all good wishes start!" It was a sophisticated trendy looking card that I really liked.

I didn't find anybody to give the rose to on the way home and I couldn't give it to Laura because that would just ruin the surprise of Ashley's flowers. I did like the look that some of the girls gave me once again as I walked along carrying a rose. I knocked on Leigh Anne's door and gave it to her. She was so surprised and happy beyond belief. Michelle saw me give it to her and thought it was the sweetest thing as well. I jokingly apologized to Michelle for Leigh Anne grabbing her rose from me and said I'll just have to get her another one sometime. That really cheered up Leigh Anne which were my only intentions but confused her a lot as well as to what my intentions really were. It's been fun. It's definitely not to get into her pants because I could do that anytime I wanted and she knows it.

I called home at about eight and after talking to my mom for half an hour, she asked me why I wasn't at the hospital. I had entirely forgotten which really sucked. I talked to father to begin with and he told me he replaced the voltage regulator and fixed my battery and my car is cranking beautifully with the cables plugged in!!! That's awesome!!! Ashley called me out of the blue and that was cool because I got to brag that she has been calling me. I called her back after I got off the phone with my parents and she wanted to know if I would like to go study with her. Of course my dear. It was funny because Chris had asked me earlier what I was going to do and I just said that I'd probably study with Ashley although I really didn't think I would. It was also cool because Leigh Anne had gone shopping with her friend Jason and I would get to brag that I studied with Ashley when I got back.

Cecil called before I went downstairs and I chatted with him for a little while about everything including Shar¡ whom he asked about. I then went to Ashley's room. Laura was gluing a mirror together and we were joking together and I was complimenting her. She then took me in her room and showed me what she had gotten for Ashley for her birthday. She also showed me that she was Alpha Chi's new pledge of the week which was cool. Ashley had to brag that she got a sign, too, but her's said Happy Birthday. I tried to steal back the blue giraffe but Laura wouldn't let me, unless I gave her the pig! It looks like it has sad eyes and she said that it's begging me to leave him with her. I said no, it's begging me to save him and we laughed.

Ashley and I then took off together to Turlington Hall to study. Once we had gotten there we really weren't in the mood to study, especially her, and we talked almost three quarters of the time we were there. She kept telling me to just tell her to shut up so I could study but I told her I was more than happy to listen to her stories and talk to her which was definitely true. She asked to borrow my calculator and asked if I had read her letter. I wondered what she was talking about and took it back from her. Apparently she really had written something that night she was playing with it when Laura was with us! And it was for me!!! I figured she had just written something like "Ashley loves Daniel!" or something similar, but my pessimism would soon be shattered.

I listed all of the variables in the calculator and quickly found what I was looking for when I spotted ASHLEY in the list. I loaded it and read this:

:Hi Dan
:WITH ME and
YOU TOO.....

WOW!!!!! I am still amazed at how much she typed in such a short amount of time and told her so. She says she has a calculator like mine and that makes sense. It just so sweet what she said and that she even said it at all. Wow.....

It was forty-five minutes after midnight when we were walking home and I wished her a happy birthday and gave her a hug. I was excited to be the first person to say happy birthday and the only person to be with her when her birthday rolled around. I was alone with Ashley when her birthday started... heh heh...

As I walked in the door the telephone rang. I picked it up fully expecting Karen for Jon since it was so late. Shar¡ said hello and I almost pissed on myself!!! I was in shock!!! She apparently had gotten my letter for she mentioned it but didn't bring anything up. We talked for half an hour until we didn't really have anything else to say. The coolest things were that she called on her own because I haven't even tried since spring break and that she was paying for it!!! She did talk a little more openly about Jeff and we seemed to be talking and trusting each other as friends which is a damn good start. I was really happy that she had called.

Leigh Anne called soon after that and I went over and visited for a while because I had planned on staying up all night. We laid in her bed and talked and she made numerous sexual advances and didn't understand why I didn't want any part of it. She even said once that I have no choice and she was going to take over and I wouldn't let her. I left at about three and came home. The funny thing was that somewhere during our conversation, she asked me when the last time I talked to Shar¡ was, and I told her that she had just called.

I then took it upon myself to be at the New Residence Facility dorms this morning at 5:30 to pick up a waiting number for getting housing so that Chris could come and get us a room for four when the sign up started at 9:30. I can't sign up until tomorrow so I felt it essential to be as close to the front as possible to get one of the few rooms entirely empty. And that was indeed the case when Chris went with my number four! later on. I went home and slept for a couple of hours and missed the first hour of medical history but made it to the second.

I then walked out to Eckerds and looked at the foil balloons which ended up being only two dollars there instead of three at the florist. That was cool. I then went and bought a dozen roses, six magenta and six light pink. They were very pretty and the guy that arranged them for me was the same guy that helped me yesterday. t was especially cool because I'm sure that a lot of people who say they will come back never do and I proved myself trustful. I then went back to Eckerds and had Bertha fill me up two different Happy Birthday balloons and then bag everything up for me. Bertha is this very nice black woman whom I always see there and is always very sweet. Chris remembers her because she always reads the cards you buy. She asked me if the balloons are for my girlfriend and when I said no she seemed surprised as she noticed that I had bought roses for just a friend. I thought it was funny but that did make me a little nervous when the time came to give them to her as to whether or not I had gone too far.

I then took the long route home through the sororities so that I could approach Beaty Towers from the side. I didn't want Leigh Anne to see me with the flowers from the front because she'd just start bitching and I didn't want any of Ashley's roommates to see them from the back. In the card I wrote "Lucky you that your birthday fell during a time when I am in a good mood where doing something nice for a friend as wonderful as you takes precedence over everything else. Love ya and Happy Birthday!!! - Dan." I also wrote that I hope this all makes up for me forgetting her parking decal! She thought that was really cute when she saw that.

I called her later and took everything down for her. I had the ribbons of the balloons wrapped around the base of the roses and it looked very nice. She seemed really happy and I think they were the first flowers she had gotten so far. She did say that Daniel had called real quick in the morning before her class. Of course she told me this on the phone before I came down. She just kept thanking me and hugging me and said once that she was going to cry. What made it worse was that her roommates were all there and I was embarrassed up the ass!!! She then thanked me some more. It was really cool how happy she seemed and it was well worth it.

Her roommates were heading out to the mall to get her something for her birthday and Jana asked her what she wanted, something tangible, food, music, or what? I suggested they get her a Joe Diffie CD and Jana told me that she already has one. Ashley, Laura and I all started laughing as I told Jana that "I" have one and Laura told her that she was just borrowing mine. It was funny. I left soon afterwards to head off to chemistry lab.

I was in such a good mood, I ended up having an awesome time in lab. Instead of partially working with this guy next to me, who is pretty smart and all right to talk to, we worked entirely together and kicked lab ten's ass in less than one lab period and finished lab eight. That was damn quick!!! and all we have to do now is two unknowns and our lab semester is over. There are still people on lab four!!! I also had a lot of interesting glances form the gorgeous girl with big tits. I see her as the Shar¡ who stayed in school and never got pregnant. I then noticed a glimpse of the tattoo on her left shoulder and melted!!! We flirted a little. One time she was standing in front of my lab table waiting for Greg, or teacher, to sign her book and she started straightening my supplies on my workspace with me standing right next to her. It was kind of funny and definitely cute. I want her!!!

Once again... Happy Birthday my friend...!!!!!

Sunday, March 20, 1994

March 20, 1994 - Sunday - Erasing my testicles!!!

I called Ashley earlier today around noon because she had at one time expressed an interest in going to the Harn museum with me for she too has a class project coming up. She said that the project has been moved forward quite a bit so she can't go yet so I told her that I just wanted to make sure that I didn't leave her if she still wanted to go. She thought it was sweet that I was thinking about her like that. She mentioned going to the copy center across the street from campus after church so I asked her if she'd do me a big favor and pick up my chemistry homework stuff. She said she would, and also would probably be calling me later tonight for help.

I had been chatting with Leigh Anne earlier because se had called after getting pissed that I never called her last night. She said that I should have been spending time with her instead of Ashley and that my timing really stinks. I told her I had spent most of the last week with her and if she's going to tell me when I can and can't see my friends, I'll have nothing to do with her, especially since we are not boyfriend and girlfriend like she keeps making up. I've accused her of continuously recreating that lie. Just because we've been nice to each other doesn't mean we're going out and I thought she understood that. That's why I've let her totally have control when we do have sex and repeatedly tell her we are not going out. She told me this morning that I have no right to do the physical stuff I have been doing if we aren't more than friends. I agree so I told her it has stopped.

After that call I accidentally dialed her number and asked for Ashley to my upmost horror. Actually I found it quite funny and later told her I was trying to find a ride for us to the Harn even though my full intentions were to go with Ashley alone. It turns out that she had just gotten one from Sam and I accused her just forgetting about me because she knew that I needed to go as well. I could have made her feel like shit about that one and she was starting to feel that way on her own without me having to rub it in. She has a severely wrong outlook on the way she treats her friends and I finally old her that the other night in front of Aimee and she was in hysterics.

I just think it would be really funny if Ashley and I would have run into Sam and Leigh Anne at the art exhibition. That would have been hilarious. She even had the audacity to say that even though I say she's a sweet innocent little Catholic girl, I'm probably fucking her and would go out with her in a heartbeat if Daniel dropped her. Of course I would. When we were arguing about what I wanted from her and about whether or not we should have had sex, I told her that I look for the possibility of a relationship in all of my friends at all times and that's what I was doing with her. She got pissed realizing that I just SAID that I would have sex with any of my female friends, which she also realized earlier that most of my friends are. She then asked if I wonder why she doesn't trust me when I'm with any of them. Of course I asked then asked her why she would be jealous, we're not dating or anything and the loop repeated...

I then let her know that I had to leave to start out on my bicycle all of the very long way to the museum. I took a towel and was all decked out to lay out in case I wanted to stop by a pool on the way. I ended up running into Publix and played two bowling lottery tickets for the first time just to see. I then headed to the museum and wrote up my reports on two pieces of art. I flirted hard with every cute girl I saw, too.

I loved the exhibit by Jerry Uelsmann and both Abby and Leigh Anne love him, too. In fact Abby brought his name up without me saying a word. He is a photographer for UF who brilliant superimposes various negatives over each other to make wild fantasy images. They are unbelievable and I love them all! They had a guide and I took a couple, one to give to Abby. I then ran into Sam and Leigh Anne on the way out and we said shallow hellos. She was almost treating me in the same manner I would treat her in the presence of a female friend of mind except she still acknowledged my presence somewhat whereas I usually completely forget about her. Sam looked at my tan and asked me where I got all of the sun from. That was cool.

Ed, Roswitha and I had some rather humorous conversations throughout the evening when they would come upstairs for a study break. She wants to see the Crying Game so I asked her when we are going to rent it and see it. She asked if I have any rope to tie Ed up with and then seriously said we need to do it soon. That was cool.

We also got into a conversation about vasectomies. The whole thing stemmed from a female sexuality show on the student channel that was very informative and Roswitha commented that it is sad that they won't show this on a public channel to teach the normal person contraception. Even I didn't know as much as I would have liked to think I did until recently when some misconceptions were cleared up through my experiences with Shar¡.

I have always wondered this about a vasectomy: sperm is produced continuously and is emitted regularly through nocturnal emissions. Once a man undergoes a vasectomy, his vas deferens are cut and tied. So then what happens to this produced sperm, do your testicles eventually explode or does it just fill up your abdomen and get reabsorbed as a protein? Roswitha and I then had a discussion about the anatomy and where exactly the semen lubricants get mixed with the sperm. Ed then finished brushing his teeth and joined the conversation. It took a drawing on the board to explain it to him but he soon agreed and wondered if point radiation was used to fry the testicles. I doubted it. I learned later that they are still needed for the production of male hormones and also that some although few vasectomies are effectively reversed.

Now that everyone's interest was aroused, I pulled out the human sexuality book that I got free at the book store when they started using a new edition. I was actually researching something!!! I soon discovered that the sperm disintegrates in the testicles and is absorbed by the blood stream. Cool, my testicles won't explode if I ever have a vasectomy!!! I also learned that the cut is made within the sac which was interesting because I always thought it was done somewhere in the abdomen since the little suckers run all of the way around the bladder. I guess I was also confusing it with a tubal ligation on a female. We also learned that a man still has ejaculate which is cool, it just doesn't contain any sperm.

At the end of our conversation, Roswitha went to the board and asked if she could erase my testicles!!! We started laughing and I told her that will make a good story for Chris: Roswitha asked if she could erase my testicles over the weekend! Baby.... PLEASE DO!!!!!

I cleaned my room after that and finally shaved sometime around midnight. The phone rang as I was finishing up and I figured it would be Karen since it was so late and Jon hadn't returned her call yet. But it was Ashley!!! She said that she has my homework and I can come pick it up whenever I'd like. I put on my light gray cotton Gator baseball boxers and a white Q105 tank top and headed down. The outfit was intended to, and did rather nicely, show off my gorgeous tan! I walked in the door and the first thing Laura said was about how dark I am getting even though she saw me the night before and I hadn't been in the sun since... but anyway. That was really cool. Jessica had gotten a slight tan and looked really nice because her light blue eyes really stood out. That made me realize that my eyes probably really stick out and that was confirmed the other night by Leigh Anne who said that show up more when I am tan. COOL!!! I can't wait for the summer at Busch!!!

Ashley hadn't really planed on using me but I asked and she found a questions he had earlier. It always takes me a little while to figure out the problem but once all of the concepts come flooding back into my head, I can help her very well. I reminded her once that I haven't even taken this class up here yet and she said that I still know it better than she does and then begged me to take the test for her. I helped her figure out all of the directions the forces and magnetic fields went and taught her how they can stick out of the page. We used pencils and our fingers as 3D models and she actually understood when I was done. I'm getting a lot better at tutoring. We started laughing at the strange contortions our fingers and pencils were in and I joked that they'll all be looking at her real funny if she's doing this during the test. She then asked if she can borrow my fingers during the exam. I then joked that I remember this from biology because our hands were so close and took hers in mine and we had sex right there in front of Laura and Jessica...

Saturday, March 19, 1994

March 19, 1994 - Saturday - Reggae kick in the head!

I went to Caribsa's Reggae Splash today at noon with Leigh Anne and Jon. I had gone last year via bicycle with Ed and it was a lot cooler actually having my own towel to sit on this year in a space right in the middle of the crowd. There ended up being all kinds of attractive women nearby including Heidi who I have dubbed a perfect ten, or the closest I have ever come to seeing one. The music was really cool and I ended up getting over three hours of hot sun which was great. Every once in a while I would walk over to the pool and go swimming for a few minutes to cool off. I was rather enjoying walking around almost naked with my awesome tan and see through bathing suit. (I wondered why that girl was looking at me like that!!!)

I glanced up and noticed Ashley arriving once the place was crowded and quickly laid down and closed my eyes. I wasn't in the mood for Leigh Anne's bullshit and Ashley was with a couple of her sisters and a guy. All of the sudden she kicked my head a lot harder than she had planned and I opened my eyes and said hello. They kept walking and all I remember were the two girls laughing at what she did. She came over with one of the girls later and talked to me and said she was really sorry for kicking me so hard and said her friends were laughing because they didn't know whether or not she knew who I was. It was funny. I was in her room a little while ago and and she hit my arm and I thanked her saying that new dent knocked the dent out of my head and we started laughing.

I just went down for a little while to help her with some physics and I actually taught her what she was confused with which is cool. I talked to Laura a bit and got to see all of the pictures from their spring break cruise to Mexico. A couple of the pictures were from today's reggae event and she had just gotten the roll developed!

Thursday, March 17, 1994

March 17, 1994 - Thursday - Spring break statistic!

Chris got a new very nice watch from Marty

Ed - What functions does it have...
Jon- Is it shock resistant, waterproof...
Roswitha - What special occasion was it...
Phil - Looks expensive...
Me - Must be nice.....

Chris told me how he had been doing a psychological experiment to see what everybody's individual responses would be and they all turned out to be so true to our personalities. As he told them to me, I wondered what I had said and figured mine wouldn't work but as soon as he reminded me what I had said, it was hilariously accurate and rather sad.

I've been laying out for two hours a day everyday and get complements everyday on how dark I am getting. I'm starting to look really good and I am really looking forward to the summer. Leigh Anne told me a little while ago that she really likes it when I wear blue shirts because they make my eyes really stand out. She then said that the blue green shirt that I wore today for St. Patrick's day made them more beautiful than she had ever seen before. That was cool. I've been having a renewed self confidence since spring break towards meeting new people. I have that look that I give the girls as I walk by and it amazes me how many will look back and smile or even say hi! It's funny when I am walking with Leigh Anne and a girl I have never seen before says hi to me. I love it.

Holly and HeidI were both laying out in the field today and I was in heaven. I had yet to see either one of them in a bikini and fell in love with both. Heidi has the most perfect body I have ever seen in my life!!! She has to be the closest to a perfect ten because her body is so amazing. She is broad which is really nice but she has very big breasts and a perfect, smaller butt. I had seen her clothed and was in love then, too, for she is very beautiful. Leigh Anne tells me she is the sweetest girl in the world. Wow!!! A personality, too!!! I WANT!!!!!

Leigh Anne and I went to fruit class today and learned all about strawberries which was really interesting. THey made us delicious strawberry tarts that we really enjoyed. We then walked to The Loop because they were having a holiday special where their three dollar individual pizzas were only a dollar. That was a cool chance to try their food and the only reason I knew was because of a small add in today's newspaper. It actually pays to read that thing thoroughly every once in a while.

I spent most of the night with her because she has failed her math class and her parents gave her hell. She then started confronting Aimee in front of me as to why they were avoiding her and was putting the blame on them. Aimee isn't that great at confrontations and Leigh Anne was feeding her so much bullshit that I finally just cut in and took over for her and criticized everything she has been doing wrong. It took care of the situation for now and she soon cheered up and we talked and actually had a real conversation for the first time all about the holocaust and how conditions are perfect for another in the future in the United States against blacks. No sex this time but I did make her orgasm for the second time in her life last night. Now that I know it just wasn't a one time stroke of luck and I have a pattern, I can exploit my talents elsewhere. Like I wouldn't have anyway!

Stacy also called tonight to ask me when my spring break is. He was upset when I said it was last week because now he's planning on a boring spring break because nobody will be in Tampa.

Now for my awesome spring break statistic. Shar¡ Monday night and somewhat on Thursday night, Abby Wednesday night, and Leigh Anne Sunday night. I seduced Leigh Anne when she got back up here because I wanted to be able to say that I made out with and felt the breasts of every girl I have ever had sex with in less than a week!!! That's an awesomely shallow statistic that can't be matched by many. I am so proud of myself and Chris agreed that it is a real ego boost.

Monday, March 14, 1994

March 14, 1994 - Monday - Reba with Ashley!!!!!!!!

This month is turning out to be rather eventful in the female category. It seems like I am able to build up a girl's lust for me and then place it in a limbo of sorts for later use. The only down side was the fact that I didn't get as far with Shar¡ as I thought I had wanted to. I did get some physical stuff from her which I am thankful for.

Then came Sarah whom I talked to a couple of times over the break. The first night we talked for over an hour and a half. We talked again for quite a while on Thursday night as well. She was talking about how she wants to come up a lo next year to visit and all and was asking where I'd be living. We also were saying how we are both looking forward to each other getting out of school for the summer which was cool. She'd trying for a job at the Kumba and we said how cool it would be if we ended up working together over the summer.

I was urging Christina to try and get a job in that area, too. There would be my direct access to Shar¡ for the summer. Christina and I also talked a lot about two of her friends, Tracy and Maria. She said both have little boys and are rather attractive. She was telling me what I would and wouldn't like about them and she seemed eager to introduce them to me over the summer. That'd be awesome! She joked once that she wouldn't introduce me to any more of her friends after what she did to me emotionally by introducing me to Shar¡. That was funny but I strongly encouraged her otherwise. She said Maria is really skinny and that's kind of a fantasy of mine. We'll see.....

I called Abby over the break and she returned my call later that night. I instantly recognized her voice and said her name. She seemed impressed. We ended up talking that night for four hours about everything possible from sex to religion. I confessed that I really should have gone out with her and was bringing up all of the good things that happened in high school to us and told her how I "really" felt back then. She asked me once if I have ever been in love and I stupidly told her the truth about Shar¡. She then said that she has twice, once she wasn't going to talk about because it was weird, and also with Trinity. She sounded solemn and I suddenly wondered if that other person had been me and I just told her about loving someone else. Whoops!

We soon overcame that and made a date for the next night. She kept mentioning how she was going to make pancakes for breakfast the next morning and I almost ended up going over but I was going to the beach so I didn't pursue it. When I got home we were looking for a movie to see and I said I was going to treat and she seemed really surprised and said that it is so rare to find a guy like that. I was tired and hot from sunburn and there were no good movies so I started thinking maybe we shouldn't go out. She was determined and we finally decided to go run around in the airport. That ended up being pretty fun. We then drove by the causeway and you could feel the tension between us. She asked me what I was thinking once, so I kissed her and we started our red light kissing game once again. We then went out to Publix and bought ice cream and ate it. We then started making out in the car and I only went as far as feeling her breasts. However, I think the point was made even after we hadn't talked in one and a half years, and maybe more will happen this summer.

I stopped by to visit father on the way home from the beach that day. He told me that Vicki was supposed to come in at five so we went to Burger King for lunch at four. Vicki is this girl who he has shown pictures of me to and he has always wanted me to meet her because she has big tits. She gave him a picture and she looks rather good. She ended up not coming in, though, so I'll have to wait to meet this one. He did give me the picture of her, though, and I have bragged that my dad is trying to set me up with this one and everybody thinks that is cool!

I was horny and also had a very evil ulterior motive upon my return to Gainesville. First, however came even more good clean fun. Ed and Roswitha showed up Saturday and we chatted. Roswitha looked rather nice with the bit of tan she did get. She had gotten four movie passes from her brother I think and they asked if I would like to go to a movie that night. I said sure and Roswitha called and found out what was playing. We opted for The Chase which ended up being an awesome movie and we all loved it. It was probably one of the best I have seen in a long time. Toys was cool for the props, Scent of a Woman was great, and the best of all time was The Crying Game!!! Roswitha really wants to see it but Ed won't let her and I joked that we'll rent it sometime if he won't. We all had a good time at the movies though which was cool. I felt extra special because they could have both gone twice but they broke up the second pair just for me.

I then had a dream last night that was really believable. Ed was in the kitchen cooking and I was in my bed reading the paper. Roswitha then came in and climbed in bed with me just to relax and we kept brushing against each other and finally started holding each other and kissing. It felt so real! I didn't wake up wither and the dream continued in other parts of the school where Roswitha would try and be with me whenever Ed wasn't looking. It was cool. Then tonight, they were getting ready to go study when all of the sudden Roswitha joked that she was going to stay with me and watched TV. She then got ready to walk out the door with her bookbag. I was eating. (Time to be careful... they just walked in the door!!!) I looked up at her remembering the dream and prayed that she would stay just for an awesome coincidence's sake. She suddenly turned back and did stay!!! It was awesome and I couldn't help but laugh about the whole thing!

I told Chris because he has had a similar dream about her before. What I have never told Chris is that I have had a similar dream about him and Marty. It was at the house in tampa and Chris was cooking in the kitchen. Marty and I were in the back bedroom and she was very mean tempered and was almost yelling at me to kiss her. I was just thinking about how controversial it would be if they were to read this anytime soon. That'd suck.

"You still have my heart in the palm of your hand, I still look like a fool in front of your friends. I wish somehow I didn't know now what I didn't know then." - just some country song playing right now.....

I had called Ashley Thursday night in Tampa but her mom said her cruise didn't return until Friday morning and my dad and I would be gone by then. She called me last night and asked what was up. I was in the middle of dinner and also on the phone with Leigh Anne at the time so I told her I'd call her back. Ed and Roswitha had showed up and the phone rang. I answered it but joked that it wouldn't be for me because I've just talked to the only two people who would be calling me. The phone rang again a few minutes later and Ed answered and it was indeed for me! It was Ashley again. She said she was going to run over to Fruit and Yogurt for a salad and asked if I'd come with her. She said that she was just going to drive over and come back but didn't want to go alone. I had just finished eating and said I'd go.

I told her, however, that I'd much rather walk. My only goal was to spend as much time as possible with her sop we could talk. SHe asked me if I realized that the place is all of the way over by the fitness center and I said yes, and said that the exercise would do us good. She quickly agreed and told me that if we walk she wants to eat over there and I'll have to watch her eat her salad and I didn't lie as I said that was perfectly fine.

I got ready and met her down in her room as planned. Laura was cooking her dinner and we said hello. She herself looked very good. Ashley looked awesome with her tan. She showed if off very well with flimsy white cotton shorts and a matching V-neck shirt!!! My favorite, especially when she would pull it out on various occasions during the evening which would give me a nice view because of my height. We chatted with Laura for a few minutes and then headed out. Just outside the dorm, she slid on something and came close to busting and we laughed that maybe walking wasn't such a good idea after all. I then took her by her shoulders to guide her.

We made it out to the restaurant across University Avenue and the little place was rather packed. There was a nice little table outside on the sidewalk that had just opened up and I went and got it for us. I even stood back to open the door for her as she arrived with her food. I made her wait for me to get the door back at Beaty and she says that she's just not use to a guy being nice enough to do hat anymore.

We had a very good talk all of the way over and all through dinner. She told me all about her cruise to Mexico and how she lost LAura and almost got stuck there. It was a funny story now that she looks back on it but she was scared shitless at the time. We were close to the O'Connell Center where Reba McEntire was having a concert with John Michael Montgomery and John Barry. They are all awesome! I had just heard about it on the radio earlier that day for the first time and thought that it would be cool to go. Ashley was saying how much she and Laura had wanted to go and we joked that we should go listen outside.

After Ashley had finished her dinner, she went inside for some yogurt and asked if I wanted any. I declined and she returned with fat free mint chocolate chip with fat free fudge brownie yogurt. She asked if I wanted to try it and I said no. She told me that she'd eat it on the walk home so I wouldn't have to wait any longer and I told her to sit down because it was a beautiful evening and neither one of us were in a rush. She agreed and hopped down.

This black fellow walked up and suddenly told us that he has two Reba tickets for five dollars a piece and we should really go because it would be great. We figured it was probably too late and said no. It quickly hit us what had just happened and we realized what an opportunity that we had just passed up. She didn't have enough money but I was more than happy to treat and say it was a birthday present. I called for him to come back and I don't know if he heard me but he was there again a few minutes later. I bought the tickets after he said they were pretty good seats and he then hopped right in a car and sped away. I thought that was odd, but for ten dollars for two Reba tickets, it was worth the risk.

She jumped up with her yogurt and we hurried over to the stadium. We were both extremely amazed at the chances of something like that happening to two people who wanted to go as much as we did. It was a chance in a million and we just couldn't get over how lucky we had been. She told me that if I hadn't said to wait while she ate her yogurt, then this wouldn't have ever happened. I later kept thinking to myself as I looked around at the full stadium that all those fools paid in excess of twenty five dollars a ticket and we got ours for five!!!!!

Our seats were indeed good, right in front of the speaker with an almost full view of the stage. We got to hear the last two songs of John Michael Montgomery, one by John Barry, and we saw Reba's entire set!!! For five dollars!!!!! We could never have planned it better if we had tried forever! It was the purest form of spontaneity which had given me a natural high. What an awesome way to impress Ashley!!! And I knew how much she's brag later, especially to Laura and that we be awesome, too.

We had an awesome time and that was definitely the best concert of my life. I recognized and liked all but one song and she even sung my favorite of hers, The Greatest Love I Knew. It was perfect. A lot of her songs are love songs about the other person doing you wrong and I pertained it to Shar¡ and she to Daniel and we talked about that the entire time. We would pretend to be upset and would put our arms around each other and I asked why do we keep doing this to ourselves. It was the funniest thing. We were laughing about the whole thing and I said at least we can joke about it all and she agreed immensely. It was just so fucking awesome!!!

I called her tonight to see if she wanted to study but she was still at chapter so I actually talked to Laura. Laura is pledging but got to come home early. Our conversation turned to Shar¡ and I told her that we weren't back together and Laura said that she thought we were. We eventually were talking about the party again and she mentioned again how I broke her heart. We mentioned a few other things about the possibilities of us going out and if she keeps it up I might actually begin to believe her! She was complimenting me a lot and she said that she missed how we used to work and sweat and bullshit together back at Busch. She also was swearing that she remembers now how there used to be two tall people in chemistry and she used to think we'd make a good couple. I laughed and said I couldn't date Emily because she was Catholic!!! So is Laura but I quickly changed that. I even had the opportunity to remember Laura's birthdate off the top of my head and she was impressed.

She said that she and Eric used to talk about me at Busch which is why he knows who I am, but she was being basically sarcastic. She was telling me how she never called either him or Ronnie back and they finally got the idea and quit bugging her. I complained like I had a stark realization that she never called me either, so she must hate me, too. Actually we had been arguing all along that it is the other person who never calls. It was funny. She told me if she didn't like me that I would definitely know it, because she does like me!!! That was interesting.

Ashley returned my call later and we chatted for a few minutes. She told me how she had gone to this awesome concert last night with this really nice guy she knows and had a really great time. I was amazed and told her I had gone, too, and that we should have gone together. It was the funniest thing, but we soon said goodbye because I was cooking. I owe that black fellow one.

Coming soon: the statistical marvel that not many a stud can even manage!!!!!

Sunday, March 13, 1994

March 13, 1994 - Sunday - More than I bargain for

Well it seems Shar¡ has found a new lover to spend every day of her life with now. Jeff. She's been screwing him now for a couple of weeks and just kept leading me on for some reason which is far beyond my ability to understand. Perhaps I'm just not nearly as educated about real life as I like to think I am. She suddenly won't see me all week after calling me just Thursday afternoon because she was thinking about me. It's nuts and I'm not sure what the hell is going on.

Father came up early Friday morning and I skipped all of my classes. I think I wrote a journal about the first few days that's currently on hard copy but I'll type it in eventually. It ended with Friday night so I'll go from there.

I sat around and waited forever for Shar¡ on Saturday and she knew how much I wanted to see her but didn't seem to care. I gave up and called Sarah later on and her mom told me that she was in the shower. She called a few minutes later and we started talking for quite a while and said some rather interesting things to butter each other up a little bit. She's not really a prospect anymore but she's still a connection. I joked to myself that two of my connections have just gotten too close now that Shar¡ lives so close to Sarah. That's not safe because say Sarah wanted to go on a dinner date to a restaurant where Shar¡ works... Bummer.

Shar¡ just slept all day Sunday and I ended up calling Christina to talk just to her. She told me all about Jeff and so forth. I decided to use Christina as my ally towards Shar¡ by making Shar¡ look really bad for telling me to come to Tampa for Spring break and then not spending any time with me. I made it sound like I ditched awesome plans for Ft. Lauderdale, which I did, just to see her because she had led me on only to have her do that to me. It worked and Christina bitched out Shar¡ for doing so. Christina was called by Shar¡ later and then called me back and told me that they are planning on going to Daytona on Monday if they can get twenty dollars so they can drop Cord off at Shar¡'s aunt's house for a couple of months.

Christina talked Shar¡ into letting me go and Shar¡ was actually the one to call me later from Christina's house. She said they were getting ready to run out to her apartment and asked if I wanted to come with them for that. I said yes and was over there in twenty minutes. I hugged Christina and Shar¡ seemed to avoid me for a few minutes as she played with the radio but she eventually got up and hugged me. I grabbed the AC/DC tapes I made for Shar¡ and gave them to her and she really liked that and put one on. We left soon afterwards and I sat in the back with Cord. We stopped by someone's apartment to get Shar¡'s house key from Jeff and I had shown Christina a picture in my album. I knew Shar¡ would want to see it and she turned around to try and fight me for it and I kept holding her hands away form it asking her what for. We weren't being rough, I was just taking advantage of getting to touch her. I finally gave it to her and we had a little bit of fun looking through it.

I didn't yet think very much of her at the time because she was still in a rather pathetic looking state. She was very white, all broken out and felt weak when we were wrestling. I almost felt like I had to be extra careful with her not to hurt her but that image changed son thereafter. When we got to Shar¡'s apartment she showed me around and it was a rather nice place for somebody who doesn't have to pay rent. She showed me how they converted this big closet into Cord's room complete with his bed. Shar¡ just slept on a quilt on the floor, with Jeff, because Christina says that he sleeps over there almost ever night nowadays.

Shar¡ then went and called her Aunt Tammy through a relay service because the woman is deaf. All I could think is how bad that will be for Cord because he's going to miss out on some very essential speaking development at his age. I just hope what she's doing to him doesn't cause irrecoverable damage. It's funny how at the time I was all excited about going just to be with Shar¡, but later I started feeling so bad because I was helping the bitch dump her kid. Shar¡ then started packing Cord's stuff and I picked Cord's bed up and brought it into the middle of Cord's room. It's a rather nice metal deal and Christina and I then disassembled it, replacing all of the bolts in their holes as not to lose them or forget where they go during transit. That's an old trick of mine.

Christina and I were having a good time laughing because we were screwing for the first time. We made some rather lewd jokes and we were acting like we were high. It was fun. Shar¡ joined in and we finished the thing up and then crammed it in Christina's car. We then headed back over to Christina's apartment to stay the night because her parents were out of town. I had brought all of my possessions in my car in case we did go so I didn't have to go home. Christina planned on us leaving at six in the morning and we soon decided that we weren't going to go to sleep at all since it was almost one thirty anyway.

Earlier when Shar¡ was on the phone, I was on the couch watching TV. I started looking at her and she winked at me. I told her I couldn't see what she did and she did it again, a few more times. I smiled and went back to the TV. In the car she reached her hand back and I took it in mine and we "held" each other all of the way home. She tried to pull my hand up around her once but I didn't go for that yet. That was pretty cool, though.

As we left earlier, Shar¡ had been drinking some blue margarita drink and said that she got wasted on them earlier. She still had three quarters of a glass left and handed it back to me to taste. There was a straw and I downed the entire thing. She laughed when I handed her the empty cup. She also had a couple of small bottles of Goldschl„ger which is cinnamon schnapps with real gold flakes floating inside. I almost had them convinced that it was fish food which was funny. Well, I stole the empty bottle for decoration and also the half full bottle. They're decorating the clock in the living room now and I'll just have to be sure Shar¡ never sees them. Ashley has talked about the drink and also has a small collection of little liquor bottles so I wanted to gloat.

Shar¡ and I went out to my car and got her Beavis and Butthead tape and also the Victoria's Secret silk chemise present and a couple of other things. She started playing the tape nd then wanted to open the present and I kept teasing her telling her I didn't want her to yet. I finally gave it to her and she dug in. We then were all talking for a little while and she got on the phone a couple of times which bothered me because it was probably Jeff. She ended up sitting across me on the couch later on and I was rubbing her leg while we watched the TV. Christina was busy cooking egg salad all of this time. I later ended up on the recliner and Shar¡ was lying on the floor begging for a massage.

I made her put her head up on her arms so she wouldn't fall asleep and I gave her some really good stuff. I would tease her and stop ever once in a while. She told me to come down with her so I could reach her better which I did and ended up pressed against her while I massaged her back. She really seemed to be enjoying it and I asked her if she has been massaged in a while and she said not in a long time. I made some reference to giving up on me and she said that she didn't because I'm still here, aren't I? I answered yes, but told her that it sucks because after our trip is over we will go back to our normal lives. I then elaborated that he will run back to Jeff and I will go back home and she fully understood what I was talking about and I think it showed her that I knew what she was doing to me.

We rolled around a little bit after Christina started bitching that we need to start taking our showers. She said that either I or Shar¡ can go first, or asked if she should. We told her to go first and kept up what we were doing. We finally had to get up and I was trying to help her but wasn't putting any effort into it at all. I let myself get pulled back down by her and we ended up in a very interesting position. We finally sat up and she asked me if I could see her tear where and explained that it was because she was lying down. I took advantage and grabbed her giving her a big hug telling her everything would be all right and that was funny. We then went out to the cars and got the clothes that we would wear to the beach. She liked my flannel boxers from the gap and told me to wear a white shirt with it.

She had already asked me to take a shower with her (YES!!!!!) and Christina seemed rather surprised when we walked in the bathroom together. Christina then left for a minute so I could get in and I climbed in like the good old days with my old lover. She had started shaving her legs and nicked her knee as I got in and was complaining to me about it. I complained that I was going to catch AIDS and she said not to joke about that. I then took the soap and scrubbed her back for her and then washed myself. As I washed my hair, the soap started running over my face and she quickly scooped it away for me which I thought was cute. We played around as we finished up washing.

Shar¡ stopped and looked at me once after I had just let the water run over my head and said that I look really cute all wet like that. I joked that will help me out whenever I try to meet a girl in the shower! Since my head was over the top of the shower curtain anyway Shar¡ told Christina who was still in the bathroom to look and asked if I wasn't cute like that. I peered at her but don't remember what she said. Shar¡ shaved the sides of her pubes and asked if I knew that she did that. I laughed and said yes because most people's hair doesn't grow looking like a little finger and we laughed. I also said that I figured it out that night in the park. She told me that she's been told that it's cute. Of course, a guy that wants to fuck a girl will tell her anything...

I finally told her that we've taken care of the ritual stuff and now it was time for the recreational. With that we took each other in our arms and started making out in the water and that felt damn good. I found myself rolling her breasts around in my hands until finally Christina yelled out that we had better not devirginize her shower because Shar¡ has already done so to her living room and her bathroom counter. Bitch. I asked her if she wanted to and she said no that we had better get out now. Great. We both walked around in a towel for a while and since I had forgotten my toothbrush, Shar¡ convinced me to use hers. I told her if she'd lend it to me she's probably leant it to many others and she gave me her new catch phrase - whatever. Christina reminded me that it used to be, "well fuck a fat lady," and I laughed because I had forgotten all of that.

Shar¡ wanted to wear her new silk and put it on. It didn't look that great right now because she isn't tan yet. Plus she had a green towel wrapped around her head and I joked with Christina that Shar¡ looks like an old mother sitting around the house on her ass. All she needed was a cigarette to complete the image which she soon did. I went and sat in the recliner and she soon came over and sat with me. I started massaging her on her shoulders and through the silk for quite a while. It sucked as time went on and I realized more and more that I wasn't going to get anything more but now I am very glad for what I did get because Christina wasn't expecting me to get a shower at all.

Time came and we started getting our stuff together and Shar¡ was throwing clothes across the room to me. Christina saw that and laughed saying it looked like Shar¡ was throwing me out. I looked into Shar¡'s eyes and told Christina that she's already had a lot of practice doing that and Shar¡ pouted surprised and nailed me with some clothing thrown at my face. It was funny. Once we were on our way, Shar¡ and I were soon holding hands and massaging each other's for the longest time. Christina had thought we had gone to sleep but I know that we hadn't because we never stopped moving our hands all around. At Daytona, Shar¡ and I kissed a lot in the car. She was kind of into it and I just wanted to do it because Shar¡ is a damn good kisser and I missed it.

That night was almost the last time I saw Shar¡ because soon afterwards father told me that the only day he could bring me back to Gainesville was Friday rather than Sunday. At the rate I had been going, I was very happy to get out of Tampa and thought it would be cool to have some time up here to clean up and organize myself before classes started. I just couldn't get a hold of Shar¡ so I sent the message through Christina that I was leaving Friday morning.

Back in Gainesville:

I called Shar¡ Friday night not expecting her to be there at all after she ran off the rest of the week. Amazingly she was there and she even answered the phone! That alone was cool. I told her I was bored and wanted to talk to her. I explained everything that I had written early that morning about our bargaining. I told her how I just wanted to test her to see how she would react when the payment hit home. She told me that if we would have had sex it would have changed everything between us.

She then covered her ass beautifully by telling me the reason she hadn't called me very much was because of what I said about my dad complaining that I never spend any time with them anymore. She realized how true this was after remembering how we spent every day together at the end of the summer. Fuck! Why'd I have to tell her that??? I then told her that it's different this time because my dad is at work and my sisters are at school so I didn't have to be at home. She then told me that I know damn well that I could have been over there with her every single day and probably would have spent the night every night. She said that I would have over the summer had her dad not been there. That was interesting.

I had asked her if I ended up getting more than I bargained for and she said that she had planned on spending a lot of time with me, every day!, until I said what I said. SHIT!!!

Saturday, March 12, 1994

March 12, 1994 - Saturday - Here's the deal Shari...

Dear Shar¡,

OK friend, I'm going to let you in on a pattern in my life. I have always gotten a rush out of splitting up couples. It's a huge turn on and takes up a lot of my social time up here in Gainesville. I love to become friends with a girl who is in a relationship and then mentally, or sometimes physically, convince them that their man is worthless. I've done this so many times in the past few years it's not really funny.

I'll go in and just start talking to a girl making them believe I only want to be friends. I have always had good advice and am a good listener so the girls will tell me all of their problems without much convincing. I then start pointing out all of the bad aspects of the relationship while hiding the fact of what I am really trying to do. I never toot my own horn and try to make myself look better than the guy. I let the girl realize how right I am on her own and a lot of the times the girl will fall for me on her own. It's a lot of fun and I have become quite good at it.

I have quite a few impressive victories under my belt. There was a girl named Melissa my first year up here who was about four years older than me. She had been dating this guy very seriously for over three years and had just started having trouble when I met her. The girl was gorgeous and was getting ready to go to Yale on full scholarship! I felt like she was way out of my league but I was very eager to take the challenge. It took me a month but the rewards were cool and quite a few people were surprised that I accomplished that one.

There was this guy named Clint at Busch Gardens over the summer and we were pretty good friends. Christina knows him. Clit's gorgeous little girlfriend Sarah dropped by to see him at work one day and the fool introduced her to me. I immediately picked up on her and started ragging on him right in front of him. I did it in a way that he didn't really catch on and was laughing along with us. Nobody ever said he was smart. I then went on break and walked her out and gave her my phone number. The very next night I received my call and started convincing her to axe Clit it happened very easily. It was almost so easy that the fun was taken away along with the excitement. It also helped that I had just met you. Anyway Sarah wants to be a dentist and wanted to see Gainesville so she is the one I told you came up the weekend after you were here. Her two friends told me that all she kept saying on the drive up was how she was going to rape me when she got here. Unfortunately for her I was in love with you and for some reason didn't want a thing to do with her. She left very pissed and I didn't talk to her again until long after you an I broke up.

Leigh Anne... I finally told the neighbor why I had gone out with her a couple of days before Spring break. It was only because I had just been hurt by you and needed a close and convenient way to keep my mind off you so I wouldn't get depressed because exams were coming up. She was pissed. She was stupid though because she knew how much I cared about you because I used to talk to her about you almost every day when you and I were going out. And then she suddenly thought that I liked her only a week after you dumped me??? There's a nut for you! Back to subject. Not only was Leigh Anne close and convenient, but she had a boyfriend who lived with her in the dorm!!! there argued a lot and she used to slam the door and sit in the hallway. On one occasion I took her in a gave her a massage and almost fucked her the first night. You know what a good massage can do to someone, and hers was only about half of what you used to let me give you. Well, four days later, her boyfriend was gone and I was in......... IN HELL!!! But that's another story and you know it I think.

You have been the only girl that I have dated since eighth grade who didn't have a boyfriend when I fell for them. Or at least I don't think you did, you never seem to tell me these things (JEFF!!!!!).For some reason I think your looks made me think you were too good for me at the start and that set up the challenge. Once I got to know you I fell for you. I still can't tell you why I fell as much as I did and that's something I really wonder about a lot. It feels like I'll never find someone else that I will feel that strongly about which is why I still haven't entirely let go five months later. I think I'll always save a little place in my heart for you that would swallow you up if you ever give it the chance and will never allow me to hate you no matter what you do or say to me. That's also why I asked if you had gotten YOUR ring back. Even if I eventually get it back, I will always associate it with you and will never let another w

Back to topic. There was this girl named Abby in high school who "fell in love" with me after being friends with me for six months. She just told me this Wednesday night over Spring break but I had figured it out in high school. The girl used to skip her classes at the end of my senior year and come to mine and give me back massages!!! It was the funniest thing. I never was interested in her but I kept her around because she was useful. She finally figured this out and started dating some guy. When I came back from Gainesville that following Thanksgiving I figured their relationship had grown strong enough so I started picking it apart. I was screwing her in the ocean at Sand Key and at a park later that same night. We had sex one other time at Christmas but we called it off because I was too far away and her boyfriend was starting to get suspicious.

The bad part is, almost every one of my relationships have ended because one of the two people move away and we then couldn't handle the long distance. Most of the time it was me who was doing the leaving and it seems like every time I have to leave again, there is someone new I'll have to hurt in the process. I left my best friend Kim the first year and we would have ended up together had I not left. We have been friends now for a very long time and have decided that it is better left at just friends as not to take the chance of ruining our friendship.

I never felt more guilty in my life than the night I left you on your doorstep as I left for college. I was leaving one of the best things that had ever happened in my life and knew deep in my heart that leaving would cause the end of us. I just never had any one person that could make me so happy by just being with them. You wouldn't believe the relief I felt when you wrote that first letter telling me how you felt and I will never regret what happened as a result of that. But I still left, and that once again ruined something perfect in my life. Bummer.

AND NOW FOR THE POINT!!!!! I bet you didn't think there was one! You asked me on the phone if it upsets me when you talk about Jeff, and you have made some other references to that before. My life revolves around listening to girls talk about their lovers as you have seen so far. I want to know what is going on and I want to hear it from you, not from Christina. That way I can rise to the challenge and know who I am up against!!! (smile) That's also a part of being friends. I don't want to hear the edited version of your life just because you think I might get upset about something. That's bullshit! I am truly interested in everything that goes on in your life and more importantly I want to hear it from you, even if it's about the guy you're dating or whatever.

As for wanting you. Christina said that you told her that I don't understand that you just want us to be friends. That's fine with me, but until I hear it from YOUR mouth I will assume nothing. I view you as a prospect. A special prospect because we are already friends, but that's not my point. I will try to hit on you as much as any other girl I like, despite what has happened to us in the past. The present is the only thing that matters and I view you as a woman who is truly worth the time and effort. You also have a lover.... how exciting!!!!! J/K!!! I've started over concerning you and want to see where life will take me in that respect. If I am wrong in thinking this way, tell me so, if not, then tell me so...

We talked about this on the phone, but..... I just hope you aren't too mad at me for my bargaining over money with you for your Daytona trip. I just wanted to see how you would react when you would have to give up something important (Jeff's ring or sex to me). You held your ground and I was very impressed and gained a higher respect for you that I had never felt before. Perhaps you really do have a moral or two buried in that gorgeous little head of yours. J/K!!! Either that or you just find me so repulsive that sex is entirely out of the picture.

Had you said yes, I would have gone as far as gotten you undressed and turned on. I then planned on dropping the money on your chest or back and then I would have walked out... very disappointed. Also, there used to be a time when you knew me well enough to know I feel about sex. It's important but never important enough to ruin a friendship (or whatever we have) over. That's why I've done so so sparingly in my life. Sadly I blew all of my morals when I kept having sex with Leigh Anne. My only reason at the time was to be able to better please you if we ever got back together. I realize how much like bullshit that may sound, but it's really not... One final thing, I just wanted to thank you for what you did and didn't choose to do with me while I was down here. However, the shower wasn't as HOT as they used to be..... (frown).

Write me soon, if this doesn't warrant a response, I give up on figuring out what does! Take care sweetheart... and smoke a big one for me!

Wednesday, March 2, 1994

March 2, 1994 - Tuesday - Ashley's back!, Courtesy

I must say that March is well on its way to becoming a very exciting and eventful month. It began with a rekindling of activity between my old friend Ashley and me. She called me last night at about nine. I had an exam this morning in medical history that I had read for periodically over the weekend. I felt somewhat confidant, actually I felt really weird like I didn't know whether or not I cared that I had a midterm the next morning. I figure that I am usually so use to having to cram that actually knowing the stuff in advance baffled me. Anyway, I started cooking spaghetti early which takes forever and had just finished washing the dishes when Ashley called. What perfect timing!!!

She has a big test coming up in religion this week and said that she just can't study in her room with all of her roommates there. She asked me if I needed to study and whether or not I wanted to go study somewhere with her. Of course I did and jumped on the opportunity to study her alone in Turlington. Whoops! I meant study with her in Turlington! My bad! All of this right after Edward decreed that I should trim my hair and shave and try to start impressing Ashley because she'd be worth it. Of course my intentions are almost fully friendly but I leave little room for the unknown in Ashley's case.

We talked every once in a while about our relationships and I was coming up with some wonderful analyses of the problems in her relationship. We talked about Shar¡ and I as well and she made comments relating Ashley and my feelings towards each of our "lovers" as being very similar. We agreed how our emotions are both controlled by every whim that our significant others make. We fooled around quite a bit as well as I looked through my calendar and showed her things about Shar¡. She filled in a note on her birthday which I have already memorized and plan on doing something special for her. She also complained that I didn't have her middle name written down and told me that it is Michelle.

During one of our later breaks I think we were flirting just a little bit. She got up and was writing stuff on the chalkboard. She wrote "Hi Dan!" in big bubble letters and I joked that he probably won't get the message from where he is. She pouted very cutely and erased the exclamation mark and wrote my last initial. It was funny. She then erased that and wrote "I LOVE" and I looked at her as she paused and thought out an appropriate finish. She ended up drawing a giant question mark which really made me happy and relieved. We joked around and talked all of the way home and promised each other we'd study again tonight. I finished my test this morning somewhat confident of the material and bullshit mixture I spit out. As I was walking home Ashley's Jana walked up behind me and we walked home and talked. We both told each other that we had just finished an exam at the same time and we laughed about the jinx. We were talking about her and Jamee's wedding plans on May 28th after I let her know that I indeed knew about their existence. We had a rather good talk and I was glad.

That reminds me of my call to Ashley last Friday. During one part Laura got nosy and Ashley fooled her into thinking I was the other Daniel for a minute. We then were talking about Shar¡ for a second and I heard Laura ask if I was going out with that girl again. I said what does it matter to her because she would have never gone out with me in the first place. Ashley repeated the message to which Laura replied that I never asked!!! Oh well, I don't regret my choice in Shar¡ at all.

I rather enjoyed myself in lab today as my teacher handed back our unknown analysis schemes. I almost immediately filled out my form to do my unknown and he asked if I had any comments on my scheme and then he realized his error and said that I know what I am doing and sent me on my way. I did really well and was happy. I had a really good time observing Shar¡'s blond twin, especially her backside.

After dinner I napped for about fifteen minutes when the phone rang. I fully expected Ashley and was fantastically relieved to hear Shar¡'s beautiful relaxing voice on the other end!!! I had won my own mental battle!!! I had waited her out and let her call back without giving in to the extreme temptation to call her. I fully set myself up for the letdown in case she didn't after it seemed like she wasn't too thrilled to talk to me on Saturday and how usually she only called after being incited by me. I blabbed most of the time about stuff I have done lately and we joked around a little bit. I asked her which picture she wanted me to send in my letter and she said the one of me and Ashley because she wants to see what her competition looks like up here. It was funny but it seems like spring break might actually work........ No jinx please!!!!!

Ashley called during my conversation and I headed down to her room not long after Shar¡ and I hung up. I had started doubting Shar¡ a little today and was finding I might actually be able to live with that decision and she somehow knew to call at the perfect time. I was willing to go full out and tell Ashley all of my doubts about Shar¡ until a lot of them were erased by her call. I was so glad though that she called then and actually caught me at home so the waiting would be over and I wouldn't be worrying about it all night instead of studying. I actually studied for my chemistry exam which isn't until the Monday after spring break but I am being smart this time and am planning far in advance. I even told Shar¡ what I was doing.

I sat and chatted with all of her roommates for a little while and Jana went and showed me her town's newspaper announcement of her and Jamee's wedding plans. I brought Ashley a big article from the Tampa Tribune about the Phantom of the Opera which she really loves. Laura frowned that I didn't bring her anything. Ashley and I soon headed out. She always goes to the wrong door and I told her that she always undoes my attempts at getting the door for her. Once realizing she had she apologized and was better about that all night.

We were talking later about how I would fully expect to pick her up and walk her home next year if we study together, and said it's common courtesy. She stopped and said that it's just been such a long time since anybody has been courteous to her. I made the comment that it was the same for Shar¡ and that's why she's coming back for more. That was really sweet though what she said.